The train moved through the ancient, rugged North York Moors. A whistle nudged me from the stories in my imagination, and I noticed the sign for Goathland Station. Sharon waited on the platform, wearing jeans and a sunshine yellow top. Initially, she failed to notice me as she wrote furiously in her notebook. A Mediterranean sky greeted us both as we headed towards the village. Immersed in the pages of a picture of book as we walked to the village, I reflected that Sharon had chosen an ideal inspiration for the setting of her fictional village, Bramblewick, as it was like being immersed in the pages of a picture book. As we sauntered, we chatted about every detail of the charming setting – Sharon is fantastic company. We laughed at the sheep wandering through the village as if they were going out shopping for the day.

As a fan of ‘Heartbeat’, also set in Goathland, I wanted to visit the ‘Aidensfield Arms’, which Sharon told me was also the place she had in mind when she created Bramblewick’s pub, The Bay Horse. As I recounted my favourite character of Greengrass in Heartbeat, we reached The Goathland Hotel, the Heartbeat pub itself. Without speaking we both walked towards the inviting old inn. We bought soft drinks and settled at a table in the beer garden.
Jessie: Sharon, this is the perfect setting to inspire your romance novels. Who wouldn’t want to escape to Goathland to make a fresh start? What is Fresh Starts at Folly Farm about?
Sharon: Goathland first came to my attention when I was holidaying nearby, in the very week that Heartbeat started on television. Of course, we had to visit the place, and I loved it immediately. We’ve been back on many occasions since then. I love the surrounding moorland, the beautiful stone buildings, and all these gorgeous sheep wandering the roads! It’s about an hour and a half drive from my home but so worth it. Bramblewick was first mentioned in one of my Kearton Bay novels, A Kiss from a Rose, and I had Goathland in mind even then. (I’ve created a whole fictional network of villages and towns which are cross referenced throughout my books, with Whitby as the place which anchors them in a real location.) When it came to writing a series about a North York Moors village, where else was I going to look? As you saw when you arrived by train, there is a beck and a stone bridge that leads to the village. I simply moved them so that the main street is at the side of the water. Now that I’m up to the third book in the series, this place feels so comfortable and familiar to me. Fresh Starts at Folly Farm is a story of new beginnings, home and family. Even when life has let you down, love can heal the deepest wounds. In a run-down farm on the North York Moors, both animals and humans discover it’s never too late to start again.
Jessie: Please can you read a tempting extract from your novel?

Sharon: “What is it?” Sam peered into the box and let out a cry of wonder at the sight of a tiny ginger kitten, fast asleep on his blanket.
“Another rescue case?”
Xander gave Rachel a sheepish smile. “‘Fraid so.”
Jessie: I love it! I can already feel the warmth of the characters – it sounds like the perfect escapist novel. What do the reviewers say about your Fresh Starts at Folly Farm?
Sharon: I’ve been lucky to have excellent reviews for my Bramblewick books. They’re quite gentle stories and seem to be very popular. I was aiming for a “Sunday night television series” sort of feel, and I hope I’ve succeeded. Readers certainly seem to be enjoying Fresh Starts at Folly Farm.
Sharon retrieved her phone from her Harry Potter satchel – which she was carrying in honour of the fact that Goathland train station featured as the Hogwarts Express stop at Hogsmeade in the Harry Potter films – then searched for the reviews.
“It takes much awareness and a great sense of balance to treat certain topics without sounding trivial or superficial, nor tragic. This story is pure emotion. Sharon Booth never ceases to amaze me.” ~ Isabella, Amazon reviewer
“This book had me hooked from the start. I have read all of Sharon’s previous stories and this ranks as one of my favourites.” ~ DJW, Amazon reviewer.
“I just love Bramblewick books and can’t wait for the next one!” ~ Writer up the Hill.
Jessie: It must be a joy to escape to Bramblewick to follow the lives of your characters. How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?
Sharon: It’s always mixed feelings when I finish writing a book. I feel quite sad to say goodbye to the characters, but I’m also highly relieved that the job’s done, because I’m never convinced I’ll be able to write another novel, so it’s always great when I prove myself wrong! I haven’t really had time to miss the characters at Folly Farm yet, as I’ve been busy working on my next book, but I know I’ll be going back to Bramblewick again soon, so I can catch up with my fictional friends before too long.
Jessie: Who would you like to read your book and why? This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family.

