Celebrating Burns Night with Lizzie Lamb

Lizzie Lamb is a bestselling  author with six novels under her belt. She is a wonderful friend and author.

Lizzie Lamb is one of my writing fairy godmothers and it was a dream come true to meet her at the Romantic Novelists’ Association Tea in York. We chatted about her latest novel – Harper’s Highland Fling. I am thrilled to share this exclusive interview on Burns Night. Let’s raise our glasses to Scottish story telling.

How would your friends describe Lizzie Lamb, the author?

Friends would describe me as enthusiastic, loyal, funny, highly motivated (if slightly driven!) I hope they also see me as someone who likes to help others, especially rookie authors.

You have soared to the top of the charts with your novels for over ten years. How have you achieved this success?

As the song goes: I get by with a little help from my friends.’ Put yourself out there, make friends with readers and other writers; be generous, buy, read and review their novels. Embrace social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and start a blog. When I published Tall, Dark and Kilted (2008) indie publishing was a new phenomenon and it was easy to stand out from the crowd but it’s become much harder. Luckily, I’d built up a following on Facebook and Twitter before becoming a published author and my friends/followers are usually the first to buy my novels. It’s important to interact with your followers on a daily basis and not bombard them with ‘buy my books’ posts. If you get this right, they will become friends who interact with you and generously spread word of your novels.


Do you fall in love with your heroes and is your husband jealous of them?I know it sounds cheesy but my husband is all my heroes wrapped up in one. My love of dialogue/banter stems from our interchanges and, even after these years, we still have the ability to make each other laugh. When he read Harper’s Highland Fling he recognised some of the things Harper said to Rocco regarding his collection of ‘classic’ vehicles (code for: rusting old hulks) because I’ve had similar conversations with him over his ‘fleet’ of motors.

I have a couple of signs which sums up our relationship and, besides, he is too much of a grown up to feel jealous of my fictional heroes.

Lizzie knows the art of planning a gripping novel and is always willing to share writing tips.

Tell us about the essential ingredients of a great romance?

I believe it is vital that I fall in love with your hero from the get-go. That enables me to see him through the heroine’s  eyes and respond accordingly. In Harper’s Highland Fling I’ve used Male Point of View for the first time, perhaps this is why readers have declared the novel my ‘best one yet’. It is essential to establish the ‘spark’ between hero/heroine from the beginning, light the blue touch paper, stand back and wait for the fireworks happen. The  author has place obstacles in the way of the h/h which prevent the romance developing, then half way through the novel drop ‘something new’ into the mix which makes the protagonists see each other in a different light/revise their opinions of each other. Then they can start to fall in love. But keep something back so that in the last quarter of the novel you can turn everything on its head and make the reader wonder how it’s all going to work out. That is the Page Turning Quality an author needs to evoke in order to carry the reader through to the end of the novel when, hopefully, she will close the book with a satisfied sigh.

Don’t cheat your reader by not delivering that happy ever after/happy for now ending. They won’t forgive you for it because that’s what you’re genre promises them. Remember Sanditon – what a let-down.

How has your writing changed since your first novel?

I think I’m prepared to take chances because I have learned what readers like/dislike. Readers enjoy sparky dialogue and some description of time and place, but don’t overwhelm them with it. An author should edit her finished novel as though she was a reader, cutting out those scenes which don’t work or slow the action down. Oh, and, I’ve learned to keep my hero/heroine together on the page as much as possible because that’s what I like in a good romance.

What are the benefits of indie publishing and how is it changing the world?

The main benefit of being an indie author is that you can write to your own schedule. I aim to publish a novel am every 18 months. Indie publishing suits my lifestyle and I suspect that, if I wanted to become a contracted author, I’d have to stop writing Scottish-themed romance and write WWII, Cornish Cottage romances, sagas, dark psychological crime instead. So  not my bag. I’ll stay an indie for now, but who knows what the future holds?

Explain the classic mistakes of rookie indie publishers?

Looking back, here are the classic mistakes I made as a rookie author. Didn’t work out a plan for the novel before I started it. Spent far too long polishing the first three chapters without seeing the novel as a whole and plotting out where the high and lows. I also spent too much time listening to contradictory advice, not understanding the importance of developing my own ‘voice’ (that comes with experience. I believe). Believing that what works for other authors will also work for me; one size does not fit all.

