Lights, Camera, Action!

That Summer at The Seahorse Hotel

That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel

Adrienne Vaughan






Lights, Camera, Action: ‘Addicted to theatre and film’

Open Adrienne Vaughan’s That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel to enter the world of Hollywood glamour.  Allow the camera to reveal a bird’s eye view of the enchanting Irish coast. Observe the long shot of the ‘regal and resplendent’ Georgian mansion.  Pan across to the sea lapping, like a temptress, on the shore.  Dissolve to the medium closeup of a red-haired beauty sitting at the water’s edge like a mermaid.  Cut to the hero and fade…  Don’t worry if you can’t imagine these scenes, just let Adrienne Vaughan’s words roll into your imagination and paint the picture for you. Let this author enchant you with the setting and enigmatic characters as she adds colour.

‘ “Is it a mermaid?” the little girl whispered.”’

Enjoy the sight of ‘the sun dripping over the horizon as the night’s velvet promise smeared the purple sky.’  As you visualise the scene, you will be intrigued by the hidden secrets.  For instance, who is Mia’s father, and how does this relate to the lyrical prologue at the beginning of the narrative?  Mysteries linked to the characters’ lives and the history of the place are cleverly interwoven into the fabric of the narrative.

Fairy godfather ‘resplendent in vintage smoking jacket and silk cravat’

Like a skilled seamstress, Adrienne Vaughan has sewn the narrative together.  But, everything is held together by the wonderfully flamboyant Archie, a Hollywood screen legend.  Before dying, Archie, the fairy godfather, weaves his magic and leaves threads of happiness for the characters in the story. Oh, how I adore Archie’s philosophy of life!  He is ‘teasingly playful and lethal at the same time’ – he even knows how manipulate destiny.  He has enjoyed a decadent lifestyle at Galty Manor, but he has shared it with the people he loves – and made them all his forever family.  And his home is a haven for lost souls.  He knows how to make everyone feel better, including the actress, Fenella, who has ‘beauty and brains’.  For Archie, ‘Champagne makes everything better.’ Fenella and Trixie concur that ‘a girl needs champagne, vitamin C and good mates’ when Mia is heartbroken.

Is Archie Mia’s father?  This question bubbles throughout the novel.  Such is the charm of Archie that one wills him to be the father. Mia is tormented by the same question.  Archie sets up meetings designed to make Mia evaluate on her own life. Archie compares ten year old Pearl to the younger Mia and says the child is ‘amazing’.   Mia reflects ‘when do you grow out of being amazing’.  It would seem Archie orchestrates encounters and experiences to help his precious loved ones to remember who they are.  Indeed, he writes his own plays and seems to be determined to influence the events in his loved one’s lives.  I loved this hint of magic and the essence of fairy-tale running cleverly through the novel.  The novel examines the concept of family and the way others can play a significant role in a person’s life. There is a heart-warming message threaded throughout the characters’ turmoil.

Just like on the silver screen, this novel celebrates the ‘power of dreams’.  Take several leading ladies, a mermaid Cinderella and a fairy godfather.  Let the dreams take you to the magical coast of Ireland where the ocean displays ‘a myriad of colours sparkling and inviting’. But, be prepared for tales of ‘a dark stormy night’ and some dark events. This story will beguile you, as it pulls you into the drama and mystery where ‘black clouds of angry clouds split across the orange sky’. You may not want to leave ‘the busy, happy house’ unless you wander down to the summerhouse or take a trip on Archie’s yacht. You are sure to find ‘a perfect day for memory making’ when you visit the glorious house and setting.  Sadly, Archie will exit centre stage, at some stage; happily, he will have a plan for the loved ones waiting in the wings. But who will inherit his fortune and will his sister live happily ever after? What does Sister Agnes know about the past? Long after you have finished this novel, and the credits roll, you will be thinking about the magic of this story and its layers of meaning, behind the scenes.

Adrienne Vaughan

More about Adrienne Vaughan

Adrienne Vaughan has been making up stories since she could speak; primarily to entertain her sister Reta, who from a very early age never allowed a plot or character to be repeated – tough gig!
As soon as she could pick up a pen, she started writing them down. No surprise she wanted to be a journalist; ideally the editor of a glossy music and fashion magazine, so she could meet and marry a rock star – some of that came true! And in common with so many, she still holds the burning ambition to be a ‘Bond Girl’.

You can also meet Adrienne in my Chat Room.

You can contact Adrienne Vaughan at:
Facebook: Adrienne Vaughan
List of novels written:
The Hollow Heart
A Change of Heart
Secrets of the Heart
Fur Coat & No Knickers (Short story collection)


Please see all my reviews at Books In Handbag and my website and blog at


The Tenacity of Lesley Field and her Writing Journey

Lesley Field posting her letter

Discovering an author’s writing journey always intrigues me.  I met inspirational Lesley Field at the Romance Novelists Association Tea. Lesley gave me the courage to pursue another adventure for my own characters. It is an honour to present Lesley’s story.

Every journey starts somewhere and mine started with a cup of tea, a magazine and a short story I’d just read. I thought, I could do that.

I had the pleasure of meeting Lesley Field at the RNA Tea.

A short while later I came up with a story-line, sat down at the laptop and started to write. It was supposed to be a short story but it soon became more. In May I was in our local Smith’s and there was a lady doing a book signing. I hovered, as one does, and eventually plucked up the courage to approach. She asked if I wrote so I told her about the book I had finished and submitted to Mills and Boon. I asked if this was her first book, she kindly told me no, it was her 18th. That was my foot in mouth moment. It turned out the lady was Val Wood, Hull’s answer to Catherine Cookson. She gave me a lot of lovely tips and said to let her know how matters progressed. A rejection came from Mills and Boon, I had no idea of what publishers required back then. I e-mailed Val Wood to let her know. She told me not to give up and to keep submitting.

Val Wood gave me a lot of lovely tips and said to let her know how matters progressed.

About 6 weeks later I received an e-mail from Val inviting me to attend the next meeting of her Romantic Novelists Association Chapter, The Flying Ducks. I learned about the New Writers Scheme (NWS) and managed to get on this in January 2013. By this time I had written a further contemporary novel, so submitted this for critique. When the critique arrived I thought, well this is it. If they say its rubbish I know I can’t write. But they didn’t. I had a very good critique, and the reader commented I had the tenacity to succeed.

So, I could write contemporary, but could I write historical? I sat down and had a go. I submitted that book to MuseItUp publishing and in 2014 received a contract from them. That novel, “Dangerous Entrapment,” was shortlisted for Historical Novel of the year 2016 by the RNA.

Saunders-Lies and Deception is set in Banff in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

You may wonder what happened to the first novel I wrote in 2012. Well, in 2013, while on a coach tour in America, the plotline for a sequel to that book came to me. In fact it wouldn’t leave me alone. So I wrote that. Then a third plot line came along. I now had three books in a series, which is my Saunders series. The first book, “Saunders Lies and Deception,” was published in May 2018.

With 4 books published and 4 more contracted, my journey continues…


Lesley Field is an award nominated author of Romantic Novels and should not be confused with any other writer of the same name.
Lesley lives in North Yorkshire, often described as “God’s own county.” Before retiring she spent her working life pursuing personal injury claims. Now at a time when she should be thinking of early nights and cocoa, she finds herself writing somewhat “hot” novels. Her first published novel “Dangerous Entrapment” was her first historical novel. She also writes contemporary novels which are usually based in Canada, which she calls her “heart home.” Having achieved publication so soon after starting to write she hopes that, “Dangerous Entrapment,”(1st book in the Duchess in Danger series) is just the beginning.

About Lies and Deception

This is the background for “Saunders-Lies and Deception” and the adventure that inspired the writing journey

Set in Banff in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A magical place in the winter and a hub for tourists in the summer. Come and meet the Saunders family. With prestige and money you would think they had everything, but a dark secret lies hidden, a secret that is about to be uncovered, and the lies and deception will change the family forever. Follow Sarah and Jeff’s journey in Book 1. Sarah had everything, a handsome loving husband, a young son, then suddenly it was all snatched away. Defeated by outside forces, she made a new life for herself. But never forgot the life she once had. Risking everything if she was discovered, she returned to Canada, and crept back into Banff like a thief in the night. The last person Jeff thought to see was Sarah, but walking down the aisle at his son’s wedding, he saw the one person he had never expected to see again. When his eyes met hers shock quickly turned to anger. Tracking her down was easy, then he had one question. Why? The answer was not what he expected, nor one that he could believe. Or could he? He was everything she once wanted, and he gave her everything she needed. Except one thing, trust. Could she believe what he said now? Could she risk being hurt again? Can the lies and deception be overcome? Book 1 in the Saunders Series, “Saunders-Lies and Deception.”


Please see all my guests’ posts at Mail from the Creative Community and my website and blog at

Celebrating a slice of Italian history in my handbag

Angela Petch is an author of historical fiction, and she has written two wonderful novels set in Tuscany.  I completely lost myself in both novels. ‘Tuscan Roots’ and ‘Now and Then in Tuscany’ are based on her research into her husband’s family and his family’s region.  Angela and her husband live in Tuscany for six months of the year, thus her novels are written in the heart of the setting and culture. Angela’s intelligent and vivid style of writing is perfectly balanced with cultural and historical information. 

The ebooks of ‘Tuscan Roots’ and ‘Now and Then in Tuscany’ have been snapped up by Endeavour Press.  Angela has published short stories in People’s Friend and PRIMA magazine, and she won the Ip-Art short story award in 2008.

I simply adore Angela’s books and feel as if I have discovered a writer whose work will become classics.  I asked her to introduce the extract of ‘Tuscan Roots’ to prevent me from waxing lyrical for pages and pages. 

Cari lettori (Dear Readers),

It is 1944 and in a remote corner of German-occupied, war torn Italy. Ines, an eighteen year old Italian country girl is helping the partisans hide an escaped British POW. Meeting this young man will change her life forever.

There are two time threads weaving through “Tuscan Roots” and this extract from the story set in the past introduces Ines and Norman – two main protagonists. The diary extract is being read by her daughter, years later.



Presenting the extract:

“Rofelle, September 8th 1944

The inglese was still asleep on the planks above the cows. The nights were chilly and the animal warmth and dry hay made a comfortable bedroom – much better than mine. I have to share with nonna and she kicks and tosses at night. She snores like the pig we used to fatten for Christmas. There have been no pigs this year. The Germans have ‘requisitioned’ ours and everybody else’s in the area. ‘Pigs eating pigs,’ we muttered amongst ourselves.

Signore,’ I whispered.

There was no response. His face was long and pale, blond curls fell over his forehead which was bound with a dirty cloth. Blood had oozed and crusted onto the material. He was like a big baby.

Signore!’ I said it louder this time. There was still no response. I put the bowl of pasta down and gently shook him.

He opened his eyes, shouted and grabbed me round the neck. I pummelled him with my fists, I could hardly breathe. ‘Let me go, leave me alone!’ I shouted.

And then he recognised where he was and dropped his hands from round my neck. ‘Scusi, scusi. Sorry, signorina.

‘You nearly knocked over the food.’

I was shaking and rubbed my neck. His grip had hurt me. The cows below seemed to sense something was wrong and they mooed and stamped their hooves.

(Extracted from Ines’ diary. Chapter 10 “Tuscan Roots”)

More words about the book from Angela:

Tuscan Roots’ is a story of two women living in two different times. In 1943, in occupied Italy, Ines Santini’s sheltered existence is turned upside down when she meets Norman, an escaped British POW. In 1999, Anna Swill and, their daughter, starts to unravel accounts from assorted documents left to her after her mother’s death. She travels to the beautiful Tuscan Apennines, where the story unfolds. In researching her parents’ past, she will discover secrets about war, her parents and herself, which will change her life forever…

What do the reviewers say about ‘Tuscan Roots’?

It is indeed noteworthy that the ‘Tuscan Roots’ has received over fifty reviews!

