A Tuscan Wedding Feast

‘…picked by Teresa and her girlfriends from the meadows around the village.’

You are all invited to an Italian wedding feast.  Dust off your gladrags and let Angela Petch tingle your taste buds with an extract from the final chapter of ‘Tuscan Roots’. 






‘Teresa and her friends from the village have been busy for days in the kitchen, banning Anna from the food preparations..’

The railings on the steps to Il Casalone have been festooned with laurel branches, garlands of white roses and long strands of variegated ivy and Teresa and her friends from the village have been busy for days in the kitchen, banning Anna from the food preparations. The wedding meal and sharing of food is every bit as important a ritual as the nuptial mass. Tables are piled with a feast of colourful, appetising food, spread on freshly laundered Busatti linen. A warm, balmy October has followed a wet summer and so a separate round table is arranged outside on the terrace to hold a whole Parmesan cheese, cut into squares and served with sparkling Prosecco to each guest as they arrive. Teresa and her team have been busy with starters of roast peppers, courgettes and aubergines, pastries with asparagus and artichokes and melting soft cheeses, home-made cappelletti, small hat-shaped ravioli stuffed with chicken breast, lean beef, lemon zest and nutmeg – and tagliatelle, with Anna’s favourite fresh tomato and basil sauce.

‘And all this is to be washed down with glasses of full-bodied local Sangiovese and Chianti Classico.’

And for the main course, Teresa carries in a platter of whole roast suckling pig served with tiny potatoes kept from the ‘orto’, roasted in olive oil and pungent rosemary, a salad of flowers: nasturtiums, borage and marigold petals with young dandelion leaves, wild sorrel and rocket picked by Teresa and her girlfriends from the meadows around the village. And all this is to be washed down with glasses of full-bodied local Sangiovese and Chianti Classico.


The food prepared by the locals, in the Italian Apennines, transcends time and bridges the gap between the generations.

The food prepared by the locals, in the Italian Apennines, transcends time and bridges the gap between the generations.  I enjoyed ‘the stuffed zucchini flowers, little squares of crostini topped with spicy tomatoes, liver pate and a creamy relish made from dandelion flowers, roasted bay leaves topped with ovals of melted cheese.’  Food is prepared: to celebrate feasts, to welcome people into the home, to celebrate family occasions and to woo.

Let Angela Petch tingle your taste buds with her final chapter of ‘Tuscan Roots’.

Read Tuscan Roots, and you will not want to leave the romantic beauty of ‘indigo blue mountains’, or the ruins of Il Mulino (The Mill).  You will be impressed with the bravery of the Italian community during the war, and you will not want to leave the blossoming romance.  I highly recommend this book! Please read my whole review.

Angela has also published ‘Now and Then in Tuscany’: the sequel to Tuscan Roots.

She has published several stories in People’s Friend and is currently writing her third novel.

About Tuscan Roots

If you like Italy, you will enjoy this novel. A story of two women living in two different times. In 1943,in occupied Italy, Ines Santini’s sheltered existence is turned upside down when she meets Norman, an escaped British POW. Years later, Anna Swillland, their daughter, starts to unravel romantic and historical accounts from assorted documents left to her after her mother’s death. She travels to the beautiful Tuscan Apennines, where the story unfolds. In researching her parents’ past, she will discover secrets about the war, her parents and herself, which will change her life forever.

Angela’s Love Affair with Italy

Angela Petch in Italy

I live in the beautiful Italian Apennines for several months each year. Such an inspiring location.
My love affair with Italy was born at the age of seven when I moved with my family to Rome where we lived for six years. My father worked for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and he made sure we learned Italian and visited many places during that time.
Later on I studied Italian at the University of Kent at Canterbury and afterwards worked in Sicily, where I met my husband. His Italian mother and British father met in Urbino in 1944 and married after a war-time romance.


Contact Angela
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AngelaJaneClarePetch/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Angela_Petch
Website:  https://angelapetchsblogsite.wordpress.com/


Please see all my extracts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

Travel to a Magical, Mystical Destination with Adrienne Vaughan

Pack your bags and travel to Ireland, with Mia

The mystical ‘That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel’ enchanted me, so I asked Adrienne Vaughan to tempt you with a magical extract.  As it is Valentines’s Day, Adrienne has kindly organised a free, signed copy for the lucky competition winner.  Will Leela deal you a lucky tarot card?




Dear Readers,

That Summer at The Seahorse Hotel

I am delighted to present an extract from That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel – my brand new romance novel.

This is the story of a family with secrets, but one particular secret has tainted all their lives. Now, with crisis looming, it looks like the revelation of this secret will change everything, forever.

Set on the Irish coast, The Seahorse Hotel is a mystical, magical place. This extract features the housekeeper Leela and her Tarot, a guiding light which has seen the family through many dramas over the years.

It’s the perfect story to sweep the reader away to another time and place. Set in the present day yet laced with memories, The Seahorse Hotel, brings a web of lies, intrigue and betrayal to the fore and with the family at a crossroads, makes you wonder if the shadows of the past will blight their future or give them the faith to forge their own way in the world.

Enjoy your stay! 

Adrienne Vaughan

Extract from That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel by Adrienne Vaughan

‘Fenella sat back as Leela’s fingers glided across the pack; gold and purple shapes and swirls.’

Leela dealt until there were nine cards face down between them. Moving left to right, she turned the first card over.

“Remind me, which is this?” Fenella said, touching the card.

Leela hushed her. “Wait until the hand is out. I need to see the complete picture.”

Fenella sat back as Leela’s fingers glided across the pack; gold and purple shapes and swirls. Turning them over she watched the jewel colours of the illustrations, faded now, corners worn, and was again the little girl in the library, entranced as Mrs Fitzgerald, diamonds flashing, tapped each card, explaining every symbol and the impact it would have on the life of the person before her.

“What is it?” Fenella asked.

Leela kept her eyes fixed on the cards.

Take a seat in Archie’s world: ‘Champagne makes everything better’

“You’re at a crossroads.” Leela pointed at the Hanged Man. “The road you decide to take will be life changing. There’s turmoil, conflict in close relationships.” She tapped the Ace of Cups. “I love this one, emotional happiness, home and family.” She thought for a moment. The Seven of Swords lay before her. “Hmm, this fella, possibly betrayal, someone getting away with something. Wonder what that could be?”

Fenella looked away, a squall was building out in the bay.

More about That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel

Mia Flanagan has never been told who her father is and aged ten, stopped asking. Haunted by this, she remains a dutiful daughter who would never bring scandal or shame on her beautiful and famously single mother.

One family, one secret – that changes everything forever

So when Archie Fitzgerald, one of Hollywood’s favourite actors, decided to leave Mia his Irish estate- she asks herself – is he her father after all?

That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel is a tale of passion, jealousy and betrayal – and the ghost of a secret love that binds this colourful cast yet still threatens, after all these years, to tear each of them apart.

One family, one secret – that changes everything forever

Praise for Adrienne Vaughan

‘The story-telling has the same charm and magic I’ve always found in a Maeve Binchy’ Elaine G (Top 100 Amazon Reviewer)

 ‘Adrienne Vaughan writes just beautifully – all of life is here – and I loved every moment.’ Welsh Annie (Top 1000 Reviewer Vine Voice)

‘I think all Adrienne Vaughan’s books are just fabulous.’- Nikki Bywater, book blogger.

More about Adrienne Vaughan

Adrienne Vaughan

Adrienne Vaughan has been making up stories since she could speak; primarily to entertain her sister Reta, who from a very early age never allowed a plot or character to be repeated – tough gig!
As soon as she could pick up a pen, she started writing them down. No surprise she wanted to be a journalist; ideally the editor of a glossy music and fashion magazine, so she could meet and marry a rock star – some of that came true! And in common with so many, she still holds the burning ambition to be a ‘Bond Girl’.

Adrienne is a fun, lively author and this translates into her writing: she is a natural storyteller.

Adrienne felt exhausted but happy when she had finished writing That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel. She said, ‘This book, like some of the characters, was wilful and demanding. I miss Archie, but in many ways, he’ll always be around now.’

Meet Archie and the rest of the entertaining characters That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel.  Pack your bags, go to Ireland to find out what happened ‘that summer’. Read the enchanting story from the author who believes in mermaids…

Read my review of That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel. I can thoroughly recommend this enchanting novel – it is a triumph!  Meet Adrienne Vaughan in my Chat Room.

You can enter Adrienne’s competition to win a signed copy of this novel if you email her at:  mailto:adrienne@adriennevaughan.com.  Mark the subject of the email ‘Competition Entry’.  Good luck!  

See Adrienne’s fabulous new website .


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.


Dutch Food and French Romance with Imogen Matthews

Last Christmas, I made sourdough bagels for breakfast -they vanished almost as soon as I took them out of the oven!