Sharon: I’d like as many people as possible to visit Folly Farm! Specifically, I’d love my daughter and daughter-in-law to read it, as they inspired me so much with this story. Two of the animals in the book are based on two of their own animals, and they’ve got so many pets, including a couple of rescue cases. Their animals have such a glorious life and are given so much care and attention and oodles of love. I’m very proud of them and the way they have given second chances to two very special creatures. I could write a whole series just about them!
Jessie: The books are a wonderful tribute to your family – how wonderful! I must admit Fresh Start at Folly Farm sound delicious but why should I keep your book in my handbag?
Sharon: Because it’s a real feel-good story, guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart. If you watch or read the news, it’s easy to believe that this is a cruel, heartless world. Fresh Starts at Folly Farm will remind you that there are good, kind people, and there’s always a chance for love and a new beginning – whether you’re an animal or a human.
Jessie: Your stories sound like a great joy for your readers and they eagerly await the next book. I am delighted to hear you are writing another novel. What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?
Sharon: “What will be the outcome of that?” That’s a bit cryptic, isn’t it? It’s a jotting for my next book, which is the second in my Yorkshire Dales Skimmerdale series, a sequel to This Other Eden. I’ve been playing around with plot points and trying to work out the what ifs. Writing a first draft is such hard work!
Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?
Sharon: Getting noticed when there are thousands of new books released every week. Visibility is a huge challenge, and there are massive demands on writers to get their name and work “out there”, which means more time marketing and networking and less time writing, unfortunately.
Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?
Sharon: Just keep writing and getting more books out there.
Jessie: Sharon, it is always such a pleasure to communicate with you. You are so helpful and kind to others. Tell me a little more about yourself.
Sharon: I’m a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and blogging group The Write Romantics. I’ve published ten novels and written two pocket novels and a short story for The People’s Friend. I’m a huge fan of Yorkshire, Doctor Who and horses, and am shamefully prone to all-consuming crushes on fictional heroes.
Jessie: It’s confession time. Is there one fictional hero that stands out for you?
Sharon: Oh gosh! I have to name just one? Really? I could name dozens of other writers’ creations as well as plenty of my own. To be fair to all my gorgeous heroes, I’ll simply say Xander, as he’s my latest hero from Fresh Starts at Folly Farm and, of course, he lives around here somewhere! He’s got a heart of gold. Any man who cares passionately about the welfare of helpless animals has got to be a keeper, right? And, of course, he’s a very handsome actor, with a humble nature and a great sense of humour. Most importantly of all, he’s exceptionally kind. Yes, I think it’s Xander’s turn to shine right now, and – oh my word, there he is! Look, he’s waving at me. Er, you don’t mind if I end this talk now, do you, Jessie? Only, I haven’t seen Xander for a while and, well, you know how it is. Thanks so much for our little chat. It’s been fun! Okay, Xander, wait for me! Oh wow, look at that smile. He really is exceptionally lovely, isn’t he? Bye, Jessie!
Sharon vanished without finishing her drink. Later, she sent me a text message to say all would be revealed in another book.

More about Sharon
Sharon is a persistent daydreamer; happy in her own company, she lives inside her own head most of the time, much to the confusion and irritation of those around her. In her imagination, she’s the storybook mum and grandma, who greets her visiting family with tea in pretty china cups, homemade cakes, and effusive kisses. In reality, she tends to groan that they’ve interrupted her writing, while rummaging through the cupboards in the hope of finding leftover biscuits to offer them, and completely forgetting to put the kettle on until she’s been reminded – several times.
Contact details:
Twitter: @Sharon_Booth1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sharonboothwriter
Website: www.sharonboothwriter.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sharonboothwriter
Email: sharonb2306@gmail.com
Please see all my author interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
Fabulous interview. I’m lucky enough to live in Scarborough and Goathland isn’t far away. Absolutely love it there, especially as I’m a huge Heartbeat fan. I can vividly picture it when reading Sharon’s books x
Thanks for your comment. You are blessed to live in Scarborough. Praise indeed for Sharon if you recognise the setting in her novels.
My brother lives in Hutton-le-Hole, so I must read one of your books. It’s such a beautiful, special area. I’m going to be a newbie at the RNA conference this year too. Maybe we’ll bump into each other. This is another great interview, Jessie!
Like you, your brother lives in a glorious part of the world. I expect you love Yorkshire humour and would enjoy Sharon’s novels.
Lovely post, Jessie. I agree with that reviewer – Sharon never ceases to amaze me! The quality and quantity of her output is amazing. Her warmth shines through every one. Would love to meet her one day!
Aw, thank you so much, June. I’ll be at the conference this year for the first time. Are you going? And I’m at the tea in September. Maybe I’ll see you at one of those events? xx
Thank you, June. It was so easy to interview Sharon. She is so much fun and enjoys a laugh.I can imagine her narrative add sparkle to the reader’s day.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Jessie, and thanks for making that long journey to Goathland. I hope it was worth it! We had a lovely day, though, didn’t we? Sorry I abandoned you, but when Xander calls …
I love the company of a Yorkshire lass – perfect for me. I don’t blame you for dashing, but I didn’t get a chance to buy you some Black Sheep ale. We will have to meet again…Do you ever visit West Yorkshire?
Lovely interview. And, as I said in my review: I can’t wait for the next Bramblewick book!
Thank you, Pat! I love Jessie’s unique way of hosting a blog interview. It’s certainly different. Nice to get out of the house!
I’ll be working on the fourth Bramblewick story very soon. x
Thanks so much Sharon. It is always a joy to work with authors as everyone is so unique. Bramblewick is a delicious title.
It is wonderful that Sharon brings so much joy to her readers – magical!
She does!
Brilliant interview! It makes me want to go back up North even more now. I may never come back once I’m there, as I have now another village to visit, along with Robin Hood’s Bay. LOL
Thank you so much for the mention, Sharon and Jessie! Sharon’s books are a breath of fresh air and fill your heart with hope. I strongly recommend them!
Thank you so much, Isabella. That’s such a lovely thing to say. I could draw you a map of all the places you need to go on my Book Tour!
There’s Whitby, obviously, and Goathland and Robin Hood’s Bay, and Helmsley (Helmston) and lots of little moorland villages that inspired Hasedale (Resisting Mr Rochester) and Moreton Cross (Saving Mr Scrooge), then there’s Farthingdale (Fylingdales) … oh, you could be travelling for quite a while. xxx
Oh fabulous! I may need to stay more than a few days as I had originally planned LOL
I do love a Book Tour! And I do love travelling with my mind, too. Your books have provided me with plenty of inspiration! xx
That’s what I like to hear!
It was so nostalgic for me to think about my home county of Yorkshire. Sharon’s book does sound like perfect escapism – joyful. Robin Hood’s Bay was our holiday destination when we were children. I hope you will visit one day!
I lived in Hull for about one year when I was in my twenties, but was mainly at Uni, and only made it as far as Scarborough, which I loved. Being used to living close to the sea in Italy, I needed a breath of salty air every once in a while! LOL Sharon’s books made me realise how much I had missed. I can’t wait to visit again.