“A wonderful read – it is a great combination of a true account and fiction that I truly couldn’t put down” (Elizabeth Pepper – Amazon) ;

Tuscan Roots is so much more than a literary take on ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ with its credibly fleshed-out characters, glimpses of life in war-weary occupied territory and dreary post-war London and a plot that keeps you on your toes but is never too convoluted – it’s a love letter to Tuscany.” – Ingenue Magazine. ;

“The way Angela has managed to capture in great detail the amazing natural beauty of this area and the culture of the Tuscan people is incredible.” Amazon Reviewer.

“If you love Italy, you will love this book. If you love history, this novel will show you an aspect of WW2 you may well not have encountered before. Angela Petch brings Tuscany to life; the customs, the people – you can taste the food, smell the wild flowers, see the scenery.” Amazon reviewer

Angela is a natural writer and describes herself as a ‘little bit nosey and always looking for stories’.  This piqued my interest and made me wonder how she had managed to weave such a beautiful story.

The inspiration behind ‘Tuscan Roots: A tangle of love and war in the Italian Apennines’

Tuscan Roots’ is my first novel and I wrote it for my lovely Italian mother-in-law who was ill at the time. She helped me with so many stories from her own life and allowed me to use them. I hasten to add that, although much of the book is factual and based on research, some of the story is fiction.  I missed the characters and so I wrote a sequel so I could mix with them again. Some of the main characters make a reappearance in “Now and Then in Tuscany” and …I am currently working on the third part of my Tuscan trilogy and the younger characters will tell their stories in this.

I cannot wait for the third novel in this series!

See my review of Tuscan Roots.

Angela’s contact detail:


Please see all my extracts at Book Extracts and my blog at


Jan Brigden’s ‘As Weekends Go’ is Calorie Free Indulgence

Jan Brigden writes in a lively, witty style and captures her characters beautifully.

Jan Brigden’s ‘As Weekends Go’ is a great escape. Visiting a hotel described as ‘a vast stretch of grandeur’ is a perfect destination.  I had the pleasure of meeting Rebecca whose life is turned upside down when she receives an invitation from her friend.

I had a great time with cast of characters during a visit to Hawsley Manor, York.  Brigden writes in a lively, witty style and captures her characters beautifully.  She skilfully incorporates four perspectives in order to build the tension to fever pitch.  I wanted to join Abi and Rebecca on their weekend retreat.  I loved the way Bridgen draws these characters and represents the heart of their friendship. The lively exchanges between these Rebecca and Abi makes you feel as if you are sitting there joining in the conversation.  Similarly, the dialogue during scenes of smouldering tension or conflict is outstanding.  This novel would make a great film.  I have just discovered it is an audio book and would be ideal for this medium.

Could this be an inspiration for Hawsley Manor?

I must also praise Jan Brigden for the way she presents the male characters and explores their perspective.   The contrast between the arrogant, ambitious Greg and calm, considerate Alex is perfect.   The book had me shouting at the horrible characters and racing towards the outcome.  Challenging the stereotype of the celebrity footballer is a clever idea.

I laughed at portrayal of characters.  You will meet ‘the suited gorilla’, ‘Doberman’, the woman ‘with a face you could chop wood on’.  An there’s Martina who ‘hijacked’ Alex, then ‘cross examined him resting her boobs on a side plate’ in the restaurant.  The thread of comic observation adds to the fast pace of the novel.

Rebecca and Abbi escape to York for the weekend

I enjoy a positive, upbeat message in a novel: love, friendship and honesty are key qualities throughout the novel.  As a reader, one is loyal and supportive of Rebecca until the very end.  And ‘if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be’ and will happen.  Brigden shows that we gain strength and warmth from friends and families and hungry ambition needs to be fed to the wolves.

Reading ‘As Weekends Go’ is like indulging in a luxurious bar of chocolate without the calories.  ‘As Weekends Go’ is a perfect must read for the weekend.

Meet the author

More About Jan Bridgen

Jan lives in South East London with her husband and motley crew of cuddly toys. Jan’s written for pleasure from a young age; short stories for classmates, odes for workmates, fun quizzes for family and friends, progressing to her first novel, the idea for which sprang from a script she composed as part of a creative writing course assignment via The Writers Bureau. Following much secret plotting, research and feigning of passion for the customer accounts she was supposed to be reconciling during the day job, the chance finally arose to put pen to paper.

After attending many author talks, literary events, and connecting with writers and readers on Facebook and Twitter, Jan learned of and joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association New Writers’ Scheme.

Jan’s debut novel As Weekends Go subsequently won the 2014/2015 Choc Lit and Whole Story Audiobooks Search for a Star Competition , which led to a publishing contract with Choc Lit.

An avid reader and all round book devotee, Jan is also one eighth of online group blog The Romaniacs who proudly received the RNA Industry Media Star Award and even got a mention in The Bookseller.


Please see all my reviews at Books In Handbag and my website and blog at

My novel is available here.

Lizzie Lamb’s Thoroughly Modern Romance

Reading Lizzie Lamb’s novel is akin to battling with a stubborn, smouldering fire. But, oh- the sparks, the danger and the thrill. Well done, Lizzie Lamb! DANGER FIREWORKS!

‘Two households both alike in dignity, in fair’ Door County ‘where we lay our scene / Two star-crossed lovers take their lives’ into their own hands when they meet. DANGER FIREWORKS!

‘Cool, assured India Jane Buchanan’ meets ‘a man used to having his own way.’ Logan Macfarlane looks at her ‘with such calculation’ but can he charm this lady from the Buchanan clan?  ‘What ever India Jane Buchanan set her mind to she usually achieved.’  As the ‘ancient grudge breaks to new mutiny’; get ready for a firework display in Wisconsin. Like Cathy, in Wuthering Heights she discovers something ‘wild and untamed’ about Logan.  This is a modern take on the star-crossed lovers meets Jane Austen, Bronte and sassy Jilly Cooper.  This book is best served with ice to cool down the ‘pyrotechnics’ between the feisty characters.

Escape to this glorious setting with the ‘star-crossed’ lovers

Like the Capulets and Montagues, there is a family feud between the Macfarlanes and Buchanans but be prepared for the independent spirit and opportunity seeking characters.  The historical context of the feud adds depth to the narrative.  I adore the way in which relationships from different generations are presented.  I believe our character traits are inherited and run through the generations.  The ‘couple of rogues’ who were India and Logan’s ancestors gave them the fighting spirit and the privilege.

Visit a penthouse in Chicago. I am in awe of Lizzie’s ability to bring the characters to life while carrying the reader into the heart of the conflict.

Lamb cleverly establishes the sexual tension.  This is a book with a strong female and male heroine and I loved it.  The dialogue is sheer brilliance.  I am in awe of Lizzie’s ability to bring the characters to life while carrying the reader into the heart of the conflict.  This is clever writing! Throughout this lively, controlled and confident style, I can sense the author luxuriating in the narrative, setting and characters.  How wonderful to escape to a condominium and boutique B&B with such sparky characters.

As I speeded along with the narrative, I laughed throughout.  Only a seasoned comedy writer can deliver a smart comedy with such finesse.  For instance, at a time when India does almost succumb she explains that ‘she was swooning in the sun like some Jane Austen heroine.  Glancing down, she was relieved to see her bosom wasn’t heaving in the prescribed manner.’ Hilarious modern take on this.

Besides the humour and fast-past exchanges, there are also tender moments between the characters.

Besides the humour and fast-past exchanges, there are also tender moments between the characters.  Although wealthy, both characters have suffered from emotional deficits from their parents and this is explored.  Lamb explores the background of her characters and I enjoyed getting to know them.  Presentation of both characters’ perspectives enhances the texture of the novel.  Wisdom from the older characters also presents a spotlight on love and experience. Logan’s grandfather says, ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’, and the fast pace of the novel explores this.

This is a thoroughly modern romance populated with independent, strong characters.  Logan has got ‘chutzpah’ but has been warned about Buchanan women.  So – call the fire brigade!  Reading Lizzie Lamb’s novel is akin to battling with a stubborn, smouldering fire. But, oh- the sparks, the danger and the thrill. Well done, Lizzie Lamb!


Words in italics are remembered from my O Level studies of Romeo and Juliet’s prologue.

This is clever writing!

About Take Me, I’m Yours

India Buchanan plans to set up an English-Style bed and breakfast establishment in her great-aunt’s home, MacFarlane Landing, Wisconsin. But she’s reckoned without opposition from Logan MacFarlane whose family once owned her aunt’s house and now want it back. MacFarlane is in no mood to be denied. His grandfather’s living on borrowed time and Logan has vowed to ensure the old man sees out his days in their former home. India’s great-aunt has other ideas and has threatened to burn the house to the ground before she lets a MacFarlane set foot in it. There’s a story here. One the family elders aren’t prepared to share. When India finds herself in Logan’s debt, her feelings towards him change. However, the past casts a long shadow and events conspire to deny them the love and happiness they both deserve. Can India and Logan’s love overcome all odds? Or is history about to repeat itself?

About Lizzie:

After teaching her 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, Lizzie decided to pursue her first love: writing. She joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme, wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted (2012), quickly followed by Boot Camp Bride. Although much of her time is taken promoting her novels she published Scotch on the Rocks, which achieved Best Seller status within two weeks of appearing on Amazon. Her next novel, Girl in the Castle, reached #3 in the Amazon charts. Lizzie is a founder member of indie publishing group – New Romantics Press, and has co-hosted author events at Aspinall, St Pancras and Waterstones, Kensington, talking about writing and the research which underpins her novels. Lizzie’s latest romance Take Me, I’m Yours is set in Wisconsin, a part of the USA which she adores. She has further Scottish-themed romances planned and this summer will tour the Scottish Highlands in her caravan researching men in kilts. What’s not to like? As for the years she spent as a teacher, they haven’t quite gone to waste as she is building up a reputation as a go-to speaker on indie publishing, and how to plan, write, and publish a debut novel. Lizzie lives in Leicestershire (UK) with her husband, David.


Please see all my book reviews at Books in Handbag and my website and blog at


Raising a Glass to Readers with Lynda Stacey

I received a warm welcome from Lynda at Merchant Taylors’ Hall, York

It was worth negotiating the perilous, narrow streets of York, in my oversized car, to meet with lovely Lynda Stacey.  At the Merchant Taylors’ Hall, Lynda greeted me with a warm smile.  When I mentioned Books in my Handbag, she beamed at me.  We stood next to the glowing warm fire to chat about Lynda’s new novel.  Lynda has a special place in my heart, as she is one of the very first authors to present a book in a handbag at the beginning of my journey.

Jessie:  What a pleasure to finally meet with you, Lynda.  Your dress looks stunning.  Thanks so much for inviting me, a humble blogger and indie author, to the RNA Tea

Lynda: Jessie you’re so very welcome, and I hope you’ll feel at home.  We started this event three years ago to ensure there was an RNA event in the North.  I really wanted to create a friendly, informal event where everyone could get together, catch up and have some lovely food.   Before we begin, here’s a glass of wine.  I’d like to raise a toast to my lovely readers.

Lynda Stacey’s The Fake Date

Jessie:  A little tweet tells me you just released your new novel, Fake Date.  It’s a dramatic title.  What’s the novel about?

Lynda: Ella finds herself beaten and broken, yet somehow, she finds the strength to survive. Determined to put the past behind her, she vows to find the person responsible for hurting her, no matter how difficult that might be, but during the novel she meets Will Taylor, an editor for a rival newspaper. He’s moved into the house next door and Ella finds herself becoming more and more attached to her cheeky neighbour, while all the time searching for the person who attacked her.

Jessie:  It sounds like a gripping and powerful novel. Your books are grip lit and seem to be love with a gritty edge.  Why do you write in this genre?

Lynda : I love the gritty side of things. I really don’t think that everyone has a straight forward, lovely life and I’m positive that there’s always someone out there trying to ruin your day…. And okay, I don’t think most people live with serial killers, or people who are trying to murder them, but I do think it happens and I do think it gives the book the gritty edge that I love.

Linda raises a glass to all the lovely people who have bought her book. Cheers!

Jessie:  How have the reviewers responded to your latest book?