Historical novelist, Imogen Matthews, shares her love of Dutch food and reveals her double life as a romance novelist.

Ah, good food…where do I start? A couple of years ago I went on a sourdough breadmaking course and have been making my own bread ever since. Last Christmas, I made sourdough bagels for breakfast -they vanished almost as soon as I took them out of the oven!

I lead a double life as an author…writing romance novels under my pen name, Alex Johnson, and Dutch historical fiction under my real name, Imogen Matthews.  So here are the flavours of Holland, a place I visit at least once a year:

Flavours of Holland: Dutch pancake

I am delighted to present a foodie extract from The Perfume Muse.  Come along and join Oliver and Julie.

A romantic dinner in Grasse


Over dinner in his favourite bistro in Grasse, the gorgeous suave Olivier breaks the devastating news that he will be moving to New York. But just weeks ago, Julie gave up her life in Oxford to be with Olivier in Grasse…

‘a piping hot casserole dish.

‘When?’ she whispered?

‘No fixed date but my boss wants the project completed by the end of the year. I’ve told him I need three months, at least, working in Grasse. I think he’s accepted that.’ He drew his lips into a thin smile which broadened as soon as he saw the waiter approach with their poulet served in a piping hot casserole dish.

‘…you can only get the sweetness from these tomatoes which grow in my friend’s garden.

Voila!’ exclaimed the waiter proudly, setting the dish in the centre of the table and flapping his cloth against each plate before placing it in front of them. ‘We have the local chicken from my father, cooked in the oven for a long time with the onions. See how beautiful, soft and sweet, and the fresh tomatoes -you can only get the sweetness from these tomatoes which grow in my friend’s garden.’ He waved somewhere in the direction behind their heads before carrying on. ‘And look at these olives, black and juicy, they burst with flavor. Please, enjoy your meal.’

Flavours of Holland: Appelgebak -Dutch apple tart

‘It looks wonderful. I’m sure we will,’ laughed Julie, who was enchanted by this performance. She was pleased to have the diversion, giving her time to gather her thoughts.

End of extract




Alex Johnson The Perfume Muse

As Alex Johnson I have written two novels: Run Away and The Perfume Muse. My career in the beauty and perfume industry, where I’ve worked for many years as a journalist, inspired my characters and I’ve used my experiences to give some insight into the fascinating world of perfumery.

The Perfume Muse is the sequel to Run Away: the first story is about the break-up of a family and how Julie, the protagonist, copes with life as a single mother and her wayward teenage daughter. Julie falls in love with gorgeous French perfumer, Olivier, but must decide whether he can offer the future she longs for.

At the start of The Perfume Muse Julie and Olivier move to Grasse, the French perfume capital, but Julie’s dreams are dashed when, almost straightaway, he accepts a job in New York. Their relationship is tested by long periods apart and Julie finds comfort in a budding friendship with the intriguing and sexy Jean-Jacques.

Both men, both acclaimed perfumers, vie for Julie’s affections through perfume: each create romantic, sensual perfumes inspired by and especially for her.

How can she possibly choose between them?

Julie’s resolve is further tested by the unexpected arrival of Olivier’s son, Michel.

What were the reasons for Michel turning up out of the blue?

Can the disappearance of the perfume formula Olivier invented for Julie be connected?

And to top it all, it looks like Michel is falling in love with Julie’s daughter, Lisa.

Julie must get to the bottom of this. She flies out to New York to confront Olivier about the son he’s never mentioned and to determine whether her future lies with him or with Jean-Jacques.

The romance novels are very different to Imogen’s recent bestseller: The Hidden Village – the forgotten story of Dutch World War Two History.  Imogen’s romance novels are available for a great price so check out Run Away and Perfume Muse.  I am incredibly impressed with Imogen’s versatility as a writer – she is a great storyteller.


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

Connectedness with Sandra Danby

Sandra’s books in her handbag

Secrets, art, Spain and Yorkshire are always winning ingredients for me.  Intrigued by Connectedness, when it arrived in the Handbag Gallery, I invited Sandra to tell us more about the inspiration behind her book. She was kind enough to respond and offer a giveaway.

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present an extract from Connectedness, the second in my ‘Identity Detective’ series of adoption reunion mysteries.

When her mother dies, Justine returns to her childhood home in Yorkshire where she decides to confront her past.

Justine Tree’s art sells around the world, but does anyone truly know her? When her mother dies, Justine returns to her childhood home in Yorkshire where she decides to confront her past. She asks journalist Rose Haldane to find the baby she gave away when she was an art student, but only when Rose starts to ask difficult questions does Justine truly understand what she must face.

I firmly believe that daughters do not tell their mothers everything, and vice versa. I didn’t. Did you?

Happy reading!

Sandra Danby

Collaging on the track in Istan, Spain

Extract from Connectedness by Sandra Danby

The clouds hurried from left to right, moved by a distant wind that did not touch her cheek. It felt unusually still for May. As if the weather was waiting for the day to begin, just as she was. She had given up trying to sleep at three o’clock, pulled on some clothes and let herself out of the front door. Despite the dark, she knew exactly the location of the footpath, the edge of the cliffs; could walk it with her eyes closed. Justine lay on the ground and looked up, feeling like a piece of grit in the immensity of the world. Time seemed both still and marching on. The dark grey of night was fading as the damp began to seep through her jeans to her skin. A pale line of light appeared on the eastern horizon, across the flat of the sea. She shivered and sat up. It was time to go. She felt close to both her parents here, but today belonged to her mother.

Three hours later, she stood at the graveside and watched as the coffin was lowered into the dark damp hole. Her parents together again in the plot they had bought. It was a big plot, there was space remaining.

Will I be buried here?

It was a reassuring thought, child reunited with parents.

Istan, Spain is a location in Connnectedness

More about Connectedness


Is Justine strong enough to admit the secrets and lies of her past? To speak aloud the deeds she has hidden for 27 years, the real inspiration for her work that sells for millions of pounds. Could the truth trash her artistic reputation? Does Justine care more about her daughter, or her art? And what will she do if her daughter hates her?

Justine’s tale of art, adoption, romance and loss moves between now and the Eighties, from London’s art world to the bleak isolated cliffs of East Yorkshire and the hot orange blossom streets of Malilaga, Spain.

A family mystery for fans of Maggie O’Farrell, Lucinda Riley, Tracy Rees and Rachel Hore.

Praise for Sandra Danby

This is a novel that I found hard to put down as it swept me along on a roller-coaster of an emotional ride. I had to pull myself together not to burst into tears. Isabell Homfeld, book blogger, Germany

With her well-defined, sympathetic characters, layers of meaning, and sensual, all-engaging descriptions, the author takes us on a highly-emotional and gripping journey through the art world, exploring love, loss and human weakness, all coming together in a truly heartfelt conclusion.Liza Perratt, Book Muse book blog

Evocative and descriptive prose brings places to life with sights, sounds and scents. Justine becomes a very sympathetic character as layers are peeled away and more and more of her past is revealed. Cathy Ryan, Between the Lines book blog

More about Sandra Danby

A proud Yorkshire woman, tennis nut and tea drinker, Sandra believes a walk on the beach will cure most ills.

A proud Yorkshire woman, tennis nut and tea drinker, Sandra believes a walk on the beach will cure most ills. Unlike Rose Haldane, the identity detective in her two novels Ignoring Gravity and Connectedness, she is not adopted.

One of the great things about writing this series is that I continue to write about Rose, of whom I am very fond despite her occasional spikiness. To me she is a real person. I grew to love Justine too, perhaps because her birthplace in Yorkshire is also mine. She has also left me with a lasting love of art, which I continue to indulge by buying beautiful art books and wishing I could paint. Despite many attempts at watercolours, I really am hopeless. Perhaps it is time for some lessons.

Contact Sandra
Website http://www.sandradanby.com/
Amazon Author page https://amzn.to/2vEvGS8
Twitter @SandraDanby https://twitter.com/sandradanby?lang=en
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sandradanbyauthor
Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/sandradan1/
Photos attached@SandraDanby]:

Kitty Wilson’s Christmas Wishes in Cornwall

Take a peek at Kitty’s book in her handbag.

Kitty Wilson is author of the bestselling Cornish Village Series.  How can anyone resist a visit to Cornwall at the most magical time of year?  Her novels are celebrated as the ‘perfect escapist read’ by her dedicated readers.  I have invited Kitty to tell you more about her Christmas novel.

Hello everyone,

I am delighted to present the fourth in The Cornish Village School series, Christmas Wishes. This series of romantic comedies centre around a primary school in the fictional village of Penmenna with each story featuring a member of staff and involving the whole community. This is the first Christmas-themed one and tells the tale of Alice, a teaching assistant in class four, and Dan who moved to Penmenna to be its vicar a couple of years ago. Alice and Dan are firm friends with a penchant for getting into mischief but when Dan’s grandmother, Annie, moves into The Vicarage with him she is determined to push the two of them together.

