There’s ‘nowt’ like going home to Yorkshire. Because I haven’t lived in Yorkshire for over twenty years, I love to identify what is the same and how it is changing. However, I can always rely on the warmth of the people and a hearty welcome.
The signature Yorkshire warmth was commented on in a programme of Hairy Bikers recently when Si and Dave visited Yorkshire Dama Cheese shop in Sowerby Bridge. Razan Alsous, a pharmacist, came to the UK from Syria with her husband and family and set up the cheese factory where she makes Haloumi cheese and other products. Razan explained how welcome she and her family had been made to feel in Yorkshire. After hearing Razan’s story, we stopped off the visit the shop. We were greeted by a very enthusiastic employee who loved the products and convinced us to buy a selection of cheeses.

On returning home to Cardiff, we sampled the halloumi cheese which is labelled a squeaky cheese. Little did we know that a taste sensation awaited us. We fried the cheese in a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkled the cheese with smoked paprika and served on some banana bread I made earlier in the day. The combination of sweet and savoury really worked, and the cheese did squeak. Perfect comfort food! We also bough ricotta and have frozen it so we can use it during the festive season.

The shop is tucked away in the mill town of Sowerby Bridge. There is a beauty in the towering mills of the town, and I am ‘chuffed t’bits’ Yorkshire is still welcoming folk that will enrich the town’s future.

Recipe for banana bread provided by author Sue Bentley
It’s super easy.
Here goes.
Mash five very ripe bananas then add one beaten egg and I teasp. Vanilla.
In another bowl combine one and a half cups of any plain flour, 1 teasp. Bicarbonate of Soda, half a teasp. Cinnamon, Half a cup of chopped walnuts, dash of salt.
Mix dry ingredients into banana mixture. Stir to combine don’t over mix.
Pour into lined loaf tin.
Bake for 40 to 60 mins on Gas mark 4.
Let cool and enjoy! When using cups as a measure just choose a medium sized one and use the same cup to measure everything.
Have fun xxx
Please see all my Handbag Adventures and also my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
A copy of my novel is available here.