Lynda:  I have been absolutely blown away with the reviews.  Anne has just stopped me to tell me she liked the book, I could seriously bounce around the room with happiness.  Reviews like this mean so much to me – she is such a well-respected blogger and her opinion means such a lot.

‘I’ve read and enjoyed all the books Lynda Stacey has written, but this really is the one I’ve been waiting for – the one I always believed she could write.’
Welsh Annie

‘This is a great psychological thriller and one where I thought I knew what was going on and then the plot thickens, and I started doubting myself! I would thoroughly recommend this book as it certainly keeps you on your toes from start to finish!’ Boons Book Case

‘From the start to the end I was gripped, in fact I couldn’t put the book down and read it in a day.’ Mrs C Isle

Jessie:  What great reviews, Lynda.  Now, I’m intrigued.  Can you read me an extract?

Nine hours and eleven minutes …

That’s how long it’s been since Ella Hope was beaten and left for dead. She lies, unable to move and praying for somebody to find her, as she counts down the minutes and wonders who could have hated her so much to have hurt her so badly.

 Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?

I always go through a roller-coaster of emotions. I’m relieved that I finally got to the end, and albeit they’ll always be with me, I get a little disappointed that my characters won’t be a part of my daily life anymore.

Jessie:  I know exactly what you mean.  I missed my characters, but they’ve started to hassle me with other tales. I’m ignoring them for now.  Who would you like to read your book and why?  This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family.

Lynda: I’d love for my mum to read my books. We lost her quite several years ago, but I’m just certain that she’d have been my biggest fan.

Jessie: It’s such a shame your mum didn’t get to enjoy your books.  Did she know you intended to write them, and what do you think she’d say about your books?

Lynda: She’d always been aware that becoming an author was a dream for me. She was the one that had to sit and listen to the sound of my typewriter tapping away for hours and hours and now that I am published, she’d most probably drive everyone nuts by continually talking about the books.

Jessie: Why should I keep your book in my handbag?

Because it has a really pretty cover lol..! Besides, I’d like to think that you’d need to keep it close by, purely because you wanted to keep reading until it was finished.

Jessie:  That’s a great response and you know how to tempt me with a book. What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?

I don’t tend to keep a notebook. But if I did, it would probably say, ‘Go back to the beginning of the story and double check all your research’

Jessie:  Have you started to write the next book?  If yes, are there any words you can share with us.  I won’t tell anyone.

Lynda: My next novel is based in my home town of Doncaster and has the backdrop of the famous Sand House. A house that had been carved out of sandstone in the late 1800’s. But it wasn’t the house that people were most interested in, it was the catacombs that were carved and led off from the house. The tunnels were vast and had the most intricate of carvings which are now ‘in reality’ lost forever. But being a Doncaster girl, I want to preserve their memory, bring them back… and allow the world to see The Elephant and his Mahout, the most famous of the carvings.

This is the office that I insisted on having. I needed one. I had to have one and I got one at considerable expense. And now… now I still sit outside in the sun, or on the corner of the settee with the laptop on my knee. Ooops x

Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?

Lynda: My biggest challenge is to make the next book better than the last. I’m always striving to do better, to get more 5 star reviews and to ensure that the reader takes a great journey.

Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?

Lynda: To never give up writing. To keep going, even when times are tough and to believe in yourself. There are a lot of days when you could easily stop. But then, something happens, something lovely like an unexpected email from a reader, or just a lovely comment from another author. It’s on those days that you sit back, you smile, you take the advice, and you get to work.

Jessie:  How do you feel about being an author?

I’ve always loved getting lost in a story, my childhood was spent in libraries. So, to find myself writing my own books and getting consumed by my own stories, is like a dream come true. I never, ever thought I’d be in a position to call myself an author and still look at, stroke and smell my books with a look of disbelief all over my face.

Here’s Millie, (the puppy that Ella’s parents bring for her as a gift) In real-life she’s the puppy that belongs to my friend, Kathy. It was her cottage became the back drop to Ella’s home.

I received a warm welcome from Lynda and her modesty charmed me to download her novel.  The invitation to the RNA York Tea made me fall in love with the Romantic Novelists Association.  Like Lynda, the people I met were kind, generous and fun.

More about the Author:

Lynda grew up in the mining village of Bentley, Doncaster, in South Yorkshire. Her own chaotic life story, along with varied career choices helps Lynda to create stories of romantic suspense, with challenging and unpredictable plots, along with (as in all romances) very happy endings.  She now lives in a small hamlet, near Doncaster with her hero at home husband, Haydn.

Lynda’s contact details:
Twitter: @Lyndastacey
Facebook: Lynda Stacey Author


Please see all my authors’ interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at

Inside the Handbags of The Foyles Bookshop Girls

Elaine Roberts posting me a letter

As the Great War takes hold is there room for what lies ahead in The Foyles Bookshop Girls’ handbags? The Foyles Bookshop Girls is a story about love and friendships, which are tested as war grips the country. The girls, in age order, are Alice, Victoria and Molly and have been friends for most of their lives. When they invited me to peek inside each of their bags I was surprised at what I discovered.

Alice doesn’t overfill her bag, leaving a space in the corner for hope; hope that the men she loves will return safe and sound from the Great War.

Alice’s hand bag, a colourful tapestry, contained a comb, Kirby hairgrips, a small black purse, keys, a sewing kit, a lace trimmed handkerchief, a small black velvet box containing pearl earrings, nail scissors, a gold pen, the latest book she was reading and receipts for books that she’s purchased. Alice doesn’t overfill her bag, leaving a space in the corner for hope; hope that the men she loves will return safe and sound from the Great War.

Victoria’s bag is bursting at the seams with the responsibility of holding everything inside.

Victoria’s handbag is plain black and used to belong to her mother. The contents of her bag were a comb, keys, sewing kit, a plaster, a worn white cotton handkerchief with her initials embroidered in the corner, a well-thumbed second hand paperback book, some yellowed tickets, a dried flower pressed between two pieces of off white paper in an envelope with a photograph of a young man, a small torch, a shopping list with money off coupons, old receipts and a photograph of her parents. Victoria’s bag is bursting at the seams with the responsibility of holding everything inside. It has been crammed with everyday items and treasured belongings leaving no room for hope, faith or love.

Molly’s handbag contains things to make her feel better, to improve her, to try to rid her of the guilt that is hidden amongst the finery it holds.

Molly’s handbag is peacock blue with glass beads hanging down from it. Her bag contains silver bangles, a compact, a small pot of rouge, a white cotton handkerchief, a small glass bottle filled with perfume, loose hairclips and bands, a black coin purse, which has her notes screwed up and forced inside. A half eaten chocolate bar, a nail file, comb and a pad and pen. Molly’s handbag contains things to make her feel better, to improve her, to try to rid her of the guilt that is hidden amongst the finery it holds.

Elaine Roberts had a dream to write for a living.

Elaine’s guest post demonstrates she knows her characters inside out.  The characters’ handbags reveal so much about these characters and make me want to delve into their worlds. I can’t resist walking into a bookshop.  The Foyles Bookshop Girls is ‘a delightful story of friendship, love and hope during the dark days of WW1. Elaine Roberts is a bright new star in the world of sagas’
About Elaine

Elaine Roberts had a dream to write for a living. She completed her first novel in her twenties and received her first very nice rejection. Life then got in the way until circumstances made her re-evaluate her life, and she picked up her dream again in 2010. She joined a creative writing class, The Write Place, in 2012 and shortly afterwards had her first short story published. She was thrilled when many more followed and started to believe in herself.

As a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, progressing to full membership from the New Writers Scheme, and The Society of Women Writers & Journalists, Elaine attends many conferences, workshops, seminars and wonderful parties. Meeting other writers gives her encouragement, finding most face similar problems.

Elaine and her patient husband, Dave, have five children who have flown the nest. Home is in Dartford, Kent and is always busy with their children, grandchildren, grand dogs and cats visiting. Without her wonderful family and supportive friends, she knows the dream would never have been realised.


London, 1914: one ordinary day, three girls arrive for work at London’s renowned Foyles bookshop. But when war with Germany is declared their lives will never be the same again…

Alice has always been the ‘sensible’ one in her family – especially in comparison with her suffrage-supporting sister! But decidedly against her father’s wishes, she accepts a job at Foyles Bookshop; and for bookworm Alice it’s a dream come true.

But with the country at war, Alice’s happy world is shattered in an instant. Determined to do what she can, Alice works in the bookshop by day, and risks her own life driving an ambulance around bomb-ravaged London by night. But however busy she keeps herself, she can’t help but think of the constant danger those she loves are facing on the frontline…

Alice, Victoria and Molly couldn’t be more different and yet they share a friendship that stems back to their childhood – a friendship that provides everyday solace from the tribulations and heartbreak of war.


Please see all my guests’ posts at Mail from the Creative Community and my website and blog at


Champagne for the First Golden Chapter

Can you hear the champagne corks popping? Launching Golden Chapters with Jena, C Henry and Lizzie Lamb

Champagne corks are popping. Take Me, I’m Yours is the perfect title to launch the Golden Chapters.  Jena stepped inside Lizzie Lamb’s world to peek at the first chapter of Take Me, I’m Yours.  Here’s what Jena found :

I reached into my golden handbag and chose Take Me, I’m Yours – A Wisconsin love story, by Lizzie Lamb. I haven’t heard of, let alone read, many books set in Wisconsin. A quick check of Wikipedia shows less than twenty-five novels are placed in The Badger State. (Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods is one.) I couldn’t wait to read the first chapter and find the romance in America’s Dairy land.

Will all the scorching stares turn into something even hotter?

India Buchanan is enjoying a picture postcard-type day. She’s painting her fence, on a sunny morning at her house overlooking Sturgeon Bay in Wisconsin. Then, with a rev from a motorcycle to announce his presence, she is confronted by a tall, angry, formidable stranger, used to having his own way.

India and the motorcycle guy exchange scornful stares, snarky tones, streetwise stares, defiant stances, mocking salutes and India even receives “a slow scorching once over.”

She feels vulnerable, like a commodity, but no man is going to get the better of her. “You’ve got something I want real bad…” he says.

This unexpected visitor turns out to be her family’s sworn enemy. And all because of a feud which has festered for the last hundred and fifty years.
The chapter ends,

“Look all you like, MacFarlane,” she called even though she knew he couldn’t hear. “This house will never be yours.”

Author Lizzie Lamb has many fans and I am sure they will be delighted to settle down and read her latest novel. Wisconsin is an out of the ordinary setting, which has me interested. A family feud is intriguing. The author writes with an engaging style that quickly introduces us to the thoughts and feelings of the heroine, India. From the first chapter, I can tell that India is a strong character, but has she met her match?  Will all the scorching stares turn into something even hotter?  I’m intrigued if India has some secrets.  India shares a bit of her backstory- she came from England to New York. Do you think she has some secrets? Will any kilts make an appearance for the Lizzie Lamb fans?

Jena with a golden handbag…it’s a golden day…to read…

If you’ve read and reviewed the book, please share a link to your review in the comments. Thanks!

Thanks! Happy Reading and Stay Golden!

Jena C. Henry

The sizzling book tempted me to purchase a copy. I need to find out more!

About Take Me, I’m Yours

Jena couldn’t resist the photo of the book in the Handbag Gallery

India Buchanan plans to set up an English-Style bed and breakfast establishment in her great-aunt’s home, MacFarlane’s Landing, Wisconsin. But she’s reckoned without opposition from Logan MacFarlane whose family once owned her aunt’s house and now want it back.

MacFarlane is in no mood to be denied. His grandfather’s living on borrowed time and Logan has vowed to ensure the old man sees out his days in their former home. India’s great-aunt has other ideas and has threatened to burn the house to the ground before she lets a MacFarlane set foot in it.

There’s a story here. One the family elders aren’t prepared to share.

When India finds herself in Logan’s debt, her feelings towards him change. However, the past casts a long shadow and events conspire to deny them the love and happiness they both deserve. Can India and Logan’s love overcome all odds? Or is history about to repeat itself?

Welcome to the world of Lizzie’s amazing romantic comedies.