I wanted to choose an extract for you that both summed up the Christmassy nature of this book, the sense of community and the romance between Alice and Dan so I hope this short piece does that.

I have really enjoyed writing Christmas Wishes, the antics of Annie and her new best friend Ethel, make me giggle every time I read them and I hope they raise a smile for other readers too. I am so fond of Alice and Dan, both have had very different upbringings yet carry the same values and hopes for their future, I think the two of them are perfectly matched.

All love, Kitty

Meet the lovely Kitty Wilson

Here is the extract:

One minute Alice had been sipping Ethel’s mulled wine, giggling at the memories of last year as she cast her eyes over the church they were all in. A church that smelt strongly of Christmas with mulled wine spices mixing with the scent of pine from all the greenery. Ethel’s brew packed such a serious punch that it had had Bill Meacher attempting to Elvis dance down the aisle last year – very definitely ‘All Shook Up’ – as he chased Mrs Talbot and promised her the moon if she would consider his hand in marriage. Luckily Mrs Talbot was a Very Sensible Woman who cordially informed him that it would take a bit more than a gyrating pelvis to persuade her to give up her hard-won independence. Although if he was available for the evening and promised to be silent then a one-off arrangement may be possible.

The next minute everyone had left, she was alone with Dan and needed to take a gulp as she realised what he had just said to her. At least what she thought she had heard him say. She asked him to repeat it, just so she could be sure.

Jessie: Your Christmas novel sounds as if it is full of Christmas sparkle and delicious humour.  I can’t wait to step inside your world.  What did the reviewers think of your Christmas Wishes?

Kitty:  The reviews warm my heart and it’s great to connect with the readers.  It is lovely when readers connect with the characters.  Here are a couple of reviews that capture the essence of the feedback.

‘Full of romance, letting go of the past to move forward and plenty to do with Christmas and children. It’s a heartwarming read and has great characters and just a brilliant read and we’ll worth more than five stars.’ (Nicola – Amazon reviewer)

‘Kitty Wilson continues to please with warm tales of the people that make up the little village school in Penmenna. I will be sad when I come to the end of the series as I have become so attached to the characters in these books. Easy to get absorbed in they are easy cosy reading.’(Lorna Vickers – Amazon reviewer).

It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Penmenna…

‘The magic of Christmas shines through the pages, and I loved everything about this one – it’s an amazing addition to a superb series and Kitty Wilson has done a first-class job. A joy to read and fully deserving of every one of the five shiny stars I’m more than happy to give it. Highly recommended!’  Grace J Reviewer Lady

‘Loved this book. Great characters, easy read, uplifting, funny, romantic and charming… the perfect escapist read.’ Beanie L.

Jessie:  You must be so proud of the positive responses to your novel.  It is wonderful the way the readers connect with the characters.  How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters? 

I loved writing this book but part of the joy of writing a series is that the characters remain the same throughout, it’s only the level of focus upon them that changes. This makes it so much easier as I don’t have to say goodbye to them yet. I am writing the fifth book now and both Dan and Alice will certainly pop back up. The downside is that when the series does finish I am going to be slightly heartbroken. I have spent almost every day over the last few years in Penmenna with these characters so I suspect there may be a big Cornish Village School shaped hole in my future. I shall just have to come up with characters that I love even more in my next books.

Kitty Wilson lived in Cornwall for twenty-five years having been dragged there, against her will, as a stroppy teen. She is now remarkably grateful to her parents for their foresight and wisdom – and these days spends her time writing romantic comedies with heroines who speak their mind.

I’ve heard very positive comments about Kitty’s Cornish Village series.  Indeed, a blogger explains:
‘I have read a few books by this author now and one thing I will say is that she never disappoints. She produces well planned out stories that leave you feeling warm and cosy inside and that was exactly how this heart-warming book made me feel – and I loved it!’ Donna’s Book Blog.

More about Christmas Wishes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Penmenna…

Teaching assistant Alice has sworn off men, which is fine because with Christmas coming she’s super busy organising the school Nativity. This should be a blast with the help of close friend and village vicar, Dan – if she can ignore those more-than-just-a-friend feelings she’s developed for him…

Dan is happy to help Alice – his secret crush – but not only is his beloved Granny Annie about to be made homeless, the church choir has disintegrated and he’s battling some dark demons from his past.

With meddling grannies and PTA wars thrown in the mix, can Alice and Dan overcome their past hurts to move forward? Will they be spending Christmas together as friends… or something more?

A festive feel-good romance perfect for fans of Tilly Tennant and Holly Martin.

Kitty’s contact details and book links

I love hearing from readers so do please come and say hello on either twitter or facebook.

All the book links for the series can be found on Amazon.

And for other retailers, here are the links to buy Christmas Wishes.
Kobo                http://bit.ly/2lDXCn6
iBooks              https://apple.co/2kAWqk6
GooglePlay      http://bit.ly/2lIbTzm


Please see all my extracts and excepts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

A copy of my novel is available here.

Does the Camera Lie?

‘Alex made the images look like big cartwheels bursting with droplets of fresh juice’

Determined to confuse my senses, Susan Willis has sent me her take on a foodie extract. The fruit is alive with colour but isn’t as delicious as it seems.  Let Susan tempt you another cheeky extract from The Girl in the Dark.  Find out if all is well and whether the kitchen is too hot.


‘Kim sliced large Jaffa oranges and bright, full Sicilian lemons’

Kim sliced large Jaffa oranges and bright, full Sicilian lemons while Alex made the images look like big cartwheels bursting with droplets of fresh juice. He’s such a clever guy, she thought.

She began to peel a kiwi fruit while Alex watched. He grinned at her. ‘I haven’t had this much fun for ages,’ he teased. ‘What do you think about this, Kim?’    

‘Hmm, not a shade of lipstick I’ve ever used before, but, I suppose there’s always a first time for everything?’

Kim giggled. ‘Hmm, not a shade of lipstick I’ve ever used before, but, I suppose there’s always a first time for everything?’

Alex stared into at her mouth. ‘Maybe not, but you do have those big kissable lips!’

She felt her cheeks flush and touched her bottom lip. It feels as though I’m in some type of trance, she thought, and knew for certain that she was falling for this guy in a big way.

‘Let’s see what this pineapple looks like when sliced?’

Kim shook herself. ‘Let’s see what this pineapple looks like when sliced?’                        

Alex danced a little jig from one of his big loafers to another. ‘God, I love it when a plan comes together.’

Kim laughed at the sight of his huge feet skipping lightly.

Alex placed three apples together, but Kim frowned knowing the image didn’t look original compared to the rest of the work.

Touching his arm, she suggested, ‘How about if we make long rows of the apples?’

‘But maybe the first one could be cut in half to show the white crispness inside, or, I could always take a bite out of one of them?’

He nodded as she placed the fruit. ‘Fab.’ he said. ‘But maybe the first one could be cut in half to show the white crispness inside, or, I could always take a bite out of one of them?’

‘What a marvellous team we are,’ Kim cried.

Alex agreed and came up close to her. He bent down to her ear. ‘Not just a pretty face, then,’ he whispered. ‘But more of a very clever lady, methinks.’

‘Oh, I think any stylist can come up with new ideas,’ she said gently shaking her head.

Alex smiled. ‘Aah, but you’re my food stylist and nobody else comes close.’

End of Extract

The Girl in the Dark

About the Novel

The Girl in the Dark is the latest Grip Lit novel from Susan Willis. A thrilling romantic suspense story that will keep you turning pages long into the night.

When Kim goes to old friend, Sidney’s, photography studio to start a new food styling contract she meets his new assistant, Alex. Kim is catapulted from her mournful existence into an explosive romantic relationship with Alex. Sidney, however, is wary. He thinks, there’s something not quite right about Alex, and urges caution.

Will Kim look back and wish she’d listened…

Susan Willis

Susan Willis is a published author of three novels, and five novellas’. She lives in the North East of England surrounded by family and friends. Following publication of a love story about a chef and her boyfriend, she wrote more foodie-based love stories and wove them into her first novel, ‘Yes Chef, No Chef’.

Now Susan has ventured into romantic suspense with her latest novel, The Girl In The Dark.

Set in her home town of Durham City, this storyline is not a who done it thriller, but, a psychological page-turner which she loved writing. We can only hope the heroine hasn’t put her trust in the wrong man?

Best of luck to Susan with this novel.

The heat is certainly on with this great summer read set in a photography studio in Durham. Kim is styling fruit for the new photographer, Alex, but it’s not only the July sunshine that is making her sizzle with anticipation. 