Let Lizzie take you to Scotland with Harper’s Highland Fling. You are invited to celebrate Burns Night with Rocco and Harper. Cheers!

I love, love, love the dynamic dialogue in your books. Can you give us a peek into a moment in Harper’s Highland Fling?

My favourite bit of dialogue in HHF.

‘Wh-where did you learn to kiss like that?’ Rocco asked.

‘Well, not at Sunday School, that’s for certain,’ Harper quipped.

‘Behind the bike sheds?’

‘I couldn’t possibly comment. More evidence is needed before I can reach a proper conclusion.’


‘You as a great kisser.’


‘There is a precedence, I believe. The accepted rule that scientific fact should always be subjected to further experimentation, to eliminate the chance of a fluke occurrence.’

‘You think that kiss was a fluke?’ Rocco asked.

‘I’m simply saying it could be. Best of three?’

‘Very well,’ he sighed.

What some reviewers have said about Harper’s Highland Fling.

A thrilling, entrancing, full on romantic adventure. Hang onto your hat, it’s a 5 Star trip all the way! – Adrienne Vaughan

Written with Lizzie’s customary blend of warmth, wit and ‘will they, won’t they’ drama. Her best romance yet. I loved it! – Janet Brigden

Another smart, funny, romantic read from Lizzie Lamb. – June Kearns

An exciting armchair road trip to Bonnie Scotland, a gripping romance and a set of characters you’re not going to let go. Lizzie Lamb is back! – Isabella Tartaruga

So – get your motor running and fasten your seatbelt, you’re in for a bumpy ride

Feast your eyes on Lizzie’s beautiful novels.

I love Lizzie Lamb’s books and always know I’m in for a great read. Harper’s Highland Fling is not just any romance, it’s a scorching hot romance, full of surprises and glorious page turning tension. It is great getting to know the two characters and Lizzie Lamb’s lovely turn of phrase sparkles throughout the novel. She is currently writing her seventh novel: Dark Highland Skies.

Lizzie Lamb is a bestselling author with six novels under her belt. She runs the Leicester RNA Chapter, Belmont Belles, with June Kearns and is regularly invited to give presentations and workshops around the UK.

I dare you not to fall in love with Lizzie’s books.

About Lizzie:

After teaching her 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, Lizzie decided to pursue her first love: writing. She joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme, wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted (2012), quickly followed by Boot Camp Bride. She went on to publish Scotch on the Rocks, which achieved Best Seller status within two weeks of appearing on Amazon and her next novel, Girl in the Castle, reached #3 in the Amazon charts. Lizzie is a founder member of indie publishing group – New Romantics Press, and has hosted author events at Aspinall, St Pancras and Waterstones, Kensington, talking about the research which underpins her novels. Lizzie romance Take Me, I’m Yours, set in Wisconsin, also achieved BEST SELLER status >travel>USA. Her latest novel – Harper’s Highland Fling – has been declared her ‘best one yet’ by readers and reviewers. In it, two warring guardians are forced to join forces and set off in hot pursuit of a runaway niece and son. She has further Scottish-themed romances planned and spends most of the summer touring the Scottish Highlands researching men in kilts. As for the years she spent as a teacher, they haven’t quite gone to waste as she is building a reputation as a go-to speaker on indie publishing, and how to plan, write, and publish your debut novel.

Lizzie lives in Leicestershire (UK) with her husband, David.

She loves to hear from readers, so do get in touch . . .


Please  see all my author interviews in Author Chat Room and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.

Perfect Antidote to the Winter Blues in my Handbag

Lizzie Lamb Boot Camp Bride

Boot Camp Bride

Lizzie Lamb






Having downloaded all of Lizzie Lamb’s books, I opened Boot Camp Bride. Remembering Lizzie Lamb’s Scottish romance books, I expected to be travelling with a man in a kilt.  Instead, I was off to London with Charlee, a fledgling journalist.  Charlee is forced to attend a boot camp to get a scoop for the magazine she works for.  I adored the situation set up for this story – such fun! The author is very clever at painting her characters and adding poignant brushstrokes of humour and vulnerability.  Oh my, Charlee’s anecdotes will chase away the winter blues!