About Lizzie Lamb:

After teaching her 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, Lizzie decided to pursue her first love: writing. She joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme, wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted (2012), quickly followed by Boot Camp Bride. Although much of her time is taken promoting her novels she published Scotch on the Rocks, which achieved Best Seller status within two weeks of appearing on Amazon. Her next novel, Girl in the Castle, reached #3 in the Amazon charts. Lizzie is a founder member of indie publishing group – New Romantics Press, and has co-hosted author events at Aspinall, St Pancras and Waterstones, Kensington, talking about writing and the research which underpins her novels. Lizzie latest romance Take Me, I’m Yours is set in Wisconsin, a part of the USA which she adores. She has further Scottish-themed romances planned and this summer will tour the Scottish Highlands in her caravan researching men in kilts. What’s not to like? As for the years she spent as a teacher, they haven’t quite gone to waste as she is building up a reputation as a go-to speaker on indie publishing, and how to plan, write, and publish a debut novel. Lizzie lives in Leicestershire (UK) with her husband, David.

Would you like to have the first chapter of your novel sampled and reviewed? Find out more at Golden Chapter Reviews.

Please see my website and blog at

Spy for a Day

KT Lee, the author

I appeared in KT Lee’s fictitious Indiana Polytechnic campus. KT greeted me on the steps of the foreboding redbrick building.  KT wore her hair in a messy bun and her handbag was jet black with a cheerful purple stripe. We went straight to a coffee shop, but I noticed that I had morphed into an animated character, just like the characters on her book covers – yikes! I was ready for my mission to spy on the world in KT’s novel.

The novel takes place at the fictional Indiana Polytechnic.

Students milled around as we negotiated the long corridors to a student-run coffee shop at the top of the building. Strangely, my footsteps didn’t make a sound and after three steps were in the coffee shop. Furnished with modern plastic chairs and purple sofas, we settled down in a corner.  The musty smell combined with the disinfectant reminded me of my university days. I relaxed as I observed the students with their feet up on the coffee tables and chairs. The students’ relaxed demeanour reminded me of the carefree student days when all I worried about was my coursework deadlines. 

KT handed me an Americano and a chocolate chip muffin. A woman in a smart business suit winked at KT when she entered. Curious, I watched the woman as she turned away, examining her phone.

Jessie:  Great to meet you at last.  I must say I feel right at home in the world of your novel, yet the woman over there looks like a spy.

K.T:  Don’t worry, she’s with the FBI.  She’s just taking a break during her investigation of my character, Dr Ree Ryland.  I am keeping my eye on them both and have got their stories under control.

K.T’s latest novel: Calculated Deception

Jessie:  I’m intrigued.  Can you tell me more about your novel?

K.T: In Calculated Deception, the FBI traces shipments of weapons components to Dr. Ree Ryland’s lab and she becomes the primary suspect in their investigation. When they realize she’s being used as a pawn by an unseen enemy, she turns down their offer of a protective detail and instead offers to help them find the criminal hiding among her friends and colleagues.

Jessie:  Ah, now that makes sense. The book sounds great.  What do the reviewers say?
K.T:  Here are a few comments I’ve received about Calculated Deception – I’m so thrilled to hear readers are enjoying it!

“The book is well written, keeping the reader interested till the end. A thriller, with a smart scientist protagonist, and a romance makes this an excellent read.” – Goodreads reviewer “This story was captivating and kept you interested throughout the book. It was a good mix of thriller, suspense, possible international terrorism, and a little romance. I loved it and will be reading the next one in the series soon!” -Shannon Waugh, Book Reviewer (via Goodreads)

K.T’s lab puppy whose love for tennis balls regularly gives her breaks from writing at night

Jessie:  I am intrigued by the concept of your novel.  Please can you read an extract?

KT: “I’m in. But I want all the way in. If you are going undercover, I want to help. If you have a team meeting, I want to be there. If this is that important, I want to be a part of it. All of it.”

Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?

K.T: Excited and a little surprised! Writing a full-length novel snuck up on me a little bit. Calculated Deception started off as a small story idea that I just had to write down and grew into a full-fledged novel over the course of many months. Then, after finishing the first draft, there was quite a lot of editing and more learning to do. However, even before it was even fully finished, I knew there was more to my character’s stories, which is why I chose to write more books and call it The Calculated Series. I waited until three books were ready and quick-released them late last year (Calculated Deception [Book 1] and Calculated Contagion [Book 2] as well as Calculation Extortion, a prequel novella [currently free]). So I haven’t had to miss the characters at all!

Jessie: Who would you like to read your book and why?  This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family. 
K.T: My mom reading Calculated Deception and enjoying it is still just the absolute best thing to me. Many people believe that all moms will love their children’s work no matter what, but they don’t know my mom! She will never tell you something is good when it isn’t for the same reason she will tell you if you have broccoli in your teeth. I was quite nervous to have her read it because I knew I would get the honest truth from her, even if it wasn’t good news. When she read the final version and loved it, it really helped boost my confidence that the book was ready to go.

K.T’s novels in the handbag gallery

Jessie: Why should I keep your book in my handbag?
K.T: Calculated Deception is fun, page-turning suspense featuring women in STEM teaming up with government agents to fight crime. My goal is to let you escape for a little while and hopefully even make you laugh as you’re turning pages. Books in The Calculated Series contain elements from spy thrillers with the focus on characters and small community feel of a cozy mystery. There is a little sweet romance as well. When you are stuck in the middle seat on a four hour flight with strangers on either side of you who have claimed the armrests, this is the book you want to read.

Jessie: What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?
K.T: I do a lot of my writing on my laptop so it can come with me anywhere but I have a copy of “The Man in the Arena” taped to the folder that holds my handwritten character notes. I tend towards perfectionism, which can be absolutely stifling for creative work. This is my reminder that I can be brave enough to write books and put them out there!

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?
K.T: For me, it’s the simple act of putting myself out there. I’m an engineer, used to forming answers that can be verified by testing or calculations. To produce something that has no right answer and then ask people to review it is quite intimidating! I only joined Twitter and Instagram last year and wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s been a lot of fun to engage with writers, engineers, scientists, and other interesting people. I’m so glad I went for it!

Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?
K.T: Find other writers you can connect with. Not only have they helped me with the technical issues, my small community of writer friends is empathetic and encouraging and it’s been a joy to get to know such great people. Plus, they understand and can laugh with me about all the craziness that comes with publishing!

K.T. Lee is a writer, mom and engineer who grew up on a steady diet of books from a wide variety of genres. When K.T. began to write the kind of books she wanted to read, she mixed clever women and the sciences with elements from thrillers (and a dash of romance) to create The Calculated Series. I am intrigued by the hybrid of the romance and spy thriller genre – it is great to meet strong heroines.

K.T’s contact details:
Twitter: @ktleewrites
Instagram: @ktleeauthor


Please see all my interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at


Gift of Happy Endings

What happens if nine northern authors collaborate on an anthology?

What happens if nine northern authors collaborate on an anthology? You will find one shop, Miss Moonshine and a gift of happy endings.  Miss Moonshine’s Emporium of Happy Endings is an anthology of heartwarming romantic stories from the Authors on the Edge: Mary Jayne Baker, Sophie Claire, Jacqui Cooper, Helena Fairfax, Kate Field, Melinda Hammond, Marie Laval, Helen Pollard and Angela Wren. Listen in as the authors chat about the inspiration behind the anthology.

Kate: The character of Miss Moonshine was the starting point for the stories. I loved reading how we all described her, such as Jacqui’s introduction to her:

‘A tiny woman in a flowing, sleeveless lace gown was dusting the displays with what looked like an ostrich feather. A glittering black hairband scraped her silvery hair back off her face. Her eyebrows were arched and high.’

Meet the Authors on the Edge: Mary Jayne Baker, Sophie Claire, Jacqui Cooper, Helena Fairfax, Kate Field, Melinda Hammond, Marie Laval, Helen Pollard and Angela Wren.

Jacqui: We needed to make sure all our descriptions of Miss Moonshine’s character matched. Marie had the brilliant idea of basing Miss Moonshine’s appearance on Vivienne Westwood. Vivienne Westwood is over 70 now but still as sparky as ever, she wears beautiful, quirky clothes, she’s not afraid to be different – and she has just the right northern accent!

Sophie: We also agreed she would be an ethereal character, said to be from the Pendle area (with all its associations with witches and magic), who has owned the shop since the 1700s, when Melinda’s story opens, to the present day. We later added Napoleon the dog, who was the ingenious idea of Marie, and the perfect companion for her.

Kate: Napoleon certainly shows off his personality in some of the stories! Miss Moonshine’s shop ties the stories together too, and Helen captures the place perfectly.

‘The handsome stone building had been here since 1777, according to the date above the door.

‘The handsome stone building had been here since 1777, according to the date above the door. Set back from the road, with roses dotted between the stone slabs in front and growing up an arch over the doorway, it looked more like a fine old house than a place of business.’

Jacqui: The shop is based on a real place. When we all gather in Hebden Bridge, we meet very near the Heart Gallery. It’s in a beautiful old building that used to be a chapel, with an arch of roses at the entrance. If you look carefully at our book cover, you’ll see the year 1777 over the door.

Kate: It was fascinating to see how we all filled the shop with unusual items. You summed it up brilliantly, Mary Jayne:

‘Tat and treasure, mingling like a mismatched couple’s wedding list. The only thing they had in common was that each item there was chosen. Everything on sale had been personally selected by Miss Moonshine.’

Kate: How did you choose which object would feature in your story?

Mary Jayne: My object is a pulp fiction novel of the 1960s called “Budgerigars Don’t Talk”. My heroine Callie, somewhat unwillingly, accepts this as a gift from Miss Moonshine, only to find herself falling for the anonymous doodler who’s annotated the book as she reads it.This was inspired by a very real book called “Crows Can’t Count” that I picked up in a second-hand bookshop in Southport over Christmas, for the sole reason that the title made me smile. I was tickled by the idea of parodying the detective fiction genre, and it was great fun to create the story within my story. So my quirky item from a dusty second-hand shop was inspired by a real-life quirky item from a dusty second-hand shop – I think Miss Moonshine would approve!

Angela: My central character, Maddie, is in a difficult place emotionally.  She has an immediate need – to win the rally that she is engaged in for the duration of the story – and an inner, more long-term worry about her dad’s business. Miss Moonshine gave her some rose quartz, which brings inner calm and is good for the heart.  It seemed to me that it was just what Maddie needed… and not only for herself.

What happens if nine northern authors collaborate on an anthology?

Marie: I love music boxes. When on holiday in France a few years ago I bought one that played the French song La Javanaise. It is a very beautiful, very melancholic song by Serge Gainsbourg that always makes me cry, but I do hope that my story won’t make the reader cry!

Kate: Your hero wasn’t impressed by Miss Moonshine’s shop when he first visited, Marie. That scene made me laugh:

‘He stepped forward, but the lighting was so dim he bumped into a display table, causing the odd assortment of tins, cups and saucers, and dainty porcelain figures to clatter. What a strange collection. Were these ancient medical implements? And what about that fossilised crocodile skull, complete with teeth?

He shook his head in dismay. How could anyone want to purchase any of this junk? The name of the shop was misleading. Perhaps Miss Moonshine’s Wonderful Emporium should be called Miss Moonshine’s Weird Emporium.’

Kate: If your main character was writing a review of Miss Moonshine’s Wonderful Emporium, what do you think he or she say?

Helena: She would say Miss Moonshine’s Emporium is far more than just a shop, and that Miss Moonshine had given her the strength to embrace her future – as well as introduced her to the man she loves.

Melinda: Diana, my main character might say this (translating it from her Regency speech to modern day, of course!)

“I would give Miss Moonshine’s Emporium 4 stars. It has such a welcoming atmosphere and I felt completely at home as soon as I walked in. I have never seen a shop like it, so many strange and wonderful objects, some of which are completely foreign to me. I would have given it 5 stars, only during my time there I think I only once saw a customer!”

