A rather curious cat, called Land’s End, disturbed my catnap. I followed the feline to the ends of the earth. The proud pussycat meowed about Patricia Feinberg Stoner’s book of purr-fect poems. Land’s End stared at me until I found a letter, from Patricia.
Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to my world of wacky felines. I have been intrigued by cats all my life. I love their dignity, their independence and the way they please themselves above all. ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’ is the result of many years’ study, and all the cats in these verses are real. Some I have known personally, some I have been told about by proud or amused or exasperated owners. ‘A Puss in Boots’ is possibly my favourite poem, because it’s true: and what a gift for an inveterate punster, to find a cat in Boots the Chemist!
Whether you love cats or hate them, I hope you’ll find something in these pages to inspire and amuse you.
Patricia Feinberg Stoner

Presenting the Real Puss in Boots!
In the high street chemist yesterday,
Upon a thoughtfully-provided chair
Beside a radiator, sat
A large and well-contented cat.
The chance was far too good to miss
For one who loves a play on words
So: ‘Look! A Puss in Boots!’ I cried.

The shopping zombies clearly thought me mad.
They turned, as only English people turn,
A blank and even hostile stare
Upon me, standing foolish there
As ‘Look! A Puss in Boots!’ I cried.
But then the creature stretched and purred
And opened amber eyes (that matched its fur).
And then it turned and winked at me.
I’ll swear I saw it wink at me.
As ‘Look! A Puss in Boots!’ I cried.
‘Paw Prints in the Butter’ is a humorous exploration of our feline friends. According to ‘Your Cat Magazine’, the poems ‘delve into the inner psyche of our much loved feline friends’. I asked Patricia to introduce us to more of the characters:

MEET Lulu the Terrible and find out how she fell from grace…
SHUDDER at the menace of The Cat Who Howls in the Night and LAUGH with the irrepressible Stationery Cat…
LEARN how the ancient Cabriole won his lady love, and how she rewarded him…
and LISTEN, with the wide-eyed kitten, to the mew-moirs of The Cat Who Has Been Here Before. Purr-fect Reviews
‘If you have a cat, know a cat, or have ever interacted with a cat, this collection of poems will have you chuckling… It has certainly earned its place on my bookshelf.’ Ingenue Magazine
‘This very funny collection of poems probably explains why – like Marmite – some of us love cats and some of us don’t.’ Jack le Bois
I bought my edition on Kindle but I shall have to have a paper copy to place on my bookshelf, for this is a ‘cut-and-come-again’ kind of work – to dip into at whim. Purr-fect!’ Angela Petch
Patricia present the cunning and clever personalities of our much loved pets, in this collection of poems. She will even charm dog champions with this comic collection of ‘mew-moirs’. Take a ‘paws’ and find out more about ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’.

Patricia is passionate about humour, food and writing; she loves all dogs and some people (you know who you are) and has a healthy respect for cat kind. She is great fun and her writing is guaranteed to make you giggle. Read ‘Paw Prints in the Butter’ and search for your purr-fect pet.
Patricia has a unique flair for comedy, and I can recommend her other books.
Experience more giggles at:
The Little Book of Rude Limericks
At Home in the Pays d’Oc
She is currently writing Tales from the Pays d’Oc
Read my review of At Home in the Pays d’Oc.
Sue Bentley, author of the children’s Magic Kitten series provided the cat photos.
Please see all my extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
I’ll let you into an intimate secret now. Patricia’s words make me laugh in bed… (that’s my favourite place to read). Both the Pays d’Oc and her delicious limericks had a CAT-astrophic effect on my normally Purr-fect love life. My husband thought I was laughing at him. But it was Patricia’s words. I’ll be talking to her about her humour soon…
Ah, I almost used ‘CAT-astrophic’ in my blog post. Patricia is witty, oh so witty!