Follow Susan on:
Twitter:           @SusanWillis69
Email:              williseliz7@aol.com


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com

A Clowder of Cats Curious and Comical in Verse

Paw Prints in the Butter

Paw Prints in the Butter

Patricia Feinberg Stoner




Land’s End showed me a letter

A rather curious cat, called Land’s End, disturbed my catnap.  I followed the feline to the ends of the earth.  The proud pussycat meowed about Patricia Feinberg Stoner’s book of purr-fect poems.  Land’s End stared at me until I found a letter, from Patricia.  

Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to my world of wacky felines.  I have been intrigued by cats all my life.  I love their dignity, their independence and the way they please themselves above all.  ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’ is the result of many years’ study, and all the cats in these verses are real.  Some I have known personally, some I have been told about by proud or amused or exasperated owners.  ‘A Puss in Boots’ is possibly my favourite poem, because it’s true:  and what a gift for an inveterate punster, to find a cat in Boots the Chemist!

Whether you love cats or hate them, I hope you’ll find something in these pages to inspire and amuse you.

Patricia Feinberg Stoner

No Puss in Boots, here! Try Boots the Chemist.

Presenting the Real Puss in Boots!

In the high street chemist yesterday,
Upon a thoughtfully-provided chair
Beside a radiator, sat
A large and well-contented cat.
The chance was far too good to miss
For one who loves a play on words
So: ‘Look!  A Puss in Boots!’  I cried.

I dare you not to giggle about my pals. Photo by Alon Bennet

The shopping zombies clearly thought me mad.
They turned, as only English people turn,
A blank and even hostile stare
Upon me, standing foolish there
As ‘Look!  A Puss in Boots!’  I cried.

But then the creature stretched and purred
And opened amber eyes (that matched its fur).
And then it turned and winked at me.
I’ll swear I saw it wink at me.
As ‘Look!  A Puss in Boots!’  I cried.

Paw Prints in the Butter’ is a humorous exploration of our feline friends.  According to ‘Your Cat Magazine’, the poems ‘delve into the inner psyche of our much loved feline friends’.  I asked Patricia to introduce us to more of the characters:

SHUDDER at the menace of The Cat Who Howls in the Night

MEET Lulu the Terrible and find out how she fell from grace…
SHUDDER at the menace of The Cat Who Howls in the Night and LAUGH with the irrepressible Stationery Cat…
LEARN how the ancient Cabriole won his lady love, and how she rewarded him…
and LISTEN, with the wide-eyed kitten, to the mew-moirs of The Cat Who Has Been Here Before. Purr-fect Reviews

‘If you have a cat, know a cat, or have ever interacted with a cat, this collection of poems will have you chuckling… It has certainly earned its place on my bookshelf.’ Ingenue Magazine

‘This very funny collection of poems probably explains why – like Marmite – some of us love cats and some of us don’t.’ Jack le Bois

I bought my edition on Kindle but I shall have to have a paper copy to place on my bookshelf, for this is a ‘cut-and-come-again’ kind of work – to dip into at whim. Purr-fect!’ Angela Petch

Patricia present the cunning and clever personalities of our much loved pets, in this collection of poems. She will even charm dog champions with this comic collection of ‘mew-moirs’.  Take a ‘paws’ and find out more about ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’.

Patricia is passionate about humour, food and writing

Patricia is passionate about humour, food and writing; she loves all dogs and some people (you know who you are) and has a healthy respect for cat kind. She is great fun and her writing is guaranteed to make you giggle. Read ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’ and search for your purr-fect pet.

Patricia has a unique flair for comedy, and I can recommend her other books.

Experience more giggles at:

The Little Book of Rude Limericks
At Home in the Pays d’Oc
She is currently writing Tales from the Pays d’Oc

Read my review of At Home in the Pays d’Oc.


Sue Bentley, author of the children’s Magic Kitten series provided the cat photos.


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.


Turkish Delights

Cherry trees bursting with flavour

Food is the heart of a culture and its identity, so I have invited authors to share the plates of food offered in their delicious words. Beth Elliott has invited me to join her at her table, in Turkey. Travel with me to enjoy the vibrant colours and fresh flavours of Turkish food.  A decadent Turkish feast awaits you in Beth’s travel article.


A view of the Taurus Mountains at Aladag, in Adana province.

This is the end of a travel article called Cherries and Plums, about a Turkish mountain village [yayla] in the Taurus, north of Adana. My husband was Turkish and his kind relatives invite me to stay with them each summer. Of course, they like the coolest places they can find, hence a cottage as high up in the mountains as they could go.

Best wishes,


Extract – Cherries and Plumbs

The trees are always laden with fruit in season, sweet and tempting.

All the plum trees in everyone’s garden up in the yayla are bent nearly double under their load of purple-sheened fruit. It takes several days to pick all those we can reach. After making jam until we have used up all the sugar and run out of jars; after filling five kilo bags for each of a dozen friends and relatives in the city and after eating as many raw plums as we dare, the rest at the top of the tree are left for the birds.

In September in the main street of Tekir there is a slightly melancholy air. The summer crowds have gone. Now the weather is cooler down in Adana, the townsfolk don’t come up to their country cottages so much. A few elderly men in traditional baggy trousers shuffle along the street to their favourite café. There they will read the newspaper, talk with friends and watch the much reduced world go by.

Main market in Adana

The street is lined with mighty trees. They provide shelter from sun and rain. Little shops expand onto the pavement with displays of thick jumpers and woolly waistcoats, hardware, newspapers and strong shoes, in preparation for the snow of the coming winter. Alongside the general stores, are food shops. The large number of refrigerated stalls stocked with great tubs of thick, creamy yoghurt and pails of local white cheese reflect the importance of these items in the traditional Turkish diet.

Nearby, another shop also has a refrigerated display, this time of glorious plump green and black olives and turshu – mixed pickled vegetables. On the counter are oblong containers of honeycomb, oozing golden and sweet. The irresistible smell of fresh bread: loaves or the flat pide, wafts to our nostrils.

Everything is piled into the car. We set off slowly down the main street, across the bridge, turn sharply at the edge of town where the houses thin out and the fruit trees begin. The car twists and turns its way uphill. We go past the new mosque with its little pocket money shop underneath [useful for biscuits and matches].

Here the mountain sweeps out into a shelf where shepherds pasture their flocks in the hot summer months. The larch trees grow from this point up. Great cobbles are set in the track to stop wheels losing their grip in wet or snowy weather. The car creeps up in second gear and at last we reach the yayla, set so high above the valley but still far below the sheer grey wall of rock that makes a sharp outline against the sky. Somewhere over the ridge is the eagle’s eyrie.

Yayla soup, made from yoghurt, flour, an egg and broth, with some rice added in. You can add pepper sauce on top for a spicy version, as well as mint.

For the evening meal we have hot yoghurt soup – called, appropriately, yayla soup. This is followed by salad, cheese and olives. Then we fall upon the fresh bread and honey. To finish, there is a huge bowl of plums.

Jessie:  This is a wonderful article.  I would like to know more about Turkish food.

Beth: I have some photographs to tempt you.

Here is the main market in Adana. Four types of beans, three sorts of peppers, all fresh that morning. Turks won’t eat produce unless it’s of that day.

Breakfast at my aunt’s home

Breakfast at my aunt’s home. Four sorts of white cheese plus one hard cheese, kaymak, olives, salad, dried apricots, walnuts, honey and grape syrup [pekmez]. The boiled eggs and the freshly squeezed orange juice were added soon afterwards…

Another breakfast, at my brother and sister-in-laws’ home. Again, white and hard cheeses, olives, eggs, some fruit compotes, honeycomb and rosehip puree. All washed down with many glasses of tea.

The town of Akcatekir on the valley floor. The holiday villages are up in those pinewoods, near the rock wall, where the goats scamper along all day and the eagles fly out occasionally from over the top.

Scandalous Lady

Jessie:  The tables presented speak volumes about the generosity of the Turkish culture.  Tell me how your love of Turkish culture influenced your novel, Scandalous Lady.

Beth Elliott’s fiery, rebellious artist Olivia falls in love with the magical land of Turkey. When she encounters mysterious, ice-cold diplomat Selim, nothing goes to plan – for either of them. Is Olivia destined to live a life of solitude and regret? Or will her past stay buried long enough for her to have her happy ending?

Beth Elliott

From a young age, Beth made up adventure stories and persuaded her friends to act them out with her. Writing the novels came later, after a career as a Languages teacher in several countries. Her own Mr Darcy being Turkish, Beth adds a few exotic elements into some of her Regency Tales.




I hope you enjoyed a taste of Turkish culture.  Please contact me at mailto:JessieCahalin@aol.co.uk if you would like to share your cultural experiences via food and words.


