The magic of Covent Garden cast its spell on me.Having seen the brilliant trailers for The One I Want, I felt as if I had walked into the pages of the novel. Lynne Shelby greeted me on a balmy summer’s evening, wearing a sleeveless linen dress and flat strappy sandals. Laughter of revellers, in the cafes and bars, rested on the warm air. Bottles of cool wine sat on tables and tempted us to join the merriment.
Lynne:I am so tempted to crack open a bottle of white wine, but I want to watch some street theatre.
We stopped to admire some mime artists performing an entertaining scene behind an invisible locked door. We sat outside a restaurant and ordered sparkling wine.
Jessie: The cover of your novel is delicious. What’s the novel about?
Lynne: Theatrical agent Lucy Ashford falls for film star Daniel Miller and is swept up into his celebrity lifestyle. But can Lucy tame the A-list bad boy, or she just one more girl in Daniel’s long line of conquests?
Lynne grabbed her book from her bag and instantly read an extract to me.

‘Lucy, tell me honestly. Is there something going on between you and Owen?’
‘There honestly isn’t,’ I said, taken aback. Where was this coming from?
‘I’m not attracted to him.’
‘Does he know that?’
Jessie: I love it.You get straight into the drama. How has the book been received by the reviewers?
Lynne: I’ve been so delighted by reviewers’ responses to the book. One reviewer described it as ‘a wonderful story and a really perfect summer read.’ Another said, ‘The story sweeps you away in a flurry of stardust that will leave you wanting an encore…’

Jessie: Who would you like to read your book and why? Â This could be another author, someone famous, a friend or a member of your family.
Lynne: I’m always delighted when a reader tells me that they’ve read and enjoyed my book. One of my dreams is to have one of my novels made into a film or TV series, so it’d be fabulous if a Hollywood director read The One That I Want and thought it would make a good script!
Jessie: Why should I keep your book in my handbag?
Lynne: Because it’s an entertaining story that gives an authentic picture of the glamourous world of showbusiness, but it also shows the importance of friends and family.
Jessie: What is the last sentence written in your notebook?
Lynne: She goes to Greece. But why?
(I need to get the heroine of my WIP to Greece, but not for a holiday.)
Jessie: What is the biggest challenge for an author?
Lynne: With so many books published each year, I think a lot of authors would say that getting your book seen by readers is a greater challenge than writing it.
Jessie: What is the best advice that you have received as a writer?
Lynne: To keep on writing even if your first efforts aren’t all you want them to be, because you can edit a first draft, but you can’t edit a blank page.
Jessie: Tell me three facts about yourself.

My ideal night out is a visit to a West End Theatre to see a play or a musical. I love travelling, especially exploring a foreign city. Being an author is the best job ever.
Lynne Shelby’s debut novel,French Kissing, won the Accent Press and Woman magazine Writing Competition. She’s done a variety of jobs from stable girl to legal administrator, but now writes full time. She lives in London with her husband and has three adult children who live nearby.
Contact details:
Please see all my author interviews at My Guests and my website and blog at JessieCahalin.com.
Lovely to read that Lynne wants to ‘keep in touch’ with the fictional Lucy. When a character is that real to a writer, readers will be able to empathise with her too.
A lovely peep into your world Lynne. Good luck with your new book and much future success. xx
Thanks for popping over to the blog. Lynne’s bookish world does look rather glamorous.
Another great blog and a tempting glimpse of a new book. I love the cover. Good luck to Lynne Shelby.
Always a pleasure to greet you here on a Monday morning. I think the book looks fab too. I wish you could have joined us in Covent Garden.