It is almost 2020 and I have discovered I do not have twenty twenty vision. I can see clearly now the blurring has gone. It turns out that my Kindle companion was a way of coping with my less than perfect sight, and I have astigmatism. Joy of reading a physical book has been revived for me. To look at the front cover, blurb and mark my favourite pages is a luxury I had forgotten.

I am currently drinking in the stories of the books but without picking up my review notebook. Maybe this is because I can see the words now and don’t need to break from the strain of reading. It is wonderful not to suffer the terrible migraines that previously impacted on my day. And I know why I was constantly complaining about the way the light reflected on my book or keyboard.
Now I have clearer vision, I intend to reread a printed version of my work in progress. I will read it without a review pen in hand and think about weaving in some secrets. I am attempting to consume my work in progress as a reader viewing the novel for the first time. Whilst on handbag leave ideas have been popping and bubbling, and I hope they come into focus.

I must admit I also rather like my glasses as a new accessory. Books in Handbag with Glasses could be a new direction for me. I’ve also spied an opportunity to shop for snazzy glasses cases. For the time being, I am abandoning the kindle for the book so will need a considerably bigger bag. However, I must confess I am not getting along very well with the varifocals as they make me a little dizzy. I need to focus on one thing at a time.

My vision for 2020 is to write, write, write and to look ahead. I have no specific resolutions. Adventures will come into focus as the year unfolds. I will take a step at a time and negotiate the paths no matter how difficult they are. I look forward to you all joining me on my adventures and feel privileged to have your company.

Offering you space to place new steps of change.” -Maya Angelou
Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and the strength to let your dreams unfold and surprise you. I will leave you with Maya Angelou’s advice:
“The horizon leans forward,
Offering you space to place new steps of change.”
Oh, bless you, Jessie! Glad you’ve got the diagnosis and solution. I have the same: astigmatism in my left eye and needed varifocals among other issues. The only thing that resolved it all for me was contact lenses. I do have glasses too but the vision is not nearly as good as the contacts (see, it’s not just vanity!). I do have to use reading glasses as well, though, but I don’t mind that as it makes me look intelligent!
Happy new year. My son has just been diagnosed with the same.
Oh dear, I hope he is managing to cope with the change.
He’s a young man and not even ordered his glasses yet (rolls eyes – no pun intended).
So glad to hear about the improvement in your vision, Jessie. Wishing you many good things for 2020 xx
Happy New Year, Sandra. I look forward to the first meeting in 2020.
Happy New Year, Jessie. Good luck with the varifocals. I couldn’t get on with them myself so have to change over glasses.
I am not getting on well with varifocals at all. Happy New Year, Patricia.
Stick with it for a bit longer. Do they still offer a month’s trial?
Yes, I think so but I don’t think the lenses are quite right.
Then do go back. I stuck with a pair of glasses for ages once, suffering. Eventually I went back and the dispenser had indeed made them up incorrectly.
I have FOUR pairs of glasses. One for distance (mostly telly) computer pair, half moons for reading an another set of reading glasses. All have a coating to reduce glare and eyestrain when writing on the pc. I had both cataracts ‘done’ last year but because of an astigmatism in my left eye they couldn’t give me 2020 vision, so things can be a little blurry at times. At least I don’t spend a fortune on contact lenses an longer (£120 for 3 months). I suffer from vertigo so bi-focals and varifocals were out of the question. Since both cataracts were replaced I’ve noticed how bad the ‘floaters’ are – something akin to a jelly fish keeps swimming across the surface of my right eye. LOL. And, in the summer the light is now unbearably bright so I wear sunglasses all the time. Like you, I get migraines from prolonged sitting at the pc so have to limit that, too. Its bloody amazing that I’ve written five books and am on #6. Keep going, kiddo, you’ll sort it out. More power to your elbow. xx
As always, you inspire me, Lizzie. I love your positive attitude. Thanks so much for the advice. i wish I had chatted with you before I got the glasses. I am not happy with them and need to change the lenses.
Happy New Year wishing you all the best for 2020. 🙂
Happy New Year. Thanks for dropping by.
So pleased you “can see clearly”. I find myself breaking into song. The simplest of tweaks can make such a huge difference. At the moment, I have a sore foot (no! it’s not gout) and I’m hoping the podiatrist next week will have a magic cure. Thank heavens I don’t write with my feet. Happy New Year!
Your poor feet. I hope you don’t have any footnotes. LOL
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2020.
Happy New Year to you too.
Best of luck with your resolutions. Happy New Year!
I love the post title Jessie and the way you link your vision issues in such a positive way with your reading, writing and blogging. There always is an upside to something negative, if only we can discover it. Having a rare vision problem myself I identified with many of your issues. Looking forward to Books In Handbag With Glasses!
Thanks for your continued support. I am so pleased my message connected with you. Happy New year, Anita, and I look forward to another year of interactions. Take care!
Happy New Year! The glasses look good. Do persevere with the varifocals – it’s just a question of giving your brain time to catch up – and you’ll wonder how you managed without them.
I am trying my best to make the glasses work. It’s great that my eyes no longer feel so tired. I mainly need the glasses for reading and was in denial for some time. Happy New Year, Mary. x
Reading real books is such a delicious pleasure I’m relieved and pleased for you to have your eyesight improved, so you can enjoy that part of reading. Best wishes for lots of inspiration and writing.
Thanks for the warm wishes. Wishing you lots of delicious books and words.
Happy New Year, Jessie! 🙂
Happy New Year, Veronica.
Happy New Decade! Oh say can you see? I’m glad you can now.
I haven’t seen anything I don’t like yet. Phew!
Happy New Year and congrats on joining a lot of the rest of us who have corrective lenses! Hope the transition is easy and that 2020 is a great year for you!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome to the world of spectacles.
Congratulations on your great leap forward in vision!
Many thanks!
Happy New Year, Jessie! A blessed year to you and yours.
Lovely, clear and straight forward resolutions for 2020.
I love your new look with glasses 🙂
PS Mine will be ready in about two weeks time 🙂
Happy New Year, Patricia. I look forward to seeing your new glasses.