This week Jena is time travelling with her golden handbag, so she delved into the wonderful world of Anna Belfrage’s novels. She selected two novels from The Wanderer Book series and let Anna take her back in time with her characters. If you are in the US you’ll be time ‘traveling’ but here in the UK we’re time ‘travelling’. Have a great time wherever you are.

If you love to read, then author Anna Belfrage is the writer for you. She has crafted many wonderful-looking and enticing books. There are nine books in her The Graham Saga series, all Time Travel Romances. Then there’s The King’s Greatest Enemy series, four Medieval Romances. Or how about The Wanderer Book series, two so far, again more exciting Time Travel. Her storied have also appeared in several historical anthologies. The focus on historical times and time travel is not surprising as according to Anna’s bio, “Had Anna been allowed to choose, she’d have become a professional time-traveler.”

I found the Two Books in The Wanderer Series in the historical area of Jessie Cahalin’s Handbag Gallery. I’ve always been intrigued by time travel, and history gets me excited too, so I knew I had found my latest Golden Chapter reads.
What are The Wanderer Books about? Here’s part of the book blurb from the first book.
“In the long-lost ancient past, two men fought over the girl with eyes like the Bosporus under a summer sky. It ended badly. She died. They died.
Since then, they have all tumbled through time, reborn over and over again. Now they are all here, in the same place, the same time and what began so long ago must finally come to an end.”
Ask the heroine Helle Madsen what she thinks about reincarnation and she’ll laugh in your face.
Well, I don’t want to be laughed at, but I was curious about reincarnation and time travel, so I found this helpful list online.
Past Lives: 11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times
- Recurring Dreams
- Out-of-Place Memories
- Deja-vu
- You’re an empath
- You Have Strong Intuition
- Precognition
- Recognition
- You Feel Older Than Your Age Reflects
- You have a great Affinity for Certain Cultures or Time Periods
- Unexplainable Fears or Phobias
- You Feel as though this Earth is not Your Home
While we ponder the list, let’s get started on the Golden Chapter reviews. Yes, I decided to review the first Golden Chapter of each of the two books in the series, because I was so intrigued by the idea of reincarnation and time-travel.

The first book in The Wanderer Series is A Torch in His Heart. And the first chapter starts dramatically.
“His eyes snapped open! She was here!
Jason- His lost woman…so many centuries ago….so many lives in between
And in a bed, in a room several streets away, a young woman twisted in her sleep.”Let’s meet the three souls that have tumbled through time and been born and reborn. Helle Madsen is a young American woman, in London for a new exciting financial internship. She’s smart, beautiful and sophisticated but her girlfriend thinks Helle prefers to date milksops.
Helle’s boss is Sam Woolf, a man who radiates power. We learn that he has ancient Turkish blood. He has black, black eyes that bore into people. Such as when he tells Helle, “For a moment, you reminded me of some I used to know- a long, long time ago.” Definitely not a milksop. Helle’s not sure if Sam is “hot” but she thinks he’s definitely predatory and handsome. When she’s with him, she feels like she’s being pulled into a dark vortex.
And then there’s Jason…
At the end of the first Golden Chapter, we leave the present day and get a glimpse of the ancient past. Jason is meeting a King and a young girl with hair the color of the sun. A small girl who walks into his heart.
What an exciting book and series this promises to be! Time travel, reincarnation, souls seeking each other over and over. Plenty of action and romance will enhance the unique story-line, I’m sure!!
Are you ready for a peak at the second book in the series?
Smoke in Her Eyes- The Wanderer Book 2
Amazon lists this book as Erotic Time Travel.
At the start of this Golden Chapter, we are immediately thrown into a crisis.
The successful young career woman, Helle Madsen, is dirty, and covered in blood. Jason, Sam and Helle are in the present day and have been involved in a situation with a car fire, and a shooting. Helle has attacked Sam. Jason has used his special gifts. The police don’t know what they are investigating. And they certainly don’t know that it involves 3,000 years of history.
As Helle keeps watch over Jason in the hospital, she longs for him, her eternal torch-bearer.
She wonders-“ was it the Fates, those fickle spinners of destiny, who had decided it would be good to throw all three of them together again?”
Yes, Jason and Helle are reunited, but Sam Woolf, erstwhile Prince of Kolchis, is a hard man to kill.
Plenty of adventure and thrills in this Golden Chapter, too!
Thanks to Jessie Cahalin and author Anna Belfrage for introducing me to this adventurous Time Travel series! I hope you visit the Handbag Gallery to learn more about Anna Belfrage’s books and all the other titles there. Have you read this book series, or any of the other books by Ms. Belfrage? I’d love to talk about them with you in the comments. Here’s some questions I’d like to chat about and feel free to leave your own thoughts, too!
- Are you a reincarnated soul?
- Would you love to be a time-traveler?
- What do you think about the heroine, Helle? There she is, an up and coming financial wizard…and then she learns about her past lives!
Please see all the Golden Chapters and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
A copy of my novel is available here.