Jenny Kane is the author of several contemporary fiction novels including, Romancing Robin Hood (Littwitz Press, 2018), Abi’s House, (Accent Press, 2015), and the Another Cup of Coffee series (Accent Press, 2013). As Jennifer Ash she writes the medieval mysteries, The Folville Chronicles, as well as audio scripts for ITV. Jenny is a self-proclaimed accidental author. She is also a former archaeologist and medieval historian.
Jessie: Tell us more about Jenny Kane/Jenny Ash.
Jenny: I am workaholic, coffee drinking, author who writes her books from the corner of my favourite coffee shop, in Devon.
Jessie: How have you managed to build your brand as an author and sustain your success?
Jenny: The first genre I wrote was erotica. I didn’t mean to, and I certainly didn’t see that career coming, but for some reason I found myself composing scenes of smut.
After five years of kinky thinking, I decided to have a go at writing a story where everyone kept their clothes on. It was most liberating! To my surprise, that novel, Another Cup of Coffee, was well received.
With the writing market changing all the time, I’ve always been wary of putting all my eggs in one basket, and so, after writing eight granny friendly novels, I had a go at writing about my personal passion – medieval crime. Oh- and I write children’s picture books too. I have three pen names.
Jessie: Do your pen names have different identities?
Jenny: As Jenny Kane I write contemporary fiction and romance, as well as children’s picture books.
As Jennifer Ash I write medieval murder mysteries (The Folville Chronicles) as well as audio scripts for ITV and Spiteful Puppet.
My first pen name was Kay Jaybee- only investigate her if you are over 18 and enjoy erotica.
Jessie: How did you manage to become the resident writer in Costa Coffee shop How wonderful!

Jenny: I’ve always been a coffee shop writer. I get too distracted by things that need doing around the house if I attempt to write at home. When a Costa opened in Tiverton, I started to write in there. I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing, but after I’d turned up every day for several months, the staff started to enquire, and soon I was part of the furniture. So much so, that they offered to hold a book launch for me when Another Cup of Coffee was published.
When I turned up for the launch, I found that I had a new table in the far corner of the cafe with a plaque on the wall, stating it was Jenny Kane’s Corner! I was speechless. I had corner- just like Winnie the Pooh!
I’ve sat and worked in that corner every day since. It’s lovely. Mostly I’m left alone to write, but it’s not unknown for folk to pop by for a chat or to have their books signed.
So far I’ve written 12 full length novels, 4 scripts and countless workshops and short stories at that table.
Jessie: Tell me about the writing workshops you offer. How do you balance the workshops and writing?
Jenny: I’ve been teaching creative writing on and off for the past twelve years. However, 2 years ago, my friend and fellow writer, Alison Knight and I, pooled our resources and set up the creative writing business, Imagine.
We provide workshops for beginners and cover every element of fiction writing from character development to location building, plotting, short story writing and the skills you need to get your butt on a chair and make yourself write.
Our most popular courses are our life writing masterclass and the Novel in a Year workshop series. These run over a year, and take people from their first word, to preparation for submission to an agent or publisher.
I split my working day between writing (7am- 12pm) and prepping for workshops (12.30pm and 3pm). After that I go to work, before editing/proofing my students work in the evenings.
Jessie: Summarise your latest release in two sentences.

Jenny: Edward’s Outlaw by Jennifer Ash is a murder mystery set in Rockingham Castle during the fourteenth century. Placed in the castle for her own protected, Mathilda Folville, finds herself playing detective in order to save her husband’s life and her family’s reputation.
Jessie: List a maximum of three quotes from the reviews that you have had.
Jenny: For The Folville Chronicles by Jennifer Ash – “Ellis Peters meets Jean Plaidy… via Robin Hood.” (Review from Goodreads)
For Abi’s House by Jenny Kane – “Reading a Jenny Kane book is like opening a journal by a much loved friend. I’m spirited away into a world of warm, friendly and interesting people. To places that I not only want to visit but actually live in. Shops, cafés and pubs that I want to be my locals and life that I want to experience and be a part of. Abi’s House gives you all of these feelings and left me with a huge smile on my face and a glowing in my heart. More of this wonderfulness please!!” (Review from Amazon)
For Another Cup of Coffee by Jenny Kane – “‘This book is definitely my cup of coffee
Gosh, where to start with this review?! The characters: you laughed with them, cringed, hated, wanted to shout at the book because you cared so deeply. Every character had their own story, and I loved that this was intertwined with Amy’s story, waiting to see how it panned out. Big round of applause for Kane for the characters on its own….Another Cup of Coffee itself: very realistic and a delight from start to finish. I felt like I was sitting on the outside looking in all the time, and I’d known this group of people for my entire life…. A timeless piece and one worth picking up big time. This book is definitely my cup of coffee (sorry, I had to). (Review from Bookmark That)
Jessie: Present an extract from your latest novel that will tempt a reader.

(From Edward’s Outlaw – The Folville Chronicles Book 3)
“…A young woman of my build, with similar hair, has suffered a violent death in the room allocated to me. A room in which I was intended to be trapped under lock and key….”
Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?
Jenny: I also feel a little bereft when I finish a novel. It’s such an intense process. The character’s live in your head 24/7 for months. When I finished Edward’s Outlaw it felt particularly strange as it bought me to the end of an intense three book writing experience- (The Outlaw’s Ransom, The Winter Outlaw and Edward’s Outlaw – the first 3 books in The Folville Chronicles) The lead character, Mathilda, is someone I’m very fond of- I miss her now that I’m writing a different series (as Jenny Kane- name a secret as yet!)
Mathilda will be back however, as there is another story coming as part of The Folville Chronicles in 2020.
Jessie: What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?
Jenny: Check about the vinegar.
Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?
Jenny: Not losing heart. It can take a long time to succeed, and even then the financial rewards are feeble. It can be very hard to stay positive when you’re surrounded by celebrities getting paid a fortune to write (often poorly) simply because they can cycle fast or once ate bugs in the jungle.
Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?
Jenny: Cut down on your adverbs. My work was awash with them at first. I hadn’t realised how much they were slowing my plots down.
Jessie: How do you support other writers and what common mistakes do fledgling authors make?
Jenny: Always be positive. Writers are usually full of self doubt (I know I am), so we need to encourage and support with time and kind words.
New authors often make the mistake of rushing the editing process- usually because they are so keen to get their work out into the wild. If in doubt- edit once more- and if you can afford it- pay a professional to do that last check for you.
Jessie: Tell me about the writers’ retreats you have organised.
Jenny: As well as workshops, Imagine runs a residential retreat at Northmoor House on Exmoor every October. This year the event runs from 7-11th October.
The week involves as much private writing time as you like, one-to-one mentoring from Alison Knight and myself (on request- no addition charge) and an evening with guest speaker, Kate Lord Brown.
The retreat price includes all meals and accommodation in an original Victorian house- complete with the original free standing baths! (Bring your own bubbles!)
You can find all the details at www.imaginecreativewriting.co.uk
Book soon – we’d love to see you there- but there are only 3 rooms left for 2019.
Imagine also provides day long Location Inspiration Days. These take place in a variety of stunning locations, where you are encouraged to use the setting to create your works of fiction.
Our next events are on 19th June and 11th Sept at the Old Farmhouse and Chapel, in Ashcott, Somerset. You can find details at www.imaginecreativewriting.co.uk
Jenny’s contact details:
Jennifer Ash https://www.facebook.com/jenniferashhistorical/
Jenny Kane https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011235488766
Imagine www.imaginecreativewriting.co.uk
Jenny Kane and Jennifer Ash www.jennykane.co.uk