Jena C. Henry, boomer blogger, podcaster and author, convinced me to end my blogging drought, grab a golden handbag and share an exciting new release with you. With an exclusive peek at opening chapter of Jane Cable’s ‘Endless Skies’, Jena could not wait to share her views. Without further ado, I will hand my blog over to the lady with the golden handbag crammed with reviews of opening chapters.

Like many of you, I have spent most of my days sheltering at home, reading books for hours. Thanks to the Handbag Gallery, I was able to safely browse and find good reads to keep me company. Thank you Author Friends for writing so many “take me away” books.
And now, a Golden Chapter opportunity has appeared, like the sun from behind the clouds. Endless Skies by Jane Cable, published by Sapere Books, will be released on July 27, 2020.
“Endless Skies” evokes a word picture for me. I gaze up, then turn my face even higher to the arc above, endless and infinite.
The sky has its own blue color, not an ordinary blue jean blue. The height and expanse for this blueness makes me feel small, but at the same time, full and boundless. The curve of sky is a structure solid and strong, yet it must also be soft and sheer, able to be pierced by a weightless beam of sun. Is heaven on the other side? All things are possible and eternal on a radiant day.
But too often in this blue arc, dark clouds pile up, lightning flashes, the wind blows away the peace. An enemy aircraft roars over the horizon, a black mark on the perfect sky. Bombs drop. Where is heaven now?

Having pondered the title, “Endless Skies”, let’s look at the Prologue and First Chapter. Jane Cable’s romance begins with a Prologue that introduces a pilot in his aircraft nearing his base, returning from enemy lands. The fighting is over for him, at least for this night. The skies do seem endless and he has a woman and a promise the size of the sky waiting for him. But trouble seems to be close to him, too.
The First Chapter introduces us to Rachel, in the present day, who tells her story in the first person. Rachel has been forced to uproot her life and move to a new university teaching position. She is an intelligent young woman and a woman who appreciates antiques and fine objects and accessories. She carefully unpacks her beloved Gran’s Royal Albert Festival tea service in her new, stark apartment. Her setting is important to her and this place does not suit her or comfort her.
At this point in the book, there are no boundless, optimistic, endless skies for Rachel. She has had to end yet another awkward romance, and a memory of a sad event when she was only eighteen is never far away, always ready to hurt and shake her. A few things do interest her in her new surroundings, including an old RAF base and a houseboat.
Author Cable writes dense, lyrical prose. This is not a story one skims, rather it is a leisurely walk through a beautiful garden with lovely word pictures and emotions. The timelessness of the writing, the setting and the introduction to Rachel, all with the hint of an airman from years ago, and the promise of endless skies, makes for an inviting opening to the rest of the story. I plan to keep on reading when the book is released.
Ms. Cable says, “I write romance with a twist, that extra something to keep readers guessing right to the end. While my books are character driven my inspiration is always a British setting.”

This is Jane Cable’s fourth book. Are you looking forward to reading it? I’m sure you are! Care to have a chin-wag about this book? I adore discussing books I have read. Here are some questions to get us started.
Do you like World War II stories?
Will Rachel find happiness?
What twist is coming?

Jane Cable says, “The past is never dead.” Do you agree?
A big thank you to Jena for this sensitive review of the opening chapter. ‘Endless Skies’ sounds like a fascinating insight into World War Two.
Please see all the Golden Chapters and also my website and blog at
A copy of my novel is available here.