It is time to present another bundle of fun from bestselling children’s author, Patricia Furstenberg. Well, I have waited and waited to present the cover of ‘As Good As Gold’ and ta-da…

Celebrating the simple things in life as seen through the eyes of our old time favourite furry friends, ‘As Good as Gold’ is a volume of poetry revealing the talent and humour we always knew our dogs possessed.
A book with an enormous heart for readers of all ages, it includes 35 poems and haiku aaccompanied by expressive portraits of our canine friends.
Dogs are full of questions, yet they are famed sellers of innocence especially when it comes to explaining their mishaps and often foolish effervescence through ponderings such as ‘Why IS a Cat Not Like a Dog’, ‘As Brown as Chocolate’, ‘Silver Stars and Puppy Tail’ or, best yet, ‘Dog or Book?’
Written for their human companions, by dogs, these poems are an ode to the best of times, celebrating the beauty of a life spent waging one’s tail.
Words of Inspiration from Patricia
As engaging as a tail wag

When a puppy runs down the hill, hair and ears and tongue in flight, tail wagging madly, heading straight for the row of ducks, what goes through his mind? When a dog wakes up in the middle of the night, washed by the light of a chatty moon, what exactly does he say when he howls? Caught in the rain or chasing a balloon, surprised by the new cat brought in the house or amused by a frog – a dog’s findings and adventures are countless.
I have been lucky enough to share my life with eight dogs so far. Sometimes, when I would enjoy myself lost in the pages of a book my dog would suddenly press his head on my knee, sigh profusely and… look away as soon as I would bookmark my page to give her my attention: “what is it, girl?” Her thoughts would be obvious, “dog or book?”

I still remember the time one of my dogs found a bag of dry tea that she scattered all over the living room. Dogs can’t and should not eat chocolate, yet she was my chocolate girl, as her fur was a silky brown
We tend to say “this is my dog” or “we have a dog” – yet isn’t it a tad far from the truth? For we do not own the dog, it is rather the canine that owns us, conquering our hearts from the moment he first sets paws in our homes. There was never a fairer, nor a more loving ruler of a kingdom.

So, you see, it was to be expected that such a book will come to life.
A collection of poems and Haiku written for dog lovers, by a dog lover and titled As Good as Gold
Book Links:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Author LINKS:
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Amazon UK:
Author Website
Pat’s books on Amazon UK and Amazon US
Pat on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest.

About Patricia
Patricia Furstenberg came to writing through reading. She always carries a notebook and a pen, although at times she jots down her ideas on the back of till slips or types them on her phone.
Patricia enjoys writing for children because she can take abstract, grown-up concepts and package them in humorous, child-friendly ideas while adding sensitivity and lots of love. What fuels her is an exhilarating need to write and… coffee: “How many cups have had this morning?” “None.” “Plus?” “Five cups.”
She is a Huffington Post contributor and pens the Sunday Column for as well as dabbing in freelancing. After completing her Medical Degree in Romania, she moved to South Africa where she now lives with her husband, children and their dogs.
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