It’s exciting to be presenting the first Golden Chapter of 2019. I challenged the lovely Jena to find something uplifting and appropriate for the start of a new year and she didn’t disappoint. I know you will find this choice intriguing. The book is a wonderful ‘life-journey’ that teaches ‘first learn to love thyself’. ‘If you enjoyed “Eat, Pray, Love-You will love this travel memoir!’
I chose Brigid P. Gallagher’s book, Watching the Daisies– Life Lessons on the Importance of Slow from the Golden Handbag and now I’m “Feelin’ Groovy”. The opening Prologue and first chapter had me humming…
Slow down, you move too fast
You have to make the morning last…
Hello lamppost, what’cha knowing
I’ve come to watch your flowers growin’

Singer/Songwriter Paul Simon and Author Brigid Gallagher have something in common- the importance of SLOW. I don’t know about Paul Simon, but as I read the beginning of Watching the Daisies, I learned that Brigid Gallagher wasn’t always slow.
The book begins in 2012, where we meet a vibrant and radiant Brigid, dancing at a Tom Jones concert. (The author helpfully points out that Sir Tom is a legendary singer and sex bomb.) If this is the secret to healthy living, I’m all in!
We learn that the author “senses rainbows around everything, for she has been blessed with the gift of clairvoyance or clear seeing.” The prologue ends with this insight, “No matter how difficult your journey has been, you will find blessings on every corner.” (Or Lampost according to Paul Simon!)
The next section of the book is titled “Busy as a Bee”. And the first chapter in this section is, “The Kippen Girls”. This book is a first-person memoir and Author Gallagher shares her origin story in this part of the book. She grew up in a cozy family in a small town in mid-twentieth century Scotland, although she and her family frequently visited their extended family in Ireland. Charming stories of daily life and holiday activities make for pleasant reading. The first chapter ends with a family sadness, and also personal questions for Brigid as she grows up and leaves home.
What comes next, I wondered. I glanced at some of the chapter headings:
Life Can Turn on a Sixpence
Slowing Down
How exciting and inspiring! I choose this book from the Golden Handbag because I wanted to be encouraged and uplifted as I started this new year of 2019. My personal hashtag is #StayGolden and this book will help guide me!
At the end of the book are Ten Tips for Self-Healing. Here are a few:
Have faith in a Higher Power
Appreciate every day and its gifts
Learn to be gentle with yourself
Find a JOYFUL form of exercise

Start your new year with this positive and golden read. Let’s talk about this book. If you have read it- we’d love to hear your comments. If you haven’t read it, we can discuss these questions:
- Would you like to learn more about clairvoyance?
- Do you have tips for living well?
- Are you “Feelin’ Groovy”?
Jena C. Henry January 2, 2019

More about Brigid:
Brigid P. Gallagher aspired to becoming a doctor but God had other plans! She spent thirteen years in the life assurance industry, including Actuarial and Life Underwriting departments, before following her heart and training as a Natural Medicines therapist. Brigid trained in colour and crystal healing, aromatherapy, reflexology, nutritional medicine, flower essences, electro-crystal healing, radionics and E.F.T or Emotional Freedom Technique. She practised and taught Natural Medicines for 20 years, teaching at Stirling University’s Open Studies and Summer Schools from 1993 to 1999, setting up the Scottish School of Holistic Healing plus a therapy centre and shop in Stirling, Scotland. In 1999, she relocated to Donegal, Ireland the home of her ancestors. Four years later, she succumbed to a mystery illness which was eventually diagnosed as fibromyalgia and possible rheumatoid arthritis. Stopping the world for 2 years, forced Brigid to reassess her life, and thus she began retraining in Organic Horticulture. She taught this subject in schools part time until early 2016. Her garden was featured in the Donegal Garden Trail in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Brigid continues her lifelong passion for gardening, singing and writing in her new life of SLOW.
Please see all Jena’s Golden Chapters and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.