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog 


A Picture Book for Grown Ups

The latest picture book

Have you ever indulged in a picture book for an adult? Well, I discovered the author of two picture books entitled It’s a Bright New World to Feel Lost In and She Ran Away From Love. As picture books for adults, these books are unique and perfect as gift books. 

Mawson Bear has followed me for many years in Twitter, so it only seems fair to introduce him and explain his purpose in the world.

Jessie:  Mawson Bear, please can you introduce yourself.

Mawson: I am called Mawson Bear, and I arrived in a large brown paper bag one day at Mark’s house. Mark was not allowed to properly look until Christmas. Not many, cough, middle aged grownups get a plump teddy bear as a Christmas present, but far more of us should if you ask me. Once out of the bag, I took an interest in everything and so became a Bear About Town, attending parties, weddings and all kinds of outings. But fate intervened in the form of -shudder- the washing machine episode. Well, I had got rather grubby. After that I decided to be an Indoors Bear devoted to pondering about Baffling Things.  Mark had to write the book for me and will explain them to you.

Mawson, Writer Bear

Mark: They are meant as gentle tales of love and loss, hope, self-esteem, and finding oneself, simply told with pictures of teddy bears. They are by Mawson Bear, one of this bright world’s very few writer-bears. Photos by Mark O’Dwyer, his guardian, cushion-arranger and hapless typist. Intended as gift books, they are short, colourful, with a square format and only a few words on each page, making for an easy little read. Because they are hopefully destined to become random gifts of kindness between friends, the text is more for grownups. Although children have enjoyed them too, I describe them as ‘picture books for grownups’.

Jessie:  I hear you have released another book.  What is this about?

Mark:   Mawson has dictated a letter to me.

Dear Readers,

It’s Me, Mawson, a writer bear, and I am delighted to present She Ran Away From Love.

I was having a nap when a small Teddette woke me up with large and baffling questions. This is the story of what Frilly did next.

I chose this extract because it has me trying to protect young Frilly. But she is more determined than perhaps a slightly small and lightly pink lass might at first look. She has decided to go on a Quest. And she does.

Frilly and Mawson

Here is an extract from the book:

Mawson: Frilly, why not quest at home? Lots of journeys go to where one is sitting.

Frilly: But I want to boldly Find Myself.

Mawson x

Jessie:  Why should I place She Ran Away From Love in my handbag?

Mark: This is a grand book to plonk in your hand bag because it has the world Love on the cover, and its the right size for hand bags (Frilly and I tested),and it’s just right to look at on a journey, and because if a friend  asks you about it you can give it to them as a random gift of kindness.

Jessie: How did you feel when you finished writing She Ran Away From Love      

Mark, Guardian of Mawson Bear, says: I felt surprised. It started out as a different book but Frilly solemnly asked more big questions as she struggled on, and so the first versions of the book turned into this one. I always knew Frilly would persevere and let Mawson know that she had made it, but didn’t know what paths she would take. Like Mawson I felt glad but also sad when her particular quest had to end.

She Ran Away From Love

The Light of Love pours down on Frilly. It shines so brightly that she quails and runs away.  Upset with herself for feeling scared, she wakes her good friend Mawson and pours out her confusions. She wants to learn how to be bold and is convinced that she can do this by going on a quest.  With muddled help from Mawson she sets off into the great Out There. But is a quest to find oneself really the answer?

Can Frilly embolden herself to face the Light of Love?

Who is Mason Bear?

Mawson, the big hearted, soul searching teddy bear, is here to help. He is one of this bright world’s few Writer-Bears. He speaks about Being One’s Best in an often baffling world. He is often muddled about things (well, he is a bear). But he is always confident that things are going to turn out All Right.

Contact details


Please see all the extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

A copy of my novel is available here.

Gail Aldwin’s Debut Novel: The String Games

I was honoured when Gail Aldwin sent me a postcard about ‘The String Games’.

Presenting an author’s debut novel is one of the great privileges of blogging, and I was honoured when Gail Aldwin sent me a postcard about The String Games. This debut novel is to be published later this month by Victorina Press. Gail’s poetic style of writing is charged with emotion and appeals to me.  I look forward to reading her debut novel to discover how she has painted the complex emotions involved in the challenging narrative.

Without further ado, I will hand over to my lovely guest, Dr Gail Aldwin.

I have long been a fan of Jessie’s writing (You Can’t Go It Alone is a super novel with memorable characters) and Jessie’s blog (always love being introduced to new writers) so I am delighted to be offered a post to celebrate the launch of my debut novel The String Games which will be published by Victorina Press later in May 2019.

About The String Games

The String Games is Gail Aldwin’s debut novel

When four-year-old Josh is abducted and murdered during a family holiday in France, Nim, aged ten, becomes an only child. To cope with the tragedy, Nim reinvents herself but continues to carry a burden of unresolved grief. As an adult she returns to France determined to find out more about the circumstances of Josh’s death. How will she deal with this new information and what are the implications for her future?

I love the variety of posts on Jessie’s blog and thought I’d take the opportunity to share an extract from the novel that brings food and unforeseen consequences together. Nim narrates the story of the holiday she shares with her brother and her mother, Jenny. Joining them at the caravan is Jenny’s lover Dee and her six-year-old daughter, Ella. In charge of the little kids, Nim takes them to the campsite shop to buy ice-creams:

When it was their turn to be served, Josh bashed his finger at the glass cabinet, pointing to the vanilla. It might be easy to read words in French but it wasn’t so easy to talk. Nim nodded at the lady and stuck three fingers in the air. It was easiest to order the same flavour but that didn’t stop Ella from moaning. She was lucky to have an ice cream at all, seeing as Dad’s money was meant for Nim and Josh. When the first cone was topped with a white wig, Nim passed it to Josh and the next went to Ella. When the last one arrived, Nim gave the lady the money.

‘Non, non, non!’ The assistant shook her head and wagged a finger.

Nim stood there. The little children licked their cones while ice cream ran onto Nim’s hand. What was the matter?

‘Zis English.’ The assistant spat the words.


‘Non, non, non!’

‘Is something wrong?’ It was a relief to hear an English voice. The man had a tanned forehead and lines showed on his cheeks when he smiled.

‘I don’t know,’ said Nim. ‘My dad gave me the money as a going away present.’

‘He should’ve given you francs. Never mind. Let me get these.’ He passed the assistant a brown note and returned the five pounds to Nim. ‘Save that for a treat when your holiday’s over – you can spend it back in the UK.’

‘I’m not sure.’

‘It’s not a problem. Let me do you a favour. Your dad would do the same in this situation, I’m sure.’

‘Hmm.’ Nim didn’t know what to say. She’d been told not to talk to strangers, but it was too late. Josh crunched the last of his cone.

‘What’s your name?’ asked Josh.

‘Shush,’ said Nim. Josh had been warned as well, but the man didn’t look like a stranger. He wore a shiny top, and Nim hoped Josh wasn’t going to say anything about football shirts.

‘I’m Geoff,’ he said.

‘What’s your job?’ said Josh. ‘And where did you get that shirt?’

‘Too many questions,’ said Nim.

‘Don’t worry. I know what boys are like. I’ve got nephews. They’re toddlers at the moment but I bet they’ll be the same as Josh one day.’

‘When I was little, I wanted to be a tractor,’ said Josh. ‘But now I want to be a policeman.’

‘Interesting career choice,’ said Geoff.

‘We live at Sank-on-Seas,’ said Josh.

‘Sank-on-Seas?’ Geoff repeated.

‘He means fifty-six in English,’ Nim corrected, but realising she’d probably said too much, she elbowed Josh. ‘We need to go.’

‘Goodbye.’ Josh scampered to the steps, where he turned.

‘You can come to my place any time you want ice cream. My freezer is full of it,’ said Geoff. ‘Just look for the caravan with the yellow door along the road from here.’

‘Okay.’ Josh skipped down the steps.

This is the postcard Gail sent me from Dorset. I’ll certainly take care if I ever need to walk on the bridge.

When Josh goes missing later in the novel, suspicions about Geoff are raised and Nim shoulders feelings of responsibility for bringing the two of them together.

Praise for The String Games

The String Games takes hold of the reader and the juncture of the head and the heart and simply does not let go. With courage and tenderness, and an unblinking eye, Gail Aldwin explores the ways in which the loss of a child explodes a family. Treat yourself and read this one.


About Gail Aldwin

Gail co-writes short plays and comedy sketches that have been staged in Bridport, Brighton and Salisbury. She also performs her work at fringe festivals in the South-West.

Gail Aldwin’s published work includes Adversaries/Comrades, a poetry pamphlet (Wordsmith_HQ, 2019) and a collection of short fiction Paisley Shirt (Chapeltown Books, 2018) which was longlisted in the Saboteur Awards 2018. Gail co-writes short plays and comedy sketches that have been staged in Bridport, Brighton and Salisbury. She also performs her work at fringe festivals in the South-West. The String Games is her debut novel.

