Writer’s Free Gym and Word Workout

Each day the hills became easier and easier until I broke out into a consistent fast pace – almost jogging.

Writing takes me to another place and lets my mind travel. Alas, my imagination doesn’t burn off the calories and wandering through cyberspace does not count as exercise.  In January, I knew I had to fight the constant fatigue caused by a sedentary lifestyle and word workouts.  As a writer my income does not furnish me the opportunity to pay £700 in gym fees, so I used my imagination to build a fitness regime.  Back in cyberspace, I found new trainers and decided to rediscover the power of walking.

At first, I completed half a mile each day and thought it better than no exercise. On my travels, I found concealed lanes and grabbed snippets of people’s lives along with stray sentences from conversations. I soon became hooked on the daily escape from my desk and decided to switch off my phone. Each day the hills became easier and easier until I broke out into a consistent fast pace – almost jogging. Within a month, I travelled to supermarket on shanks’s pony rather than firing up the car. I also let my mind do some walking when I pound the pavement. It is a two mile round trip. My rucksack replaced my handbag as is a brilliant way to carry the shopping and enhance the benefits of the walk.  On opening my front door, a flood of words arrived without any effort.  Better to let the words walk out of the mind rather than squeezing them out when sitting stationary at the laptop.


A day’s walking along the Welsh Heritage Coast.

Within two months, the exercise boosted my energy and inspired me consider other changes to my lifestyle.  The easy change was to reduce the portion sizes of my food.  I love food and have no idea how these portions have crept up. I blame my husband’s wonderful cooking.  I also abandoned my trusty builder’s tea for a selection of green teas as they aid digestion.  I learned that green tea is loaded with antioxidants so thought I’d give it a try.  Believe me it was difficult to give up my mug of dark brown Yorkshire tea, but as my habits changed, I became accustomed to it.  Now I can’t face the many cups of brown tea and prefer the light refreshing tea; sometimes I rehydrate with a cup of warm water. Though I admit I do still drink my filter coffee as I can’t resist the aroma and taste.  Habit had turned me into a serial tea drinker.


Cheers to your health and a creative approach to staying healthy and happy.

Over time I also noticed my stomach was swollen and uncomfortable.  Having taken antibiotics, I researched the dangers and noted they can upset the gut flora.  I realised that sauerkraut could make a difference. The bought sauerkraut is pasteurised, so I had to make my own.   It did improve my digestion and I love it.  Little did I know there is a whole trend in the consumption of fermented food.  I highly recommend the homemade sauerkraut but be warned that you need to buy a fermentation jar with an air release valve. It is also essential to use salt without an anti-caking agent – it must be pure salt.


Researching healthy foods, I also stumbled on Greek yogurt which is a probiotic with many benefits.  I have switched my plain yogurt for this delicious alternative. I eat the yogurt with chopped walnuts.  The nuts have vitamins and minerals we require for a balanced diet.  I love the texture of the Greek yogurt and like to pretend it is ice-cream.  Sometimes I add a little Manuka honey to the combination. Pure luxury!


I love a happy ending!  These simple changes have made a huge difference.  I have a spring in my step again and am full of energy again.  However, I must admit that I do allow myself treats and still can’t resist an afternoon tea:  it’s about achieving a balance.

However, I must admit that I do allow myself treats and still can’t resist an afternoon tea: it’s about achieving a balance.

The journey to better health has been painless and I wanted to share them with you.  Cheers to your health and a creative approach to staying healthy and happy.

If you have any health and wellbeing tips then please pass them on by leaving a comment.  I am also happy to answer any questions.


Please see all of my Handbag Adventures and my blog and website at JessieCahalin.com.

A copy of my novel is available here.

Treasure the World Around You

An ancient solitary tree beckoned me to attempt a footpath through a wheatfield

Walking has been a gift throughout this year. I feel fitter and healthier because we have walked over twenty miles a week. During the jaunts, we have discovered new destinations in our local area and opened our eyes to the natural world; ever-changing light also worked its magic.

I had no idea how many local lanes we ignored during twenty years of living in beautiful South Wales. Adventures were confined to the familiar tourist destinations, yet there were places on the doorstep. We discovered a lane in Michaelstone that leads to a footpath across farmland. An ancient solitary tree beckoned us to attempt a footpath through a wheatfield, and we were rewarded with a view of the Somerset coast. Once we reached the tree, we encountered a man following the same route. He made us aware of the original road ancient travellers used to reach London, and we considered how landmarks such as trees would have been landmarks in ancient times. As the man talked, he looked out to sea because his ancestors used to live in Somerset in the eighteenth century, and said he felt connected to them. Was he waiting for them to return? He seemed to disappear very suddenly into the distance.

It felt as if nature had conspired to present us with a glimpse of a Monet painting.

Though we have walked the same routes many times now, seasons and sightings of wildlife have rewarded us with different perspectives. Previously, we may not have had time to see the dragonfly waiting on a tree or spot bees on flowers. We never really paid attention to the livestock in the fields close to the house, or the progress of crops in the farmer’s fields. During the dark days of lockdown, we searched for colour and found it in our garden. Bluebells stood proud at the back of our garden and enhanced the character of the tiny shed. Furthermore, alliums planted in autumn 2019 presented vibrant displays throughout the spring and summer, attracting bees, insects and birds.

When Lockdown eased, we were able to visit Dryham Park in South Gloucestershire and could not believe our luck when we were able to get close enough to photograph deer in the park.

When Lockdown eased, we were able to visit Dryham Park in South Gloucestershire and could not believe our luck when we were able to get close enough to photograph deer in the park. The presence of these magnificent creatures had a calming effect. Dyffryn House, closer to home, tested us with torrential rain when we visited but we endured it and captured images of the rain sparkling on lily pads. It felt as if nature had conspired to present us with a glimpse of a Monet painting.

Our lives have been fraught with challenges, but seasons have remained constant and soothed us. Wildlife continue to keep themselves busy with their daily lives and remain calm until they sense a predator. There is so much to see in your local area if you look closely.

Bluebells adorned the back of our garden and enhanced the character of the tiny shed

All the best for 2021!

Have you discovered hidden treasure in your local area during lockdown?


Please see my writer’s gym workout, all my Handbag Adventures and also my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.