Mary Jayne: My heroine Callie has business dealings with Miss Moonshine – she sells her craft pieces for her stock – so it would be in her interests to give the emporium five stars! Nevertheless, she is a little wary of Miss Moonshine, having heard some of the whispers surrounding the objects on sale. I think she might feel obliged to include a warning in her review – she knows that lives change irrevocably when people shop at Miss Moonshine’s.

Kate: That’s a good point, Mary Jayne. Would you dare visit Miss Moonshine’s shop?

Mary Jayne: I’m not sure I would! But if I did, I think she’d sell me something to improve my confidence. Perhaps a beautiful vintage fountain pen that would help me write the perfect book…

Marie: I agree, I need self-confidence too, like many of the heroines in the anthology.  Miss Moonshine certainly helps several of them find a new, exciting life filled with love and happiness. As for which object would help me develop self-belief and confidence, I’m not sure…perhaps a music box with a happy, magical tune.

Sophie: I would love to visit Miss Moonshine’s shop – if only to find out what she would sell me. What is missing from my life? – I’m not sure, but what I’d wish for would be a box of inspiration to fuel a lifetime of story-writing. If anyone could conjure up something as magical and exciting as that, Miss Moonshine could!

A copy of Miss Moonshine’s Emporium of Happy Endings in my handbag.

I wonder what Miss Moonshine would sell me? Would it be a vintage handbag?  I wouldn’t want anything elaborate, just something to make me smile. I think I could settle for a copy of Miss Moonshine’s Emporium of Happy Endings in my handbag.  I love the way the concept behind this book makes think about happy endings, and I can’t wait to read it.  I will also visit Heart Gallery, in Hebden Bridge, when I visit Yorkshire.

All photos copyright Authors on the Edge.


Please see all my author interviews at My Guests, guest posts at Mail from the Creative Community and my website and blog at


Wasting Words on the Dock of the Bay

This coffee shop, in Cardiff Bay, is one of my favourite writing places.

This coffee shop, in Cardiff Bay, is one of my favourite writing places.  I like to abandon my laptop for a notebook and pen.  There is something reassuring about forming every single letter with my biro. With the onset of autumn, I remembered a blog post I forgot to publish last October, because I had been absorbed in the agony of the editing process.  I wrote this post when editing You Can’t Go It Alone.

My imagination roams free in this setting.

Once my coffee cup is empty, I let the pen wander across the page.  Hoping to catch some dialogue from the unsuspecting customers, I listen with my best writer’s ear.  I am happy here in this café suspended above the water.  Alas, the sound of my beeping phone collides head on with my imagination.  I stop writing and must look at the email from an insurance company.  I wonder if writers had less distractions prior to the digital age, so I google ‘writing quotations’. 

Virginia Woolf pops up on my phone, but she doesn’t look happy and she says:

Sitting on the dock in the Bay wasting words

‘Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.’

Obviously, Virginia never had to cope with the disruptive influence of a mobile phone. I decide my imagination has been temporarily locked by my phone: it is a twenty first century condition called ‘beepitis’.  Fortunately, I do not need to re-boot my imagination as it starts up again. I am trying to re-work a menacing scene in my book. Hoping to get inspiration, I look at the murky water from the window.  Despite the distracting background noise, I make a list of adjectives. The shopping list of words stares at me, defying me to write something coherent. It is useless! 

I decide to drive home via Cardiff Docks to gather some words for a scene in my novel. It is a sinister setting.

I decide to drive home via Cardiff Docks to gather some words.  I drive off absorbing the atmosphere of the autumn’s day and watch the leaves dance across the road.  Almost forgetting to stop at the red light, I look out for the sign to the docks, but realise I am driving over a new road.  I hate the massive construction with barriers at each side.  Finally, I drive through the docks and stop to pull over to make some notes for finishing touches to a scene.  I am considered with suspicion. I ignore the onlookers and write until my car beeps me to tell me there is something wrong with a filter.

Clearly, I need ‘a room of my own’ to write.

Time to go home to my laptop: time to find ‘a room of one’s own’, time to sculpt my manuscript and stop wasting time and listing words. The truth is the book is almost done but I don’t want to let the characters live their lives without me.

My book costs less than the price of a coffee and will last longer.

You Can’t Go It Alone has been available since May.  I have been delighted with the reviews. Reviewers have enjoyed visiting Delfryn and getting to know the inhabitants.  The agony of the editing process was worth it, as it helped readers to connect. In celebration of my thirteenth review, I am reducing the cost of the kindle format next week.  Of course, I would be delighted to receive more reviews.  My book is less than half the price of a coffee and will last longer.  Indeed, one reviewer wrote:

‘An intricate, thoughtful story of real people whose life will continue long after the author has typed the end’ Perdisma, Amazon reviewer

Here is a snapshot of my most recent reviews:

Reviewers have enjoyed visiting Delfryn and getting to know the inhabitants.

‘It’s a roller-coaster of a novel in which the beautiful Welsh countryside and weather take a leading role. I was gripped by these characters, and by Cahalin’s fascinating touches.’ Professor Maggie Humm

‘The author has a real feeling for character and place… Her ideas around plot and how a story unfolds are original, and well executed, with a good balance of lightness and shade.’ Welsh Annie, top 500 Amazon Reviewer

You Can’t Go It Alone is available on Amazon.

 ‘The author is not afraid to face life’s most challenging problems head on. What appeals about the novel is that she does not ‘go on crusade’ but underpins these problems with a deep, rich humanity …’ John Broughton, author

‘Complex and vivid tapestry of a story’ Jena. C. Henry, USA author, blogger and reviewer

‘As a debut novel, You Can’t Go It Alone is an accomplished read. Eloquent, moving and packed with vivid imagery…’ Audrey Davis

Please see all my adventures at Handbag Adventures and my website and blog at

A perilous journey through the Regency era

Fortune’s Promise

Sue Johnson







A black coach and horses arrived outside of the inn.  Fortunately, there was step outside of the inn to allow me a little grace, as I entered the carriage.  Alas, the handbag had not been invented.  I kept my possessions in my pockets, stored my belongings in a bundle and held ‘Fortune’s Promise’ in my grasp. It was 1811, ‘the night was painted silver’, as I commenced the journey.  The horses moved at a genteel pace and took me to Orchard House.  Peering into the house, I saw a striking young woman, Lucinda, ‘with raven hair and sapphire eyes’.  A servant brought a ‘delicious looking drink in a sugar-frosted glass’, alas he could not see this twenty first century reader.  I settled back in the carriage, and could not wait to open to recommence the thrilling journey through the novel.

Sue Johnson, the author, was driving the coach and horses and I heard her call to the horse to commence the journey. We galloped at a pace through the Regency narrative; it was indeed thrilling as the characters veered of the track.  Without a fortune to keep the characters on a steady road of wealth, I was in awe as they employed survival tactics of the highest order. Lucinda and Hannah, both strong and resourceful ladies, navigated their way through the perilous era – and what a brilliant journey.  The ladies could not see me.  I waited in the background, hoping for a twist in fate to keep them safe.  Perhaps, I did help them along the way.

The shadow of the villain lurked, but ‘a hunger and cold gnawed his insides’, as he searched for his treasure – the lady with the ‘sapphire eyes’. Oh, how I feared for Lucinda. Despite her slight frame and pale countenance, Lucinda had the fire of the twenty first century woman. Indeed, ‘naked hostility’ shone in her ‘sapphire blue eyes’, and she recognised that her brother ‘had more choice in life’.  Mentally stronger than her artist brother, John, Lucinda rejected ‘the devil on Longdon Hill’, and was not fooled when he ‘strutted out like a peacock’.  Laughing at Lucinda’s perceptive, intelligent comments, I wanted to invite her into the twenty first century; but she could not see me.

I was on the edge of my seat, as the horses negotiated the rough narrative terrain. We encountered the thieves and vagabonds hiding in the underworld.  Driving through the era: we stopped at inns, fairs, farms and cottages. Sue Johnson documents the uncivilised element of the era thus providing a refreshing perspective.  I entered an inn to find ‘the air thick with the smell of smoke, old cooking and unwashed bodies. The smell was so over powering…’  But I did not dwell on the assault on my senses, as it was time to follow the pathway of the winding plot.   I saw that ‘turmoil’ ‘twisted inside’ of Lucinda when faced with the devilish character.  She was not hoodwinked by her suitor, and I knew I would witness the adventures of a thoroughly modern Regency lady.  I returned hastily to the carriage each night to follow the plot, but drew the curtains on the ‘man on a black horse’ who was always clipping at Lucinda’s heels.  I hoped Lucinda would be clever enough to outwit him, and see his ‘silhouette’ before he saw her. I pointed at a potential suitor, alas she could neither see me, nor hear my counsel.

I feared for the characters as they met the various people along the way.  I ‘heard of situations where wealthy young men had disappeared to be stripped of their belongings and left dead in a ditch.’ I moved out of the Regency drawing room to travel through the reality of the era.  The hiring fair chilled me to the bone, when the sinister farmer approached Lucinda, but I marvelled at Lucinda’s independent spirit.

The narrative is wrapped in the superstition of the era and a hint of the supernatural.  I was enchanted by this novel, as I travelled back in time to reality of the Regency era.  I wanted to help the characters who had been thrown into turmoil by the cruel twist of their fate.  But, ‘the air cracked with tension’ as I drove through the twists and turns in the narrative.  ‘The storm rattled and crashed overhead’ in the dramatic story of greed, ambition and survival.


Please see all my book reviews at Books In Handbag and my blog at


Handbag Bulging with Norwegian Cakes and a Sweet Romance

Time for Honesty

Mette Barfelt






On Boxing Day, it was time to seek solace from the guests. I hid away in my reading haven.  The seasonal dark weather inspired me to light candles, switch on the fairy lights and reach for the trusty kindle.

Earlier in the day, we had strolled past the white Norwegian church in Cardiff Bay, and this reminded me of ‘Time for Honesty’, set in Norway, and safely stored on my kindle. As soon as I opened the book, I read of ‘…old wooden houses, so perfectly in sync with the little town, where white houses abounded.’ I could imagine the delightful Norwegian church feeling far more at ease in its native setting.  Indeed, my wish to read a charming romance, with the magic of Christmas, was granted when lost myself in the novel for an evening.

Emmelin, a travel agent, living in Oslo with her husband and son, invited me to join her in Norway.  Unfortunately, she is faced with the death of her mother.  Her mother leaves her the family home in Solvik with its view of the ocean. Sadly, her mother has ‘taken her secret to the grave’, and one hopes the home will wrap itself around this lost soul, Emmelin.  Unfortunately, Emmelin’s husband is unpleasant and makes unreasonable demands.  Although, very fond of Emmelin, I wanted to yell some home truths about her husband and sister.  This is the twenty first century thus she will discover her independence through challenges – won’t she?

It was a pleasure to get to know Emmelin.  She would be a loyal friend who needs a little support, and the occasional nudge in the right direction.  Fortunately, her friends are always on hand with delicious vanilla custard bakes, custard doughnuts, cakes and cookies.  Despite the troubled childhood in Solvik, it provides Emmelin with a haven from reality.  Solvik is the ideal cosy retreat conjured while gazing into the flames of a cosy fire.  Café Soleside would be my go to destination if I needed a culinary treat to soothe the senses.  I would order smoked salmon and scrambled eggs baked with cream cheese and salad.  Although the food is Norwegian, there is a familiarity with my own culture, and I loved this.  It is also reassuring to be presented with a couple of villains who one hopes will also get their just desserts!

And there are some bitter twists in the novel to evoke your compassion for Emmelin.  The narrative gains pace as it heads towards Christmas.  I hoped there would be a comforting ending to compliment the ‘vanilla custard bakes with sugar glaze and coconut flakes.’ Or perhaps the bitterness of misunderstandings would be soaked up with the ‘creamy fish soup with seafood and newly baked rolls.’

I found a cosy setting for the Norwegian church as, ‘the ocean had frozen as I {she} gazed out at the white, untouched landscape. Little could compare with fallen snow.’ What a treat to find a charming Christmas tucked away in the corner of a sweet novel.  If only, I could have skied over the Welsh mountains to meet Magda, Oliver, Emmelin and her first love.    Instead, I decided to try some of the recipes at the end of the novel. Time to plan my New Year’s Eve menu, and Time to look forward to the year ahead.