Twitter:              @gailaldwin
Facebook:          https://www.facebook.com/gailaldwinwriter/
Blog:                  The Writer is a Lonely Hunter

Gail’s anthology of flash fiction entitled Paisley Shirt captivated and moved me.  In the future, I will blog the flash fiction Gail’s work anthology inspired me to write.  I am excited to discover how Gail will stretch my imagination with The String Games.


Please see all my guests’ posts at Mail from the Creative Community and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

A copy of my novel can be found here.

Mistletoe and Mayhem

There’s not just kisses under the Mistletoe this holiday season, dun-dun-dun!

You don’t have to wait for the festive fun.  Open the grand doors of a manor and experience Mistletoe and Mayhem.  Author, Veronica Cline Barton, invited her readers to celebrations.  But beware of mysterious events in this cosy/cozy mystery.

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present Mistletoe and Mayhem, Yuletide at Castlewood Manor.

Rumor has it a Castlewood Manor feature film will be made to highlight the fan favorite period drama on the big screen. As Gemma and her family and friends prepare for the celebrity filled holiday celebrations, which includes television broadcasts, a visit by the queen to Cherrywood Hall, wedding planning frenzy and plenty of mystery, family drama and intrigue, you can bet that the tinsel will be in a deadly tangle in the stately halls of Cherrywood. Father Christmas has his hands full as revenge, mur-dah, sabotage, and bridezilla wannabes threaten to bring this ‘Tis the Season’ to a fiery and disastrous end.

Mistletoe and Mayhem is a delightful guilty pleasure read for the holidays with romance, mystery, family drama and tons of royal surprises—snuggle up by the fire with your favorite libation and enjoy!

Happy Christmas and Best to You in the New Year! Cheers!


Veronica’s Extract

“Why you little darling, it’s about time you called me. We have a wedding to plan!”

I laughed at Max’s dramatic tone. I knew there was no way he was not going to be involved in choreographing my wedding, he was on a mission. “It’s been a bit busy here, Max. Mama said you have someone in mind that you’d like to introduce me to, a Mr. Reginald Gerard?”

The royal garden view that inspired the setting.

“Oh darling, Reggie is absolutely the best there is. He just got back from Denmark you know. He and I go way back to our university days. We both majored in interior design. Reggie branched out years ago to get in the wedding and party planning event business. Queen Annelyce and Lady Adela adore him. He did the queen’s last dinner party, you know.”

“Yes, yes, I’ve heard that. I must tell you Max, that Kyle and I have really not had a chance to discuss any plans yet, not with everything that has gone on with Evan.”

“Oh, I know, darling. It’s been so awful. That’s why I thought you could just let me and Reggie, get started planning all the details for you. We’ll take care of everything. You won’t have to lift a finger…”


‘The fourth book in this well written series has everything you desire for a perfect holiday: Romance, a cozy mystery, British royals and a heart-warming, Christmas miracle.’ Star Traveler

‘I love this cozy murder, it has everything I could ever want in one book, including a lovely little dog.’ Mark Schultz

‘You will truly feel that you are living like the almost-royals at the family home. The story moves along and is vivid, entertaining and interesting and the ending is truly a “wow!”. Full curtsey to author Veronica Cline Barton!” – Jena C. Henry

Gemma’s favorite place to stroll at Hampton Court Palace.

Final word from Veronica

This book was a complete joy for me at the end. We go through a lot with Gemma’s family issues and changes, and of course the ‘mur-dah’ and mayhem, LOL. I think the ending with the slight change in course for the series will keep things fresh and give some new perspectives for the characters and storyline. I love getting together with my characters when I’m writing—this story was particularly fun being set during the holidays, and a few of the scenes actually take place at my favorite royal abode, Hampton Court Palace. It’s been Christmas at my house for all of 2019!

I love all things cozy mystery–in addition to the My American Almost Royal Cousin series books, I’m currently starting a new cozy mystery series titled An American Hygge & Bisous Mysteries, set for release in 2020.

Meet the author, Veronica Cline Barton

More about Mistletoe and Mayhem

There’s not just kisses under the Mistletoe this holiday season, dun-dun-dun!

A family’s legacy, a mother’s heartbreak, a highly anticipated feature film announcement, and bridezilla wannabes are set to rendezvous around the Christmas tree this Yuletide season. History is about to change by royal decree, impacting forever the life of American heiress Gemma Lancaster Phillips and the man she loves as she takes the reins of the family peerage and title—a move that places the British/American Lancaster family relations at risk.


Please see all my Book Extracts and Book Excerpts and also my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

An Opera Singer’s Debut Novel

Enjoy the Scandinavian landscape presented in this vintage postcard

Meet a Danish opera singer and artist Hanne Holten who couldn’t stop writing until she completed her debut novel.  Snares and Delusions explores myths, class and women’s situation in a time when their place was defined by their husbands.  Hanne agreed to write to her readers and present an extract of her unique novel.  As I discovered more about Snares and Delusions, I could not resist asking additional questions.

Dear Readers,

Snares and Delusions

I am delighted to present an extract from my debut novel: Snares and Delusions.

The protagonist, Hedda, faces her life — and death — in dreams and nightmares. The feisty teenager develops into an independent woman through traumatic events and brief moments of romance.

The extract is a central scene in the book where Hedda faces her abusive and — by then — insane husband. This is a pivot point that determines her future in both positive and negative ways.

Dreams and nightmares, Norse Mythology, romance, terror and the story of a life — all in one book that fits snugly in a handbag — what’s not to love?

Best wishes,

Hanne x

Jessie: What genre does your book fit into and is the writing like any other author’s style? 

Hanne: Basically, Snares and delusions is a historical novel of a literary cast. It may fit into other genres too, it certainly has elements of myth, suspense, humour, and drama. Is my style like another author’s? I’m not sure. I can think of a few authors who have written similar subjects, for instance, John Irving in Avenue of Mysteries, and Kazuo Ishiguro in The Buried Giant.

Jessie: The content of your novel seems challenging. Would you agree with this statement?

This portrait in Sepia’ presents Hedda, as I imagine her at the time of the extract.

Hanne: I’d have to agree with that. It is set in a period when men had absolute power over women, and my heroine, being dead set on winning her independence, takes up the challenge. Also, it deals with death, with pain, and nightmares on different levels.

Jessie:  What have your readers said about this unusual novel?

Hanne: The reviews have been positive.  Here are some quotes I have enjoyed:

‘Such a wonderful book.’

‘The writing style is detailed and is teleporting you directly into the story and its surroundings.’

‘Go for it! You will love it!’

Jessie:  This novel sounds unique, challenging and intriguing. Can you tell me more about the novel that takes Hedda to hell and back?

Hanne: The combined forces of opium and pain brings her face to face with her life. From rural Sweden in the late nineteenth century, over Silkeborg to the Danish Capital, and during the Great War, she experiences love and loss, poverty and betrayal.

Hedda gives up everything to win independence. She soon discovers that this is one thing to wish for and another to achieve. Life handles her roughly, but can she develop strength of character? Will she pay for her freedom in ways she doesn’t anticipate?

Jessie:  Reviewers have praised your style of writing. Please give us an extract to introduce us into Hedda’s world.

Hedda and her daughter

Inside the study, the French windows swing back and forth in the breeze. The curtains hang half off their pole, and there are mounds of twigs and moss on the tables. Most of Conrad’s books lie on the floor. Every surface is covered in bird droppings, and the stench makes Hedda gag. She enters the room step by step and whimpers when she crunches a mouse-carcass under her foot.

Out of the blue something grabs her hair. Hedda yells and waves her arms to dislodge the creature but it claws at her hands. She can’t see anything but feels its wings, flapping around her head. The bird screeches, pecking at her skull. She screams, but falls silent, as Conrad enters through the open French windows.  He carries an axe, and a raven perches on his shoulder. He turns his back on Hedda and takes place at his desk.

Then he whistles sharply. The other bird leaves Hedda and lands on his free shoulder. Conrad gets to his feet and grasps the claws of one of the ravens. He decapitates the sooty bird, using the desk as a chopping block. Wood splinters and wing feathers fly in the air, as the other raven tries to escape through the open window. Conrad throws the axe with uncanny precision, and the raven drops to the floor with a thumping noise, surrounded by broken glass from the window.

Hedda still screams. She tries to quell the sound with her hands, when Conrad turns towards her.

Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?

It was hard to let go of Hedda, so hard that she features in my second book, soon to be published. Hedda isn’t the main character, and this isn’t a series. Still, there is a connection in time and setting between the two books.

How has your life as an opera singer and artist impacted on your writing? 

