The mystical ‘That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel’ enchanted me, so I asked Adrienne Vaughan to tempt you with a magical extract. As it is Valentines’s Day, Adrienne has kindly organised a free, signed copy for the lucky competition winner. Will Leela deal you a lucky tarot card?
Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present an extract from That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel – my brand new romance novel.
This is the story of a family with secrets, but one particular secret has tainted all their lives. Now, with crisis looming, it looks like the revelation of this secret will change everything, forever.
Set on the Irish coast, The Seahorse Hotel is a mystical, magical place. This extract features the housekeeper Leela and her Tarot, a guiding light which has seen the family through many dramas over the years.
It’s the perfect story to sweep the reader away to another time and place. Set in the present day yet laced with memories, The Seahorse Hotel, brings a web of lies, intrigue and betrayal to the fore and with the family at a crossroads, makes you wonder if the shadows of the past will blight their future or give them the faith to forge their own way in the world.
Enjoy your stay!
Adrienne Vaughan
Extract from That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel by Adrienne Vaughan

Leela dealt until there were nine cards face down between them. Moving left to right, she turned the first card over.
“Remind me, which is this?” Fenella said, touching the card.
Leela hushed her. “Wait until the hand is out. I need to see the complete picture.”
Fenella sat back as Leela’s fingers glided across the pack; gold and purple shapes and swirls. Turning them over she watched the jewel colours of the illustrations, faded now, corners worn, and was again the little girl in the library, entranced as Mrs Fitzgerald, diamonds flashing, tapped each card, explaining every symbol and the impact it would have on the life of the person before her.
“What is it?” Fenella asked.
Leela kept her eyes fixed on the cards.

“You’re at a crossroads.” Leela pointed at the Hanged Man. “The road you decide to take will be life changing. There’s turmoil, conflict in close relationships.” She tapped the Ace of Cups. “I love this one, emotional happiness, home and family.” She thought for a moment. The Seven of Swords lay before her. “Hmm, this fella, possibly betrayal, someone getting away with something. Wonder what that could be?”
Fenella looked away, a squall was building out in the bay.
More about That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel
Mia Flanagan has never been told who her father is and aged ten, stopped asking. Haunted by this, she remains a dutiful daughter who would never bring scandal or shame on her beautiful and famously single mother.

So when Archie Fitzgerald, one of Hollywood’s favourite actors, decided to leave Mia his Irish estate- she asks herself – is he her father after all?
That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel is a tale of passion, jealousy and betrayal – and the ghost of a secret love that binds this colourful cast yet still threatens, after all these years, to tear each of them apart.
One family, one secret – that changes everything forever
Praise for Adrienne Vaughan
‘The story-telling has the same charm and magic I’ve always found in a Maeve Binchy’ Elaine G (Top 100 Amazon Reviewer)
‘Adrienne Vaughan writes just beautifully – all of life is here – and I loved every moment.’ Welsh Annie (Top 1000 Reviewer Vine Voice)
‘I think all Adrienne Vaughan’s books are just fabulous.’- Nikki Bywater, book blogger.
More about Adrienne Vaughan

Adrienne Vaughan has been making up stories since she could speak; primarily to entertain her sister Reta, who from a very early age never allowed a plot or character to be repeated – tough gig!
As soon as she could pick up a pen, she started writing them down. No surprise she wanted to be a journalist; ideally the editor of a glossy music and fashion magazine, so she could meet and marry a rock star – some of that came true! And in common with so many, she still holds the burning ambition to be a ‘Bond Girl’.
Adrienne is a fun, lively author and this translates into her writing: she is a natural storyteller.
Adrienne felt exhausted but happy when she had finished writing That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel. She said, ‘This book, like some of the characters, was wilful and demanding. I miss Archie, but in many ways, he’ll always be around now.’
Meet Archie and the rest of the entertaining characters That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel. Pack your bags, go to Ireland to find out what happened ‘that summer’. Read the enchanting story from the author who believes in mermaids…
Read my review of That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel. I can thoroughly recommend this enchanting novel – it is a triumph! Meet Adrienne Vaughan in my Chat Room.
You can enter Adrienne’s competition to win a signed copy of this novel if you email her at: mailto:adrienne@adriennevaughan.com. Mark the subject of the email ‘Competition Entry’. Good luck!
See Adrienne’s fabulous new website .
Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
Jessie, a wonderful post and thank you for sharing about Adrienne’s book.?
Adriennne, ‘The Sea Horse’ sounds wonderful, weaving the present with memories, a web of themes. The cover is tantilising and an extract that has me hooked. I can imgine the wild weather of the coast playing quite a part to create a magical atmospthere!
Lovely, Annika. I will pass this on to Adrienne. x
I am reading Adrienne Vaughan’s book now and it is just as wonderful as her others
A great book to win, but I’d recommend to everyone to buy it, anyway! I too adored this book! Great post, and how lovely to see the photos, too. I must say it’s exactly like I had imagined.
Well, I would enter the competition, except I already have a signed copy and s kindle download. Belt and braces, that’s me. Just started reading the book and I’m enjoying it enormously. Thanks to Jessie for another of her fabulous blogs. I share this on my Facebook pages and hopefully provide you with a lucky winner.
Perhaps, Charlee would like a signed copy.
Oh, my alter ego you mean? Good idea ?
Lovely post, Jessie. Am two thirds through Adrienne’s gorgeous new book and loving every bit of it. Her settings are always magical, her characters quirky and fascinating. Loving the mystical elements here, too. A real winner!
Adrienne selected the perfect extract to showcase another dimension in her novel. As you know, I adored the book. Adrienne is a clever writer!
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day Jessie! And thank you for such a wonderful blog and sharing the ‘love’ for That Summer at the Seahorse Hotel so beautifully! Can’t wait to see who wins the signed copy … exciting!
I love this extract Adrienne, as it presents the unique nature of your novel. One lucky winner is in for a real treat! Many thanks for sharing your novel with me – always such fun to work with you.