About the Author:

Mette Barfelt is a Scandinavian author. After 16 years working for travel agents and airlines, she got a degree in Marketing, before she started writing books. Naturally, with her background in the travel industry, she has travelled extensively throughout the world and visited numerous countries. Her passion for travels and cruises has resulted in the non-fiction book “Alt du bør vite om cruise”, published by Aschehoug Publishing House in Norway.
She is now writing contemporary romances – sweet small-town love stories with a dash of mystery and has already published five books in the Solvik series in Norwegian. The books in the series are stand-alone novels. She lives with her husband and two teenagers, just outside Oslo in Norway.


Please see all my reviews at Books In Handbag and my blog at

An Opera Singer’s Debut Novel

Enjoy the Scandinavian landscape presented in this vintage postcard

Meet a Danish opera singer and artist, Hanne Holten, who couldn’t stop writing until she completed her debut novel.  Snares and Delusions explores myths, class and women’s situation in a time when their place was defined by their husbands.  Hanne agreed to write to her readers and present an extract of her unique novel.  As I discovered more about Snares and Delusions, I could not resist asking additional questions.

Dear Readers,

Snares and Delusions

I am delighted to present an extract from my debut novel: Snares and Delusions.

The protagonist, Hedda, faces her life — and death — in dreams and nightmares. The feisty teenager develops into an independent woman through traumatic events and brief moments of romance.

The extract is a central scene in the book where Hedda faces her abusive and — by then — insane husband. This is a pivot point that determines her future in both positive and negative ways.

Dreams and nightmares, Norse Mythology, romance, terror and the story of a life — all in one book that fits snugly in a handbag — what’s not to love?

Best wishes,

Hanne x

Jessie: What genre does your book fit into and is the writing like any other author’s style? 

Hanne: Basically, Snares and delusions is a historical novel of a literary cast. It may fit into other genres too, it certainly has elements of myth, suspense, humour, and drama. Is my style like another author’s? I’m not sure. I can think of a few authors who have written similar subjects, for instance, John Irving in Avenue of Mysteries, and Kazuo Ishiguro in The Buried Giant.

Jessie: The content of your novel seems challenging. Would you agree with this statement?

This portrait in Sepia’ presents Hedda, as I imagine her at the time of the extract.

Hanne: I’d have to agree with that. It is set in a period when men had absolute power over women, and my heroine, being dead set on winning her independence, takes up the challenge. Also, it deals with death, with pain, and nightmares on different levels.

Jessie:  What have your readers said about this unusual novel?

Hanne: The reviews have been positive.  Here are some quotes I have enjoyed:

‘Such a wonderful book.’

‘The writing style is detailed and is teleporting you directly into the story and its surroundings.’

‘Go for it! You will love it!’

Jessie:  This novel sounds unique, challenging and intriguing. Can you tell me more about the novel that takes Hedda to hell and back?

Hanne: The combined forces of opium and pain brings her face to face with her life. From rural Sweden in the late nineteenth century, over Silkeborg to the Danish Capital, and during the Great War, she experiences love and loss, poverty and betrayal.

Hedda gives up everything to win independence. She soon discovers that this is one thing to wish for and another to achieve. Life handles her roughly, but can she develop strength of character? Will she pay for her freedom in ways she doesn’t anticipate?

Jessie:  Reviewers have praised your style of writing. Please give us an extract to introduce us into Hedda’s world.

Hedda and her daughter

Inside the study, the French windows swing back and forth in the breeze. The curtains hang half off their pole, and there are mounds of twigs and moss on the tables. Most of Conrad’s books lie on the floor. Every surface is covered in bird droppings, and the stench makes Hedda gag. She enters the room step by step and whimpers when she crunches a mouse-carcass under her foot.

Out of the blue something grabs her hair. Hedda yells and waves her arms to dislodge the creature but it claws at her hands. She can’t see anything but feels its wings, flapping around her head. The bird screeches, pecking at her skull. She screams, but falls silent, as Conrad enters through the open French windows.  He carries an axe, and a raven perches on his shoulder. He turns his back on Hedda and takes place at his desk.

Then he whistles sharply. The other bird leaves Hedda and lands on his free shoulder. Conrad gets to his feet and grasps the claws of one of the ravens. He decapitates the sooty bird, using the desk as a chopping block. Wood splinters and wing feathers fly in the air, as the other raven tries to escape through the open window. Conrad throws the axe with uncanny precision, and the raven drops to the floor with a thumping noise, surrounded by broken glass from the window.

Hedda still screams. She tries to quell the sound with her hands, when Conrad turns towards her.

Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?

It was hard to let go of Hedda, so hard that she features in my second book, soon to be published. Hedda isn’t the main character, and this isn’t a series. Still, there is a connection in time and setting between the two books.

How has your life as an opera singer and artist impacted on your writing? 

No doubt, my life influences my writing. It is difficult to say whether my singing or painting has made a direct impact, but I tend to have a visual idea of the scenes as I write them. I also plan to write a book where the protagonist wants to be an opera diva.

About the Author

HM Holten

Hanne Holten was an opera singer and a painter who couldn’t stop writing. So far, that resulted in her debut novel, several poems, and a work in progress that explores of the history around and after the Great War.

She grew up in Denmark but lived and worked in London for fifteen years. A few years ago, she left the UK for Germany. After graduating as an opera singer, she turned to teaching. This way she acquired an eye for details that helped her developing Snares and Delusions.

Contact details
FB Hanne Holten Writes:
Twitter: @HoltenHm


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at

Sadie’s Wars: Powerful and Deeply Moving

This historical saga of an extraordinary Australian pioneer family continues into a new generation

I have been idle for two days and it is Rosemary Noble’s fault. I travelled from innocence to experience with her character, Sadie.  She had my ear as soon as I walked into this thrilling family saga.  This hard-hitting, realistic document of challenging times deals with: propaganda, inequality, domestic violence and loss. Insight into Australia and England placed me in the centre of the historical periods.

Strategic juxtaposition of Sadie’s life during World War One Australia and World War Two Grimsby is brilliant.  Noble explores how our experiences make us react in the future thus providing depth to Sadie’s character.  Wounded by past troubles, Sadie makes decisions that made me want to sit her down and give her advice.  Tempting questions hang artfully in each chapter of this novel.  The trajectory of the plot is driven by the intense drama: the action never stops.

A photo of Sadie (she is the standing bridesmaid). This is the only one I have. She is a bridesmaid for her brother, Joe and his wife, Olive. Grandma Jane is sitting next to her. (I found this photo on the author’s website).

I moved from the air raids and community spirit in Grimsby to Sadie’s privileged life in Australia. Neither the ‘uninterrupted sky changing from purple to cobalt’, nor the ‘endless grey skies’ of Grimsby can shelter Sadie from the harsh reality of life. In her innocent years, she is brainwashed by war propaganda then learns about the impact on people as she moves through her life.   Sadie is raised to ‘obey your father until you marry then obey your husband.’  Like her contemporaries, the social straightjacket causes Sadie pain.  Noble shows the inequalities between men and woman at the turn of the century and contrasts it with changing attitudes in post Second World War Britain.  Historical events, attitudes and politics are artfully woven into the narrative fabric of the novel.

Chateau Yering as it is today

Details of a wealthy life in Australia at the turn of last century intrigued me.  I lingered on the verandas and looked at the ‘rich grassland and vineyards as far as the eye could see, framed on by majestic mountains.’ I admired Sadie’s wardrobe of beautiful clothes but realised her wealth and over-protection of her father made her more vulnerable. At every turn, I felt empathy for the young Sadie who is isolated by her ignorance.  ‘Her marriage seemed like a distant dream and her husband merely an actor in it’, and I wanted to chat with Sadie.  Noble explored love so beautifully in the novel.  There is an enchanting, exciting love story, as Sadie learns what real love means.

The wiser, experienced Sadie charmed me.  I sat with her as she waited to discover if her sons would return safely from the RAF. Noble takes the reader into the heart of air raids in Grimsby.  The air raid provides a backdrop to the inner turmoil Sadie suffers, and all these emotions are vividly connected to experiences of the past. Events in post-World War One Australia were shocking.  An intelligent, powerful and deeply moving novel from Rosemary Noble.

About the Book

An astonishing tale, spanning continents, where truth is stranger than fiction. This historical saga of an extraordinary Australian pioneer family continues into a new generation.
Sadie is brought amongst the vineyards of the Yarra Valley whilst her work-obsessed father reaps riches from the boom years before the Great War.
With post-war depression looming, Sadie’s only option is to flee from her disastrous marriage, seeking refuge in Cleethorpes, a small seaside town in northern England.
Years later, when her sons are in RAF Bomber Command, she receives a letter from her long-lost brother which forces her to confront the past and her part in her family’s downfall.
Can old wounds be healed?
Will she find new love?
Will this second war destroy everyone she saved?

Rosemary Noble is the author of Sadie’s Wars and the Currency Girls Trilogy. This is her favourite writing spot.

About Rosemary

Rosemary worked as a college and university librarian and has a life-long love of social history and reading. Researching family history led to an interest in Australia where Search for the Light ends and provides the setting for the sequel, The Digger’s Daughter. A third book in the Australian series, Sadie’s Wars, is now available.

Rosemary is a member of Arun Scribes Creative Writing Group and a member of CHINDI (Network of Independent Authors). Her third book, Ranter’s Wharf is set in England during the first half of the nineteenth century. In odd moments, she writes flash fiction for Paragraph Planet and Drabble.

For more information read my interview with Rosemary here or visit Rosemary’s blog at


Please see all my book reviews and book excerpts at Books In Handbag and my website and blog at

Ian Wilfred’s Latest Novel Paired with Greek Wine

Ian looked so relaxed as we chatted, soaked up the sun and enjoyed the sea view.

Shirley Valentine made me giggle in my twenties, and now I am old enough to be Shirley.  I still dream of sipping wine, seated at a table, with a sea view, in Greece.  Imagine my delight when Ian Wilfred invited me to Greece to discuss his new novel.  I joined him on his island of Holkamos.  We drank wine and ate a marvellous picnic of feta cheese olives, tomatoes and stuffed vine leaves.   Ian looked so relaxed as we chatted, soaked up the sun and enjoyed the sea view. He wore shorts polo shirt and flip flops, and his new novel, Secrets We Left In Greece, was stored in a black bag.


Jessie:  Ian, it is great to finally meet you.  You provided the very first photograph for my Handbag Gallery.  You have written two books since then.  Please tell me about your latest book Secrets we left in Greece.

Norfolk is wonderful but holidays in Greece, with my husband and family, inspired the setting of the latest novel.

Ian:  It was a pleasure to make the connection via the Handbag Gallery.  My photograph was on a local Norfolk beach, as I just love the sea.  Norfolk is wonderful but holidays in Greece, with my husband and family, inspired the setting of the latest novel.  It is a story of old secrets and new memories on the Greek island of Holkamos.

Miriam had something on her mind and it needed sorting. What she had planned wouldn’t go down well with her daughter Heather and Granddaughter Amy, but there was no going back; the tickets were booked she had to face the island again.

Jessie:  It sounds like a fabulous escape.  Why should your readers be tempted to buy this novel?

You only get one chance to live your life. Escape to my Greek island Holkamos with Miriam, Heather and Amy; support them on their journey of self- discovery

Ian: You only get one chance to live your life. Escape to my Greek island Holkamos with Miriam, Heather and Amy; support them on their journey of self- discovery. Pack your passport, settle down in the sunshine and listen in to their secrets. My characters learn life is not a rehearsal, and it’s time to move on.  Sometimes, you need to escape to a paradise island in order to remove the rose-tinted glasses.

Jessie: What do the reviewers say?  Were they intrigued to find out the secrets?.

Ian:  Have a look at the reviews here in Netgallery.