No doubt, my life influences my writing. It is difficult to say whether my singing or painting has made a direct impact, but I tend to have a visual idea of the scenes as I write them. I also plan to write a book where the protagonist wants to be an opera diva.

About the Author

HM Holten

Hanne Holten was an opera singer and a painter who couldn’t stop writing. So far, that resulted in her debut novel, several poems, and a work in progress that explores of the history around and after the Great War.

She grew up in Denmark but lived and worked in London for fifteen years. A few years ago, she left the UK for Germany. After graduating as an opera singer, she turned to teaching. This way she acquired an eye for details that helped her developing Snares and Delusions.

Contact details
Email: hanne@holten.co.uk
FB Hanne Holten Writes: https://www.facebook.com/HmH24
Blog: http://blog.holten.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoltenHm @HoltenHm


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

Real Women and Real Dilemmas

‘Fly or Fall’ took me to the edge of the woman’s world

The front cover of Gilli Allan’s ‘Fly or Fall’ took me to the edge of a woman’s world and made me curious about her dilemma.  I adore compelling characters who need the supportive shoulder of the reader.  Before jumping into the woman’s dilemma, I needed to find out more. I asked Gilli, the author, to introduce the woman and present readers with an extract. 



Dear Readers,

Wife and mother, Nell, fears change, but it is forced upon her by her manipulative husband, Trevor

I am delighted to present Fly or Fall.  Nell has been coerced by her husband into moving and she feels displaced, isolated and out-of-tune with the society she finds herself in. But despite herself, she is gradually drawn into this frivolous world where her principles are threatened.

The extract I’ve chose is quite near the end, where Nell’s belief in her family life and her marriage have been completely undermined, and the pressure to strike out on her own has become irresistible. It shows both her misgivings, even at this late stage, but also her powerful attraction to sample the forbidden fruit that is within her grasp.

I believe that readers would like to have Fly or Fall in their handbags because most will be able to identify with the story on some level. Most women have been tempted at one time or another, even those with a strong moral code, but this is not a “how to” book on cheating; it’s just the story of one woman – how she dealt with a turbulent time in her life, and the decisions she eventually made.

All best wishes,

Gilli Allan


After taking a part-time bar job at the sports club she is gradually drawn in to the social scene of the area.

‘You’re not here on the pull, are you?’ He grinned. ‘Now that would keep you out of the house.’

My earlier confidence was becoming ever shakier. ‘Why do you think that?’

‘The challenging way you’re sitting there … on your own. The moment I walked into the bar I thought, now there’s a woman who means business.’

‘Are you saying I look like a tart?’

He laughed. [….] ‘Never. Far from it. Get you another drink?’

I held the new glass of Cabernet, its bowl in my palm, the stem between my fingers. The downlighter shone through the wine, throwing a reflection, like a pool of blood, into my cupped hand. As I took my first sip, he leant towards me.

‘Tell me, would anyone do or have you set your sights on a particular target? I don’t always turn down a proposition.’

The glass rattled against my teeth; my throat narrowed to a dry, choking, pinhole and I could barely swallow. I coughed, put the glass down clumsily, and the wine slopped onto the wooden counter. I clasped my hands together.

‘I’m sorry.’ He laid his hand over mine. ‘You’re trembling. I didn’t mean anything … you shouldn’t take me seriously.’

My fingers curled tightly around his. ‘Sometimes I wish I could.’

The smile died away from his face.

‘Come on, let’s get out of here.’ His hand was under my elbow as I stood, but other than that brief contact, we walked out of the bar apart, abandoning our drinks.


Finding herself in a new world of flirtation and casual infidelity, she is torn (book cover)
Gilli Allan

Wife and mother, Nell, fears change, but it is forced upon her by her manipulative husband, Trevor. Moving to a house she dislikes, in a town she has no connection to, she feels lost, cast adrift from all her previous certainties. Her life is further disrupted by the renovations Trevor deems essential. She finds herself almost living with a firm of builders, one of whom – Patrick – exasperates and intrigues by turns.

After taking a part-time bar job at the sports club she is gradually drawn in to the social scene of the area. Finding herself in a new world of flirtation and casual infidelity, she is torn. Should she emulate the behaviour of new friends or stick with the safe and familiar? A man she only knows as Angel holds a powerful allure.

But everything Nell has accepted at face value has a dark side.  Everyone – even her nearest and dearest – has been lying. She’s even deceived herself. The presentiment of disaster, first felt as a tremor at the story’s beginning, rumbles into a full-blown earthquake. After the dust settles, nothing is as it previously seemed. When an unlikely love blossoms from the wreckage of her life, she believes it is doomed.

The future, for the woman who feared change, is irrevocably altered. But has she been broken, or has she transformed herself?

The Reviews

‘I found it deeply engrossing and sat up late into the night more than once, unable to put it down; it gathers momentum, like a snowball rolling downhill, hurtling towards its dramatic conclusion.’

‘Gilli Allan always delivers the best in realistic women’s fiction and FLY OR FALL soars; it’s an emotional tale encompassing motherhood, marriage, sexuality, painful pasts, rugged relationships and uncertain futures.’

‘The narrative is compelling, the characters are real and I believed every single word.’

Gilli Allan

Gilli writes ‘challenging and honest stories about women’s lives, documenting the downs as well as the ups.’  This commitment to real stories about real women is powerful. ‘Fly or Fall’ has been praised by the reviewers for gripping the reader until the end.  Who doesn’t love a book where you must, must answer the questions before you can rest?

Jessie:  Was it difficult to leave your characters?

Gilli:It was a wrench. Fly or Fall was complex and challenging and took me far longer to write than most books. I was sad to say goodbye to my main characters. Nell, who I’d put through such extremes of emotion, her close friend Elizabeth (the new-ager), whose close connections to the other players in the story are disguised, and David the beautiful young man who appears to have so much, yet is so embittered. And last but not least, Patrick – Jack-the-lad, chameleon, lothario, exasperating, attractive and unashamed liar.

Jessie:  Leave me with one sentence to hook your reader.

Gilli:  Will the allure of the unknown ever overcome the fear of stepping away from solid ground?

About Gilli

Always an obsessive writer, Gilli side-lined the hobby when she began work as a commercial artist. With motherhood Gilli resumed writing “seriously”. After the main-stream publication of her first two novels, Gilli went independent. Still a keen artist, Gilli has begun book illustration. She is now published by Accent Press.

Find Gilli @

http://twitter.com/gilliallan  (@gilliallan)


Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.


Are you ready for a real Game of Thrones? – 1066

Real Game of Thrones

Are you ready for a real Game of Thrones?  Glynn Holloway’s debut historical novel: ‘1066: What Fates Impose’ is now available.  I asked the author to explain why a reader should delve into his novel.

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present, 1066: What Fates Impose, a novel about the fall of Anglo-Saxon England.

William the Conqueror

The extract I have chosen is from the opening chapter, which shows William the Conqueror on his deathbed. The dying king is filled with guilt and haunted by the horrors he inflicted on the English.

The reason I picked this extract is because it has a lot of impact. I felt I needed this, and also, I think the guilt he feels on his death bed and the consequences he feels he will have to face in the afterlife, poses the questions at the beginning of my novel:

Did William really think he had a claim to the English crown?

How much responsibility did he accept for the deaths of tens of thousands?

If you want those questions answered, and a lot more besides, put my novel in your handbag. If you do, you’ll be in possession of a book filled with: family feuds, court intrigues, papal plots, assassinations, loyalties, betrayals, a love triangle and a battle or two. Everything, in fact, that made living in the eleventh century such fun.

With Best Wishes

Glynn Holloway


1066 What Fates Impose

With the very last of his strength he raises his head to look around the room. There are his sons, the bishop, his brother and . . . ‘Oh God, oh God Almighty. No not him! Not now!’

His eyes bulge as he is gripped by terror. Before him, unseen by the others, stands a blood drenched warrior, tall and proud as an oak, fresh from the battle field, his lank and sweat soaked hair hangs down his shoulders, his once handsome face made ugly by an eyeless socket. As though to steady himself, he leans on his battleaxe, resting his hands on its iron head. He stares impassively at William with his single eye, blue and deep as the ocean, a stare mead all the more intense by its singularity.

William has seen him, or thought he had seen him, a number of times over the years glimpsed in crowds or spotted in enemy lines, but never has he seen him so clearly, so close and for so long as he does now.

‘Have you come for me?’ he asks.

A trace of a smile appears on the face of the apparition, who turns, swinging his axe over his shoulder as he does so, before stepping, with a swift backward glance, silently out of the room.

Hopelessness descends on the king; his temperature rises, and he feels hot again. He wants to break free from the heat, but escape is impossible. Was he like a pagan king of old to be consumed by fire?

The is hot, black and silent.

