Glancing out of the window, I noticed a black sky with scorched stripes of amber light. Marbled clouds proceeded to march across the sky. My computer screen went black. A single radio wave appeared on my screen, and the distant sound of a radio tuning into a station transformed into enigmatic music. A silhouette appeared on the screen of my laptop. H.E Wilburson had arrived in cyberspace to tell me more about The Martian Diaries Trilogy.
Jessie: Hello H.E. I’m glad you’ve arrived safely. I hope the Martians are behaving. This is all very mysterious. Tell me more about The Martian Diaries.
H.E Wilburson: The Martian Diaries Trilogy is a continuation of H.G.Wells’ The War Of The Worlds, and hopefully an engaging sequel to the iconic scifi classic. Book 1, The Day Of The Martians, features the original characters battling a new Martian invasion in 1913 in a 2 hour audiobook with specially composed music.

Jessie: This is a clever concept for a book. I now understand why you’ve decided to meet me in cyberspace. What do others think about your audio book? Have any Martians made contact?
A radio crackled then I heard paper being shuffled.
H.E Wilburson: You’ll have to listen to my book to find out if the Martians have made contact. I’ve had some great reviews from people who have dared to enter my world.
Readers Favorite 5 star – Justine Reyes I implore fans of H.G. Wells and fans of the science fiction genre to listen and savour the adventure which H.E.Wilburson has given us. This was more than an audio book. This was, in many ways, a wonderfully executed tribute to H.G. Wells.
Rony Campbell Breakaway Reviewers – If you are, like me, a fan of ‘The War of the Worlds’ then download this audiobook. Discovering it has left me with the feeling that sometimes in life, amongst all the boring stuff, something comes along to shake up your life and make you grateful for other people’s creations.
Gabriel Blake Goodreads – To follow up something as legendary as ‘War of the Worlds’ is not an easy accomplishment and H.E.Wilburson should be very proud. Very proud indeed. I highly recommend giving this a listen, it will surprise you. It follows on from the original albeit a few years later, with the same cast of characters. It is tense, dramatic, and powerful. The narration and music: superb. I cannot praise ‘The Day of the Martians’ enough.
Jessie: Can you give us an extract from your novel that will tempt a reader.
H.E Wilburson: “The terror of the coming of the Martians was all but a distant memory, a bad dream that had faded with time. Unfolding the Daily Chronicle, I read and realised to my horror the discovery of a Martian cylinder…”

Jessie: This Martian Cylinder intrigues me. Can you tell us more? I can hear a transmission coming through my earphones. The Martians have sent two audio chapters of my book.
Find it in cyberspace at:
Jessie: How did you feel when you had finished writing your book, and did you miss any of the characters?
H.E Wilburson: The Day Of The Martians was completed as an audiobook with my own musical compositions and sound effects. However, my sense of achievement was overshadowed by the daunting task of writing the second book in The Martian Diaries series. Lake On The Moon is more than twice the length of the first book, and is a much darker tale, containing my answers to questions that H.G.Wells left unanswered in the original plot of The War Of The Worlds. Once the trilogy is finished, I’m sure I will miss the primary characters that have shaped the trilogy, such as Ogilvy the astronomer, the Artillery Man and of course the writer/narrator, who I named George after Mr Wells. The Martian Diaries series is very much a work in progress until book 3, Gateway To Mars is actually completed – hopefully before the end of 2019.

Jessie: Who would you like to read your book and why? This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family.
H.E Wilburson: I would have liked H.G.Wells to have read my book and to hear that he enjoyed it.
Jessie: Why should I keep your book in my handbag?
H.E Wilburson: Because it is the continuation of an iconic book to be listened to more than once. Most of us can identify with wanting a sequel to a story that we have enjoyed. Hopefully my book has been done well.
Jessie: What is the last sentence written in your writer’s notebook?
H.E Wilburson: When I have finished the third book in The Martian Diaries trilogy my final sentence will probably be… “I have my life back!”
Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?
H.E Wilburson: For me, the biggest challenge is making the reader care about the characters.
Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?
H.E Wilburson: Keep going

About H.E:
The author prefers to be known as H.E, has been composing music all his life but only within recent years has felt the urge to actually use his storytelling and music.
H.E would rather be composing music than writing. Has a particular affinity to Wales, having been born there, and has a compulsion to visit any time he is within 50 miles. H.E. is driven to create something special and as long as he has done his best, nothing else matters. He loves grey days, the great outdoors, and especially being by the sea.
Cosy nights in with a good film are particularly appealing, especially if it can prevent him from falling asleep.
Please see all my author interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
What a super interview. This sounds like a very interesting creative project.
It was a great experience meeting you in cyberspace Jessie. I look forward to sharing book two of The Martian Diaries with you next time.
Thanks for visiting my blog to comment. Delighted to feature your unique audio book.
It was an enjoyable experience meeting you in cyberspace Jessie. I am looking forward to sharing book two of The Martian Diaries with you next time.
Best wishes H.E.