‘Solid chick lit…it doesn’t take itself too seriously.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and say, ‘Oh no! Definitely a fun weekend read.’ Shirley Anne, Reviewer

‘Love fiction set in Greece. This was a light, enjoyable read.’ Anita T, Reviewer

‘Amusing, believable characters on a voyage of discovery.’

Jessie:  Please can you read an extract from Secrets We Left In Greece?

*** Ian retrieved the novel from his black bag.  The vibrant front cover looked so inviting.

Ian: ‘Paul they were happy times-  no one died, and I have lots of special memories of my holidays on Holkamos, I just don’t want to go back, I’ve moved on from that’.

‘What’s that, Amy?  Why do you need to move on from something that brings back happy memories what happened?’

Jessie:  How did you feel when you had finished the novel?  Did you miss any of the characters?

We drank wine and ate a marvellous picnic of feta cheese olives, tomatoes and stuffed vine leaves

Ian: Jessie, I loved writing it and I felt really good. Once I finished, I couldn’t wait to send it off to my editor, Nancy. I sort of missed the character Cleo. In all my other four books, my main characters have been over fifty, but Cleo was only twenty. I wanted to take her story further. You never know, I might revisit Cleo one day if she invited me back to the island.

Jessie:  Who would you like to read your book and why?  This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family.  

Ian: Just someone who chooses to read it. I don’t give my books to family or friends to read, but if they want to that’s lovely but very scary. I shout and promote them on Twitter but have never asked a blogger to read because that’s even scarier.

Jessie:  Why should I keep your book in my handbag?
Ian: This book is an essential edition to a British handbag as it will give you sunshine on a grey day. Travelling to Holkamos will chase away those rainy-day blues, and you’ll be in the company of great friends.  Each time you read this book, you’ll be tempted to open a bottle of Greek wine.

Jessie:  What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?

The last sentence in my notes for Secrets We Left In Greece is – take out the middle H from Holkhamos and call the island Holkamos as that sounds better. On Sunday, I wrote: ‘Olive Sarah or Billy ?’

Jessie:  What is the biggest challenge for an author?

Ian: My biggest challenge is TIME.  I write and work full-time. Family and friends are fed up with me saying I would love an eight day week. Have you got an extra day of the week in your handbag?

Jessie:  Very funny!  I probably have more than a day’s worth of junk in my handbag.  What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?

Ian: This is easy. Write every day even if it’s only 200 words, as this keeps the story fresh in your head. Read and watch everything Milly Johnson has to say about writing.  Milly Johnson’s Author Tips are the very best.

Ian Wilfred is 50+ but in his head he will always be 39. He lives on the Norfolk coast with his husband and west highland terrier. His perfect day would be to walk the dog on the beach, drink lots of coffee and write, but in real life after walking the dog, Ian goes off to work.

His debut novel ‘Putting Right The Past’ was published in 2013 and set on the island of Tenerife. ‘The Little Terrace of Friendships’ was published in March 2017, and Ian’s third book ‘A Secret Visitor to Saltmarsh Quay’ was published in November 2017.

You can follow Ian on Twitter at @ianwilfred39 (he will always be 39).

Chatting to Ian made the sunshine.  If you fancy an escape then buy his latest book. Are you ready to find out some secrets?  Promise you will leave the secrets in Holkamos. 


Please see all my interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at


A Wee Dram with the Girl in the Castle – Lizzie Lamb

Lizzie wore a very glamorous blue and white blouse and jeans.

Lizzie Lamb’s blue VW camper attracted admirers at Urquhart Castle, Scotland.  The engine purred obediently, as Lizzie expertly manoeuvred the vintage beauty into a parking space, overlooking Loch Ness.  Excited to see the van featured in Boot Camp Bride, I patted the gleaming bonnet.

The door opened, Lizzie emerged and invited me inside. She wore a very glamorous blue and white blouse and jeans.

Lizzie Lamb’s blue VW camper parked at Urquhart Castle.

While she prepared some tea in the compact kitchen, I opened a tin of Scottish shortbread, with a picture of Nessie on the tin, and managed to drop biscuits on the pristine table.  Laughing, Lizzie helped me to clear up the mess. A copy of Lizzie’s novel, ‘Girl at the Castle’, invited me to peer inside.  Lizzie’s books are always so beautifully designed and presented in a distinctive lilac colour, they match perfectly with my handbag.   

Jessie:  All of your books look like tempting gifts of lilac loveliness for the reader. If I open the book, then I will start to read it.  Tell me about ‘Girl in the Castle’.

Lizzie: Fate takes Henriette Bruar to a Scottish castle where the laird’s family are in mourning over a tragedy which happened many years before. Cue a phantom piper, a lost Jacobite treasure, and a cast of characters who – with Henri’s help, encourage the family to confront the past and move on. As part of the healing process, Henriette falls in love with the laird’s son, Keir, and they achieve the happy ending they both deserve.

Jessie:  The plot and setting sound thrilling.  I know you write in a very natural and witty style.  Can you tempt us with a couple of words from ‘Girl in the Castle’?

A beautifully designed novel in a handbag.

Lizzie: ‘Giving a superstitious shiver, Henriette acknowledged there were subtle forces at work in this ancient castle. Forces which wanted her and Keir to be together, forever.’

Jessie:  This is so tempting!  You craft the words so artfully.  I know you have been longlisted for the Exeter Novel Prize. What did the reviewers say?

Lizzie opened up a folder on her laptop and read some reviews. I was sure I heard the distant sound of bagpipes, but Lizzie didn’t comment. 

Lizzie: Ah, here they are. I’ll read three reviews.

Can you see Nessie?

‘I loved all the many elements in this novel: The location, history, slightly paranormal atmosphere, love lost and found, and a missing treasure. Not to forget gorgeous Keir MacKenzie, a hero to swoon over.’

‘This convincing romance beginning in conflict and distrust is set in stunning scenery which comes to life through Henri’s experiences and Keir’s enthusiasm for his birth right. A great read!’

Girl in the Castle is romantic, witty, interesting and you don’t want it to finish. I enjoyed all the characters – and the storyline. I laughed, gasped, and wished I were Henriette! I love the way Lizzie is knowledgeable about Scotland and shares this with the reader in a heartfelt way. A romantic novel with substance and wit – hurry up and write us the next one, please.’

Jessie:  As expected the reviews wax lyrical about your writing. Having read one of your novels, I get the sense that you are very attached to the characters and this brings them to life so beautifully.  Did you miss the characters of ‘Girl in the Castle’ when you had finished writing the novel?

Lizzie: When I finish a novel it’s always hard to say goodbye to the characters. Many of my readers feel the same and often ask for a sequel. However, although I miss the characters and the setting ,once I type THE END, that’s it for me. I leave the novel so that readers can imagine what would happen next . . . I think it has been hardest to say goodbye to Henri and Keir. And – mad writer alert – I still have conversations with them in my head and I know exactly what they’re doing now. I felt the same about Charlee and Rafa in Boot Camp Bride and Fliss and Ruairi in Tall, Dark and Kilted.

Jessie:  Did a particular place inspire ‘Girl in the Castle’?

Lizzie Lamb viewing Castle Stalker: the inspiration for Girl in the Castle.

Lizzie opened a collection of photographs in a gallery.  She left me to scroll through the images while she refilled the teapot. I was sure I heard the bagpipes again as I studied the photos.

Lizzie:  We spend a month each year in Scotland. Castle Stalker on Loch Linnhe, near Oban is the inspiration behind Girl in the Castle.

Jessie:  Of course, I have seen this iconic image on the front cover. I’d love to visit the castle and read all your novels. Who would you like to read your novels?

Lizzie: I would choose Jilly Cooper. I adored her earlier books: Emily, Prudence etc. and her bonk busters: Polo, Riders et al. I would like Jilly to read my books because that would be my way of saying: ‘thank you for inspiring me to become a writer, and for making it all seem possible’. If I’m allowed a second, more practical choice, I would thank Amazon for giving indie authors the means of getting their books ‘out there’ to a wide audience of readers.

Jessie:  As an independent author, I notice your wealth of images and campaigns.   Where do you get the photos from?

Lizzie: As a writer and blogger I am very aware of infringing copyright so I have subscribed to a couple of websites where I pay and download images: Other than that, I take my own photos with my iPhone wherever I go. A word of warning, don’t assume that images you see on Pinterest etc. are copyright free, always double check before uploading anything onto your sites. If in doubt, credit the artist/photographer.

Although, it was drizzling and grey outside, we decided to enjoy the Scottish weather.  Meandering along the shores of Loch Ness, we both joked about meeting up with Monster. 

Jessie:  Tell me, why should I keep your novel in my handbag?

Lizzie: My book would be the ideal companion when you’re feeling at a low ebb because I write feel good books, set in wonderful locations, with humorous secondary characters and, most importantly, a hero to fall in love with. If you want a break from the usually run of the mill romances, try one of mine. Oh, and bring a large handbag, my paperbacks are 9”x5” and need lots of space.

Jessie:  Don’t worry, I am always hunting for a new handbag. I think a tartan handbag is called for, after this trip. What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?

Lizzie: Dialogue between the hero (Logan) and his grandfather written as bullet points (which is how I generally write dialogue in my first draft).

– do you love the girl?

– I guess I do, but . . .

– then what are you waiting for. Go get her. As the poet said: faint heart never won fair lady.

While Lizzie read her dialogue, I noticed a mysterious shadow in the water, and the skirl of bagpipes sounded closer.  I think a certain Nessie may have been listening to the story.  Neither of us commented because we just knew… Lizzie removed a delicate whisky flask from her handbag and we celebrated with a wee dram. Slainte!

Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?

Lizzie: Writing books has never been an issue, my head is teeming with ideas for future novels. The hard bit is getting my books to the notice of a wider public and finding new readers. I would love to get my books in supermarkets etc. but I know that won’t happen without my being a contracted author. If I was contracted to one of the ‘Big Five’ publishers I’d probably have to write books in genres I wouldn’t enjoy. So, its Catch-22 for me. I would like more time to write and spend less time on social media, but without social media I wouldn’t have achieved the sales I have.

Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?

Lizzie: Stop endlessly polishing the first three chapters and a synopsis to send to agents and publishers. You might find that once the novel is completed you jettison the first few chapters in any case. Finish the whole novel, edit it and then polish it to send out to agents/publishers (if that’s the route you want to take). Failing that, publish it yourself – but remember, time, tide and the whims of publishers/agents wait for no man. By the time you write that great novel of yours, trends will have changed and your novel won’t be what agents/publishers are looking for.

Jessie:  This interview has inspired me to plan a trip to Scotland, but my Scottish neighbour is always warning me about the midges. 

We discussed Girl in the Castle, drank tea and ate Scottish shortbread.

Lizzie: The received wisdom is that you are ‘pretty safe’ in late May/ early June but the wee beasties are bad in July and August. Having said that, if May is very warm, the eggs hatch and they come early. We’ve never been bothered by them and I’ve received worse bites in our garden in the summer.

Jessie:  That’s reassuring.  Where’s the best place to begin a tour?

Lizzie: Edinburgh or Inverness make great centres to tour from if you’ve never been to Scotland before. Fewer midges on that coast, too. We love the west coast but it is much wetter (and more midges). Stirling is also a good centre as you can have some fantastic days out exploring the Trossachs. When you get a feel for those parts of Scotland you can head for the ‘wilder parts’ on another visit.

Lizzie showed me collection of photos.  Ardvreck Castle, Assynt Geo Park Nth West Scotland, Achnasheen nr Kinlochewe, island in middle of Lake Maree, Argyll and Bute 

Jessie:  Thanks for the advice.  I am going to stock up on your novels then plan another trip to Scotland.

About Lizzie

Lizzie: If you have a dream – go for it. Life is not a rehearsal After teaching my 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, I decided it was time to leave the chalk face and pursue my first love: writing. In 2006 I joined the Romantic Novelists? Association’s New Writers? Scheme, honed my craft and wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted (2012), quickly followed a year later by Boot Camp Bride (2013) and Scotch on the Rocks (2015) – finalist, The Exeter Novel Prize.