End of extract

About 1066 What Fates Impose

England is in crisis. King Edward has no heir and promises never to produce one. There are no obvious successors available to replace him, but quite a few claimants are eager to take the crown. While power struggles break out between the various factions at court, enemies abroad plot to make England their own. There are raids across the borders with Wales and Scotland.

Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, is seen by many as the one man who can bring stability to the kingdom. He has powerful friends and two women who love him, but he has enemies who will stop at nothing to gain power. As 1066 begins, England heads for an uncertain future. It seems even the heavens are against Harold.
Intelligent and courageous, can Harold forge his own destiny – or does he have to bow to what fates impose?

Jessie:  What do the reviewers say?

‘An extremely promising debut – highly recommended’. Steve Donoghue – Historical Novel Society

‘A Brilliant and Entertaining Novel of the Events that led to 1066.’  Glenn Cook – Vine Voice – Amazon Hall of Fame – Top 100 Reviewer

‘Excellent and Gripping Story.’ Avid Reader – Amazon Hall of Fame – Top 50 Reviewer

Jessie:  How did you feel when you had finished writing the book, and did you miss any of the character?

I was pleased that I’d actually managed to finish it; there were times when I thought the day would never dawn. I did miss some of the characters, particularly King Harold and Earl Godwin.  completing my novel felt a bit like saying goodbye to friends I knew I’d never see again. Harold and Godwin won’t appear in any sequel but there are other characters who will put in an appearance, one of them I’d quite like to never hear of again, but that’s the price of a good villain I suppose.

Glynn Holloway

About Glynn Holloway

G K Holloway lives in Bristol with his wife and two children. After reading a biography about Harold Godwinson, he studied the late Anglo-Saxon era in detail. When he had enough material to weave together facts and fiction he produced 1066 What Fates Impose




Bridget Jones meets La La Land

Jane Lambert’s Debut Novel

Always intrigued by what goes on behind the scenes of the theatre, I asked Jane Lambert to share an extract from her debut novel.




Dear readers,

I’m thrilled to share a slice of The Start of Something Wonderful with you.

Emily had it all!

The extract I have chosen is when understudy actress Emily arrives at the theatre, all set for yet another quiet night in her dressing room, drinking tea and devouring the latest copy of Hello! But tonight, fate has other plans…

The Start of Something Wonderful will make you laugh, cry and inspire you to step out of your comfort zone – the perfect travelling companion to have in your handbag.

Happy reading, love & laughter,

Jane x

I chose this extract because it typifies the unpredictability of Emily’s new career path and the many unexpected scrapes she finds herself in.

Be careful what you wish for …

I am beginning to worry. There’s a dark side to my character emerging that I didn’t know was there.

Emily heads for the bright lights of London’s West End – but is it too late to reach for the stars?

Whilst I’m naturally over the moon and grateful for this understudy job, as the weeks go by, I’m becoming a teensy-weensy bit frustrated. I know the part now, and whilst I may not have starred in my own TV series or graced the cover of celebrity mags, dare I say it, I think I could play the role just as well. Does that sound conceited? Day after day, week after week, the waiting, the hoping …

Wishing someone to be struck down with laryngitis or a mild tummy bug is one thing, but willing someone’s foot to get trapped in a revolving set is something else entirely. Evil. I’m horrified that I’m capable of such a thought.

I breeze through the stage door, clutching the latest copy of Hello! and a bag of Jelly Babies.

‘Evening, Arthur. Dressing room ten, please.’

‘Reckon you’ll no’ be havin’ much time for readin’ the night, doll,’ he wheezes, glancing at my magazine as he hands me the key.

‘Mmm?’ I say, signing in, then checking my pigeonhole, mind elsewhere.

‘It’s no’ for me to say,’ he says, hoisting a shaggy eyebrow.

I slowly start to climb the spiral staircase, calling in at the greenroom on the way for a brew.

‘Company manager’s been looking for you,’ grunts one of the lighting guys from behind his Autocar magazine.

‘Right. Thanks,’ I say breezily, spilling milk everywhere, my stomach dropping ten floors. Surely not? I mean, I saw Sophie barely two hours ago. I watched her performance from the darkness of the stage-right wings and she was on fine form, giving her ‘I-love-you-but-we-must-part’ speech.

It’s never too late to follow your dreams…

It was at that point that I’d decided to make a break for it. Technically, I’m not supposed to leave the building until the curtain comes down, but I’ve religiously watched and mouthed every performance from the wings of Brighton’s Theatre Royal, to this, our final fortnight at The Dukes in Edinburgh. With just five minutes of the matinée left, what could possibly happen to her?

Mistake no. 1: leaving theatre early
Mistake no. 2: gorging on all-you-can-eat buffet
Mistake no. 3: succumbing to large glass of house red
Mistake no. 4: ordering garlic bread
Mistake no. 5: forgetting to switch on mobile phone
Mistake no. 6: arriving five minutes late for ‘the half’

‘… so, the silly cow’s been whisked off to A&E to have it x-rayed. You know what this means?’ says Simon, our company manager, running his hand nervously through his mop of unruly hair.

An eerie sensation ripples through my body. I feel a stab of guilt. My visualisation powers have taken on a telekinetic life of their own, like in some Stephen King horror film. I hadn’t intended anything serious to happen – just a minor ailment, something to lay her low for a week, a cold perhaps, allowing my agent sufficient time to arrange invitations and tickets for casting directors and producers.

I swallow hard and force my lips into a weak smile. There is an expectant silence. This is the stuff of Hollywood musicals: the leading actress is taken ill, and the understudy has to take over at short notice.

I can do it. I’ve been practising for months, says the heroine, with an assured toss of her pretty head. Bravo! More! A star is born! This is the moment I have waited for, longed for all these weeks, these seventy-two performances, so why do I now have this overwhelming desire to flee the theatre and catch the first National Express coach out of town? Well, apart from my all-consuming guilt, the auditorium will be packed to the rafters with legions of excited fans waiting to see Sophie Butterfield and her co-star, Rick Romano, give their highly acclaimed, headline-grabbing performances as star-crossed lovers, Constance and Enrique.

The fact that their on-stage passion has spilled over into reality has fuelled the public’s imagination. The House-Full sign is now a permanent fixture on the pavement, while armies of eager punters camp outside in all weathers, hoping for returns.

Exquisite pairing! The chemistry between Romano and Butterfield is electric. Beg, steal or borrow a ticket! ~ The Billingham Gazette

This romantic duo sets the stage alight. You’d be mad to miss it! ~ The Yorkshire Evening Post

So I may sit in my dressing room, stuffing my face with Hobnobs and tea whilst reading trashy magazines.

‘You up for it?’ Simon asks, knowing full well it doesn’t matter whether I’m ‘up for it’ or not. Why else have I been travelling up and down the country, getting paid £500 per week plus touring allowance? So I may sit in my dressing room, stuffing my face with Hobnobs and tea whilst reading trashy magazines, or to be allowed to finally finish reading Doctor Zhivago, which I started back in 2010?

Nah – if it’s all the same to you, Simon, I’d rather give it a miss.

About the book:

It’s never too late to follow your dreams… Forty-year-old air stewardess, Emily Forsyth, thought she had everything a woman could wish for: a glamorous, jet-set lifestyle, a designer wardrobe and a dishy pilot boyfriend. Until she realises he’s cheating on her… Catapulted into a mid-life crisis she wishes she’d had earlier, she decides to turn her life upside-down, quitting her job and instead beginning to chase her long-held dreams of becoming an actress!

Leaving the skies behind her, Emily heads for the bright lights of London’s West End – but is it too late to reach for the stars?

What the reviewers say:

‘A perfect antidote to all the bad things in the world.’ ~ Jen Med Book Reviews

‘An inspiring novel about female determination.’ ~ Chapter and Cake

‘Perfect for fans of Marian Keyes and Sophie Kinsella.’ ~ Culture for Kicks

About Jane:

Jane Lambert preparing for a show

Jane taught English in Vienna then travelled the world as cabin crew before making the life-changing (and slightly mad) decision to become an actress in her mid-thirties. She has appeared in Calendar Girls, Deathtrap and The Curious Incident of the Night-time in London’s West End. She is currently writing her second book and a six-part comedy drama for TV.

How did you feel when you finished the book?

My book was my therapist when I was going through a painful divorce. Through my writing I re-discovered my sense of humour and my self-esteem.

I felt something positive had been born of a sad situation. The book symbolised the new, strong, happy, independent me.

The extract is light-hearted and amusing.  I immediately engaged with the narrative voice.  The best of luck to Jane with this novel.  I hope this will be The Start of Something Wonderful for her writing career.

You can find Jane on Facebook www.facebook.com/janelambertauthor
or Twitter @janelambert22

She’d love to hear from you!