First assignment as trainee journalist

Charlee guided me through her adventure, and I could not stop laughing. How does Lizzie Lamb manage to combine humour, adventure and romance?  Charlee was feisty, fun, intelligent and clumsy – perfect.  Undeterred by the alpha male, she managed to fight him with wit and stubbornness.  Lizzie Lamb’s characters and style of writing sparkle in Boot Camp Bride.  This romantic comedy is classic gold: it is the equivalent of comfort food and a good night out with friends.

The soundtrack track to Spectre boomed, as I read the opening chapters of Boot Camp Bride, and Charlee was assigned her first undercover operation as a ‘faux’ bride.  And her ‘self- assurance and sassiness’ made this an absolute hoot.  Charlee’s ‘off the cuff remarks’ constantly entertain.  I adored this refreshingly bubbly style of writing.  The wit and tension fizzed and bubbled like a good Champagne.  At this point, Charlee would observe:

‘If she was beginning to think in clichés, it was time for her to put down the empty glass.’

Bookish setting

However, I didn’t have a glass of anything.  It was a joy to immerse myself in Charlee’s world.  She spoke before she put her brain into gear and is charming, funny and endearing.  Lizzie Lamb used her characteristic turn of phrase to describe that moment when one says the wrong thing:

‘As the seconds drew out, Charlee imagined she could hear the tick of the grandfather clock marking time: feel the chill wind of disapproval whistling round her ankles…’

‘He did a double-take when he saw the cow’s head slippers…’

This captured the moment perfectly! I think there is an element of Charlee in all of us.  She is a very real, honest and intelligent young woman.  Then there is the experienced Bear Grylls meets James Bond type hero, Rafa Fonseca Ffinch, but thankfully he doesn’t take himself too seriously.  I adored the sparks flying between Charlee and Rafa combined with the calamities.  Furthermore, the dialogue is superb, and the scenes were filmic in quality.  Lizzie Lamb is very skilled at challenging stereotypes for comic effect.

The ‘faux’ fiancé’s VW

The narrative hurtles at great speed while the humour awaits the reader around every corner.  Even the weather manages to mock Charlee as ‘hailstones hurled themselves at the window aided and abetted by a cutting wind off the marshes.’  Clever writing makes this novel feel like a trusty companion – I loved it!  It is the sort of book one can return to chase away the blues!

About Lizzie:

Lizzie Lamb, the author

After teaching my 1000th pupil and working as a deputy head teacher in a large primary school, I decided to pursue my first love: writing. I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme, wrote Tall, Dark and Kilted (2012), followed a year later by Boot Camp Bride. Although much of my time is taken up publicising Tall, Dark and Kilted and Boot Camp Bride, I published a third novel Scotch on The Rocks in July 2015. It achieved Best Seller status within two weeks of appearing on Amazon. I am a founding member of an indie publishing group – New Romantics Press and have held an Author Event at Waterstones High Street, Kensington, London. The icing on the cake, as far we are concerned, and a fitting way to celebrate our achievements. March 2016 saw Scotch on the Rocks shortlisted for the prestigious Exeter Novel Prize and in November 2016 I held an author talk in London, at Aspinalls. In Spring 2017 I published – Girl In The Castle, which reached #3 in the charts. I am currently working on a novel set in Wisconsin – Take Me I’m Yours, and have more Scottish-themed romances planned.


Lizzie’s Links

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/author/lizzielamb
Amazon author page: viewAuthor.at/LizzieLamb
Facebook www.facebook.com/LizzieLambwriter
Facebook www.facebook.com/newromantics4
email lizzielambwriter@gmail.com
website: www.lizzielamb.co.uk
blog: www.newromanticspress.com
Linked in: uk.linkedin.com/pub/lizzie-lamb/18/194/202/
Goodreads http://tinyurl.com/cbla48d
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lizzielamb/
Twitter https://twitter.com/lizzie_lamb
Twitter https://twitter.com/newromantics4