Have you ever indulged in a picture book for an adult? Well, I discovered the author of two picture books entitled It’s a Bright New World to Feel Lost In and She Ran Away From Love. As picture books for adults, these books are unique and perfect as gift books.
Mawson Bear has followed me for many years in Twitter, so it only seems fair to introduce him and explain his purpose in the world.
Jessie: Mawson Bear, please can you introduce yourself.
Mawson: I am called Mawson Bear, and I arrived in a large brown paper bag one day at Mark’s house. Mark was not allowed to properly look until Christmas. Not many, cough, middle aged grownups get a plump teddy bear as a Christmas present, but far more of us should if you ask me. Once out of the bag, I took an interest in everything and so became a Bear About Town, attending parties, weddings and all kinds of outings. But fate intervened in the form of -shudder- the washing machine episode. Well, I had got rather grubby. After that I decided to be an Indoors Bear devoted to pondering about Baffling Things. Mark had to write the book for me and will explain them to you.

Mark: They are meant as gentle tales of love and loss, hope, self-esteem, and finding oneself, simply told with pictures of teddy bears. They are by Mawson Bear, one of this bright world’s very few writer-bears. Photos by Mark O’Dwyer, his guardian, cushion-arranger and hapless typist. Intended as gift books, they are short, colourful, with a square format and only a few words on each page, making for an easy little read. Because they are hopefully destined to become random gifts of kindness between friends, the text is more for grownups. Although children have enjoyed them too, I describe them as ‘picture books for grownups’.
Jessie: I hear you have released another book. What is this about?
Mark: Mawson has dictated a letter to me.
Dear Readers,
It’s Me, Mawson, a writer bear, and I am delighted to present She Ran Away From Love.
I was having a nap when a small Teddette woke me up with large and baffling questions. This is the story of what Frilly did next.
I chose this extract because it has me trying to protect young Frilly. But she is more determined than perhaps a slightly small and lightly pink lass might at first look. She has decided to go on a Quest. And she does.

Here is an extract from the book:
Mawson: Frilly, why not quest at home? Lots of journeys go to where one is sitting.
Frilly: But I want to boldly Find Myself.
Mawson x
Jessie: Why should I place She Ran Away From Love in my handbag?
Mark: This is a grand book to plonk in your hand bag because it has the world Love on the cover, and its the right size for hand bags (Frilly and I tested),and it’s just right to look at on a journey, and because if a friend asks you about it you can give it to them as a random gift of kindness.
Jessie: How did you feel when you finished writing She Ran Away From Love
Mark, Guardian of Mawson Bear, says: I felt surprised. It started out as a different book but Frilly solemnly asked more big questions as she struggled on, and so the first versions of the book turned into this one. I always knew Frilly would persevere and let Mawson know that she had made it, but didn’t know what paths she would take. Like Mawson I felt glad but also sad when her particular quest had to end.
The Light of Love pours down on Frilly. It shines so brightly that she quails and runs away. Upset with herself for feeling scared, she wakes her good friend Mawson and pours out her confusions. She wants to learn how to be bold and is convinced that she can do this by going on a quest. With muddled help from Mawson she sets off into the great Out There. But is a quest to find oneself really the answer?
Can Frilly embolden herself to face the Light of Love?
Who is Mason Bear?
Mawson, the big hearted, soul searching teddy bear, is here to help. He is one of this bright world’s few Writer-Bears. He speaks about Being One’s Best in an often baffling world. He is often muddled about things (well, he is a bear). But he is always confident that things are going to turn out All Right.
Contact details
Please see all the extracts and excerpts at Book Extracts and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
A copy of my novel is available here.