Lizzie is hardworking, creative and focused on writing the best book she can. She loves sharing her stories and ideas with readers, new and old. She gets a real buzz when readers tell her that when they turned the last page of her novel they feel bereft and she should hurry up and write another.

I first stumbled on Lizzie’s books when searching for another great reading escape. Thrilled at Lizzie’s ability to inspire comedy, I downloaded all of her novels.  Her Scottish books motivated me to plan a holiday in Scotland.  Lizzie is great fun and her love of writing shines through her novels.

Lizzie says: “when I’m not writing – I’m dreaming”


Lizzie’s Links
Amazon author page:
Linked in:


Please see all my author interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at


Golden Chapter and Buried Dreams

Chrissie has two books in a fabulous handbag. The Barn of Buried Dreams is featuring here.

Chrissie Bradshaw is a romantic novelist, and I have had the pleasure of meeting her twice at Romantic Novelists’ Association events.  She has written two contemporary stories about family relationships and secrets.   Her books are in the Handbag Gallery, and Jena spotted the books in a snazzy handbag. It’s time to hand over to the lovely Jena. C. Henry for our monthly Golden Handbag collaboration. As always, Jena will review the opening chapter.

I am happy to share a Golden Chapter from Jessie Cahalin’s Handbag Gallery with you about a story that is part contemporary romance and part family saga. Both of those genres are favorites of mind and I couldn’t wait to get to know the family in this book. Author Chrissie Bradshaw’s first book was Jarful of Moondreams: What secrets are ready to spill out? That book (a stand-alone) was also a family drama that focused on hopes and dreams. Doesn’t every life need hope and dreams? Let’s learn more about the buried dreams in Chrissie Bradshaw’s latest book:

The Barn of Buried Dreams: When will they see daylight?

Here is Chrissie with Lynda Stacey at the RNA York Tea. They are discussing the merits of the Handbag Gallery.

The cover of this book is charming and happily welcomes us to the beautiful Northumbrian countryside. For those, like me who don’t know their Great British geography, Northumbria is in the northeast of the country.

The opening chapter of this book introduces us to the Douglas family. Erin and Heather Douglas are young adult sisters. Their Mum has recently suffered a stroke and still needs care at home.

Erin and Heather are struggling. Erin has moved home from London to help their Mum. She had to leave behind her budding career in the acting world and her fiancé Damien, also an actor. Now, she watches tv with her Mum and misses her London life.

Heather is heavily pregnant, and juggles a day’s work, a husband, toddler and home on a few hours sleep. She lives in the same area as their Mum, but it’s hard for her to make time to help Erin with the carer responsibilities. Heather can be a bit sharp and bossy, but she’s really just worried and tired.

Neither young woman is sure what they want or what they should do. (Only Bracken the dog seems content.) Both young women stay awake at night thinking about their problems. Until one day, when something shows up that is very clear.

“Two stark lines….the test couldn’t be clearer. Erin and Damien had a wedding to plan.” Except, Erin senses a growing distance between her and Damien.

I’m sure many of us have struggled in similar ways- trying to balance career, motherhood, frail parents, and relationships. All that is enough to handle, without an unexpected pregnancy added to the mix.  The first chapter gives us a sympathetic look at Erin and Heather. Author Chrissie Bradshaw gives us some striking word pictures.

“Erin’s stage career was drifting away like an unattended beachball, bright and enticing but moving further and further out of her reach.”

Haven’t you felt like that at times- that your joy is so close, and yet so far? And how about this line?

“Damien, hormones, mum, career- all fought for pole position in her racing thoughts.”

Wow, I know that one made a big impact on me. In just a few words, the author created the feelings and moods that I have struggled with during challenging times through the years.

The first chapter leaves us getting to know the sisters and their mother and liking and caring about the three of them. Can the sisters help one another to face their fears, dust off and revive those dreams and find joy in life? Can they find their hopes and the happy life that is pictured on the cover of the book? I hope this Golden Chapter review encourages you to read more and find out!

It’s time to hand over to the lovely Jena. C. Henry for our monthly Golden Handbag collaboration.

Once again, Jessie Cahalin has welcomed me to her Barn of Handbags, I mean the Handbag Gallery. She has so many books that will give us all plenty to dream about. Thanks Jessie, and thanks to author Chrissie Bradshaw. I was quite taken with this month’s selection, The Barn of Buried Dreams, and I’d like to discuss it with you in the comments, whether you’ve read the book, or would like to read it. Here’s some questions to get us started.

  1. I’m sure many of you have juggled challenges like the two sisters in the book. Any thoughts or advice for us?
  2. Did you, or do you have a dream? Did it come true or did you make a new dream?
  3. I really liked the metaphors and the similes in this first chapter. What do you think?

 Biography- Chrissie Bradshaw

Meet Chrissie Bradshaw

Chrissie, 2016 winner of the Romantic Novelist’s Elizabeth Goudge writing trophy, is a seasoned tea drinker and a tenacious trainer of her welsh terrier, Oscar.

THE BARN OF BURIED DREAMS, a contemporary story about two sisters who are struggling after the death of their mother, is her second novel and is out now as an ebook and a paperback.

Chrissie has always loved match-making a book to a reader. Writing the kind of book she loves to read takes this a step further. When Chrissie is not writing or reading, you will find her walking Oscar on the beach, trying to avoid the gym and spending time with her family and friends.

Chrissie enjoys tweeting to readers on @ChrissieBeee
Her instagram account is chrissie_bradshaw_author
Her blog is
and she has a Chrissie Bradshaw author page on Facebook.

She would love to hear from readers.


Please see all Jena’s Golden Chapters and my website and blog at

A copy of my novel is available here.

Find out why the book in my handbag is waiting for the weekend…

As it is almost the weekend, I have asked Jan Brigden to present an extract from her romance novel, ‘As Weekends Go’.  Grab yourself a coffee, take a break and let Jan chat to you about her novel.





What if your entire life changed in the space of a weekend?

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present ‘As Weekends Go’. The extract I have chosen is fairly early on in the book.  I think it perfectly portrays how Alex (principal male character) feels after his memorable first encounter with Rebecca (principal female character) at Hawksley Manor, the plush hotel in which they are both staying as guests, little knowing the drama that lay ahead of them.

I’d love you keep ‘As Weekends Go’ in your handbag so you can dip in and out of the story. Open the book as you move from place to place, and flit from one dilemma to the next over the course of their eventful weekend and beyond.


Best Wishes,

Jan X

Words from the book…

Alex took the scenic route to the car park to try and fathom the effect she’d had on him. Those eyes, so rich in colour, like a tiger’s eyes, sparkling back at him.

As much as he hated how big-headed it sounded, even to himself, he was used to people staring at him. Fact. He also knew that what had happened back there was in no way premeditated on her part; the deep blush and dip of her head when he’d first spoken to her had told him that. How small she’d tried to make herself appear during the ensuing chaos in reception, standing there nervously pulling on the bottom of her ponytail, looking so desperately sorry.

He’d felt like an ogre deliberately holding on to her mobile, but if he’d given it straight back to her she might have fled before he’d had a chance to find out her name.


He’d certainly never seen her at the hotel before.

What was it his granddad had told him during their precious heart-to-heart the day before he’d died?

‘Believe me, Alex, you’ll know when you’ve met “the one”’

Trouble is, Granddad … What do I do if she’s already married?

More about the book…

When Rebecca’s friend Abi convinces her to get away from it all at the fabulous Hawksley Manor hotel in York, it seems too good to be true. Pampering and relaxation is just what Rebecca needs to distract herself from the creeping suspicion that her husband, Greg, is hiding something from her.

She never imagined that by the end of the weekend she would have dined with celebrities or danced the night away in exclusive clubs. Nor could she have predicted she would meet famous footballer, Alex Heath, or that he would be the one to show her that she deserved so much more …

But no matter how amazing a weekend is, it’s always back to reality come Monday morning – isn’t it?

What the reviewers say…

“I loved this gorgeous love story, written with a sure touch and a big heart.” Bestselling author, Lisa Jewell.

“Alex isn’t your stereotypical celeb footballer (or rather stereotypically portrayed in the media).  His ethics and morals had me swooning as much as his physique!” Shaz Goodwin – Jera’s Jamboree

“Those lovely people at Choc Lit and their reading panel do have a bit of a talent for spotting something special that their readers will enjoy, and they’ve done it again with this lovely book.”  Anne Williams of Being Anne

More about Jan…

Jan is a South London-dwelling all-round book devotee, married to Dave, and one eighth of online-writing group The Romaniacs

As Weekends Go tested as many of my emotions as I put my characters through, so when it was published by Choc Lit UK after winning their Search for a Star Competition 2014/2015, I was elated. I missed the characters terribly, especially Rebecca and Alex, so much so, that I’m currently writing the sequel where I get to spend more time with a few of the ‘As Weekends Go’ crew, plus some new faces who are creating a whole fresh mixture of predicaments for everyone.

I suggest you go shopping, stock up on your favourite treats and pamper yourself with a great read.  Now your weekend is organised, and you can sit back and read about someone else’s dilemmas, as you visit York, Spain and Brighton. I’ll see you in Brighton – happy reading! 


Please see all my extracts at Book Extracts and my blog at


New Stories, Old Characters and Happy Beginnings

I hoped thoughts of my characters wouldn’t disturb my enjoyment of the performance.

The orchestra tuned up prior to the Russian State Ballet’s performance of Cinderella.  The discordant notes reminded me of the collection of ideas for my work in progress and blog posts.  I hoped thoughts of my characters wouldn’t disturb my enjoyment of the performance.

The ballet opened with a clock projected on the screen and dancers represented the mechanism. Time ticking reminded me it was already the end of another year and it was almost time to press the button on my New Writers’ Scheme application.

My work in progress is still a pumpkin waiting for the final transformation.

A forlorn Cinderella appeared on stage, like the character of Sophie I have left behind in my second novel.   The erratic movements of the stepmother and ugly sisters reminded me of the clunky sentences I have abandoned. But these characters distracted me with their humour.  The man playing the wicked stepmother was expressive in both physical and facial movements.  He had planned every single movement to correspond with the music.  I feel as if I choreograph every single movement of the characters in my book and sometimes it appears forced, until the characters take on a life of their own.  Doreen, in my work in progress, possess the same sort of pantomime dame presence as the stepmother but she isn’t wicked.

Cheers to Lizzie Lamb and Lynda Stacey

A malevolent force dominated the ballet: good wrestled with evil. The evil dissolved when the fairies appeared and then they distracted me from my writing.  During my blogging year, I have also encountered my very own fairies who have added magic and to my year.  Lynda Stacey invited me to the RNA York tea and encouraged me to apply for their New Writer’s Scheme, while Lizzie Lamb, an RNA member, is always on hand to provide me with indie author expertise.  Angela Petch and Jena Henry are my fairy godmothers.  They have become twinkling stars on my Books in Handbag Blog.  As I write, I know exactly what Angela and Jena will ask.

Jena Henry and Angela Petch are my fairy godmothers

‘Who are the ugly sisters and wicked stepmothers?’ I hear my fairy godmothers ask.

Well, I am like the wicked stepmother trying to force my characters to fall in love or get back home before it’s too late.  Male and female characters can get ugly when they don’t want to behave.

Transfixed, I watched the transformation of Cinderella and marvelled at the re-telling of a classic.  Good, beauty and the truth prevailed when the story ended.  This confirmed I must pursue a love story in my second novel.

After the bows for the ballet, the curtain dropped, lights went on and the spell was broken.  My neighbours rattled their sweet packets and settled down as the dusty, blue curtain closed. Having been transported into a dreamlike state, I knew I would pursue Pearl and Jim’s romance further but with a backdrop of humour and the seventies.

With a letter from the RNA, my new year has a happy beginning.

My work in progress is still a pumpkin waiting for the final transformation.  Happily, I have just discovered I have been accepted on the RNA New Writers’ Scheme.  With a letter from the RNA, my new year has a happy beginning.  I can’t wait for the RNA reader to add some magic.  The RNA Conference and RNA York Tea will also be significant events in my year.


Please see all my adventures at Handbag Adventures and my website and blog at